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BUlldogs Fans - YOU ARE A f**king DISGRACE!!!


That is a relief BPP.

But tonight was bad...now the fans are getting in on smearing teh name of my club. I was there and left with 5 minutes to go, I thought something big would happen off the field.

I was taunted, jostled and ridiculed but I did not take the provocation. Why can;t other fans be the same? :cry:

But just a note: some people here are as bad as the animals they are against.


And being a true bulldogs fan is perhaps the hardest calling of all at the moment.


I have to agree with Biscuits post. I went to the 2001 semi between the Dragons and Dogs, and even thought the Dragon army were out-numbered, we intimidated theirs. Nothing to really be afraid of.

Hehe me and my mate were threatened with a knife after the '99 GF by some bandwagon Melbourne fan........but anyway. :roll:

If these so called Dogs fans were true supporters, i would expect pitch invasions, flares and premier-league style chants.

The fact of the matter is, the TRUE Bulldogs fans are good people, and you get these fu*kwits ruining it for them.

League needs LOUD, PROUD, and sometimes dummy spitting fans, but we dont need these ppl looking for an excuse for violence.



bedsy said:
This is a disgrace... I really think these fans should take a look at what their doing to their club... as if their not in enough trouble they have fans that are sore losers and through botles at the Roosters players.

Don't call them fans bedsy. they're not fans. they couldn't give two shits for the Bulldogs club or how their f**ked up actions make us all look.

I can't believe how stupid these idiots are.

But please don't call them fans. They don't care for the club at all and just hurt the rest of us who do. I've never misbehved at a match in my life and i have no desire to be lumped in with the misbehaving rabble.

And a suggestion on how to stay safe at a Dogs game: Sit near me. i've never had a fight within 2 bays of me at any ground in the entire competition. Sit near Woods and stay safe :D


Dragon said:
I have to agree with Biscuits post. I went to the 2001 semi between the Dragons and Dogs, and even thought the Dragon army were out-numbered, we intimidated theirs. Nothing to really be afraid of.

Hehe me and my mate were threatened with a knife after the '99 GF by some bandwagon Melbourne fan........but anyway. :roll:

If these so called Dogs fans were true supporters, i would expect pitch invasions, flares and premier-league style chants.

The fact of the matter is, the TRUE Bulldogs fans are good people, and you get these fu*kwits ruining it for them.

League needs LOUD, PROUD, and sometimes dummy spitting fans, but we dont need these ppl looking for an excuse for violence.


Dragon I am glad you wrote this because I was trying to find similar words.

As a member of The Burrow and also supporter of a team that gets beaten far too often I know that tempers can get out of hand. I know as travelling fans we cop a lot of crap others just wouldn't cope with.

We don;t go looking for violence and we are adept at diffusing situations.

We'll always sing and chant..... and support our team. And that's all we'll ever do.


Parraren said:
Apparently quite a few people were arrested for brawling etc. They should be banned from all future NRL matches much like the Hooligans in the UK that are banned from watching Premier League Soccer matches. This is the only way the NRL can deal with this other than booting the Dogs from the comp whch I think is far too extreme. These idiots need to be stopped from going to the games!

This is in no way meant as a defence of the behaviour by that stupid element last night BUT I'd just like to point out that when i turned around in my seats in Bay 35 to watch about 10 guys get carted out and arrested by the cops about 10 minutes from full time, not a single one of them had any club colours of either team on. So who do we kick out due to their misbehaviour? They appeared to support noone and were just there to cause trouble.


there's four...the forth one is right at back and you can just make out his police cheques.

The lady cop is actually holding a batton and it's just about to land on the bulldog supporters head....


Big Poppa Pump said:
I did not write the earlier post from Big Poppa Pump. I had a party at my house & some fool has fluked my password & decided to play silly buggers.

I did not go to the game.

bet your PW was "roosters"

and now you've changed it to "mini"


A couple of points.

Clevo, i'm with you. I support the Raiders Home and Away and cop it often. I am fine with that. I DO however, to the protest of some of my fellow fans refuse to go to a dogs game. Not because I am afraid, if someone throws one at me I'll defend myself but in the Dogs case it is you vs about 40 and you're going to cop a kicking.

The league needs to take responsibility somewhat. In England they segregate fans. I'm not saying that is appropriate all the time but in a highly anticipated clash more should be done.

I know the moderators have a job to do. I hate to see people singled out. However if a certain "minority" if playing up we need to be able to tell it like it is. Don't pull the pin on posts because someone is telling their experiences and it has to do with a certain group.


I seem to remember Mortimer saying that the club is working towards averages of 30-40,000...surely he must have meant 3-4,000.

No media support, no fan support, no sponsorship. It could get very messy for the Dogs.


woodgers said:
A couple of points.

Clevo, i'm with you. I support the Raiders Home and Away and cop it often. I am fine with that. I DO however, to the protest of some of my fellow fans refuse to go to a dogs game. Not because I am afraid, if someone throws one at me I'll defend myself but in the Dogs case it is you vs about 40 and you're going to cop a kicking.

The league needs to take responsibility somewhat. In England they segregate fans. I'm not saying that is appropriate all the time but in a highly anticipated clash more should be done.

I know the moderators have a job to do. I hate to see people singled out. However if a certain "minority" if playing up we need to be able to tell it like it is. Don't pull the pin on posts because someone is telling their experiences and it has to do with a certain group.

From my experiences the only time I really get worried is at Brookvale oval. I'll still go to the game because Souths need all the support from fanatical fans they can get.

With all other clubs we are experienced at diffusing a potential ugly situation and more often than not we'll join opposition fans for a drink back at a local pub.

With the Chook Pen and Dragon army we just chant each other off and leave it at that.

All fans get worked up and sometimes there's nothing you can do but fortunately I have never seen the situation this bad. The Burrow tend to know where to draw the line and like what you say you have a right to defend yourself.

Singing and chanting by nature is provokative. We cop it and dish it out...as long as it;s left at singing and chanting then there should never be a problem and the vast majority don;t have a problem with off field sledging. It's part of the game.

I blame the way this game was hyped up really. The NRl needs to be careful in the marketing. Especially with the salary cap working to make teams more even.
Bring in Cornelia Frances to run the NRL.

"Bulldogs, you are the weakest link.....Goodbye".

It just never stops. After the Bulldogs v Canberra game down at Bruce last year, when similar things happened, I said to myself that that would be the last Bulldogs game I ever go to. It's a complete disgrace and the time has come for the axe to fall.


First Grade
The bulldogs have to be the most hated club out of any code in the whole country


Dragon said:
Hehe me and my mate were threatened with a knife after the '99 GF by some bandwagon Melbourne fan........but anyway. :roll:

A question for you, did you report it? If not why not?

I was the coordinated for 5,500 storm supporters to travel up to Sydney for the 99 GF and had meetings with the Club, NRL and authorities before and after the game. Not one reported incident was report like that. We had two thrown out of the ground for being drunk and that was it.

We have strict rules down here regarding our supporters and if it had of been reported it would have been dealt with.

It is easy to throw something like that out there like that with out backing it up.

What gets me is that as we are all League fans we all would have seen something, and nine times out of ten it is one pratt that isn't there for the game or club but just to start something.

Since Storm entered the comp I have travelled to away games from Canberra to Townsvilles and there hasn't been one trip that someone has been a pratt and most others supporters are great.

We have seen 4 parra. mates kick the crap out of one of their own just coz he congratulated another supporters for their team winning and beating the Eels.

I'm not saying that Storm supporters are perfect, but it is only a small minotiry that go to the games to cause the problems that we all need to help stamp out of our game.


I never thought I'd say this, but...

Dogs to relocate to Wellington or the GC?

I know it will suck for true Dogs fans, but they would still play ~8 games per year in Sydney, so you could still support them.

It just seems the club may self-destruct otherwise. Everyone has it in for them, and these few idiot "fans" are making the situation untenable. That will drive sponsors away more than anything. The new $1m sponsorship that was set to be announced looks very unlikely now.

There have also been mumblings of the Dogs merging with the Sharks. I started thinking that wasn't a bad idea and would help both clubs (image-wise for the Dogs, financially for Cronulla) -- but now, I can't see the Sharks followers going for it.

A real shame. That game was pretty scintillating otherwise!
I know last nights crowd wouldve been 10000 bigger if evry one went a lot of people i know bulldog and easts supporters didnt front up in fear of trouble and riots its a shame its only a f**king game .
I was looking out for suicide bombers.