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BUlldogs Fans - YOU ARE A f**king DISGRACE!!!

Dogs Of War

Biscuits said:
About 10 years ago i was playing B grade when all of a sudden a new team appeared under an established clubs colours. Thes players were people i knew from high school and local areas etc.Myself and my mates had to defend ourselves against these guys on countless occasions against these thugs and were always outnumberd. They were all trouble makers bar about 2 or 3 that unfortunately had grown up with these guys and probably genuinely wanted to try their hand at footy. None of the squad had ever played footy before and none ever played again after that season. They were playing for one reason and one reason only, controlled mayhem. They wanted to get into fights where it was unlikely they would face criminal charges, would not confront weapons and could gang up 3, 4 or 5 on one. They didnt care about the footy and neither do these disgusting fans.

Funny you should say that, playing oztag a couple of weeks ago, and one of my mates and one of the opposition got into a fight, next thing we knew their was 40 of their mates (2 minutes I swear) pushing and shoving us (8 of us), due to these antics the game got called off, and then as we tried to leave the ground all 40 "heroes" rushed the bloke who got in the intial altercation to kick the shit out of him, then ran away. No prizes for guess which nationalty these scumbags were, I swear these are the same sort of dicks who come to bulldogs games. Funny thing is that this team was leading our game 6-1, best team in the competition, and due to their antics they got kicked out the week before the semi's.

Maybe the Bulldogs and the NRL can run full page ads with photos of the unidentified trouble makers (even the identified ones) to embarress them in their family and social circles. Something has to be done to remove this blight from the game and I think the Bulldogs need to spare no expense at doing so. As I said previously, kicking them out will only penalise the true fans, the idiots will start supporting YOUR club, and noone else deserves that sort of trouble.


I stopped attending matches involving Canterbury in Sydney years ago. Back in the Belmore days. Saw many instances of violence, both in and outside the ground. Groups targeting 1 or 2 people. Other clubs with strong Multicultural support (Parra & Saints to name 2) don't have such problems. Its just an element from the South West....who follow the Dogs and are largely Lebanese.
It's a shame an entire race is generalised due to this minority.

Have been to see Canterbury play Storm a couple times in Melbourne.... no trouble. Not enough fans make the trip, and even the ones who do aren't stupid enough to cause trouble with Maori's.

This talk of banning troublesome fans for life is all well and good.... how could they possibly keep track of them all? People on the gates are going to have photographic memories are they?


Parraren said:
The way I feel right now. I'd have no defense if the Bulldogs were kicked out of the comp. These sh*ts need to be removed from our game, and if removing the Bulldogs is the only way to do that, then so be it. I put the game before my beloved club any day, and I'd be prepared to sacrifice the team I've supported for the last twenty four years, since I was six, just to remove these animals.

Whilst I applaud your sentiments I fear that there would be more to lose than to gain by doing this, i.e court cases etc. If only there were more Bulldogs supporters such as yourself. It's a real shame. The problem of this 'minority' group unfortunately exists in the wider community as well. I don't consider myself a racist (being of ethnic background as well) but I sure as hell wouldn't be upset if the lot of them were hauled up on a ship and sent back to the miserable sh*thole from whence they came.

it did look bad on tv - however, we cannot say if it was a certain group of people doing it...I do feel sorry for the ordinary Bulldog fan - the one that goes and pays his moey to watch a game and have to watch a minority create havoc...

The club needs to put more security people in and any team that plays the Bulldogs should ensure the bill goes to them..I am certain that the unruley fans will be isolated soon and morst probably given life bans - but the question remains how do you identy them anyways??

To the maority of Bulldog fans - keep your head up - it may also rely a lot on you guys and gals to identify the rotten eggs...


Clevo said:
The players should have ignored the first bottle... it's what most players do when they are taunted at the sidelines by opposition supporters.

and if it had hit someone in the head?? don't worry about it just carry on - I bet you would when your getting stitches


If it hit a player on the head...take it to the ref. That's what the refs for. Not like a platic bottle will cause stiches

The player took matter into his own hands.....


First Grade
ozzie said:
Parraren said:
The way I feel right now. I'd have no defense if the Bulldogs were kicked out of the comp. These sh*ts need to be removed from our game, and if removing the Bulldogs is the only way to do that, then so be it. I put the game before my beloved club any day, and I'd be prepared to sacrifice the team I've supported for the last twenty four years, since I was six, just to remove these animals.

Whilst I applaud your sentiments I fear that there would be more to lose than to gain by doing this, i.e court cases etc. If only there were more Bulldogs supporters such as yourself. It's a real shame. The problem of this 'minority' group unfortunately exists in the wider community as well. I don't consider myself a racist (being of ethnic background as well) but I sure as hell wouldn't be upset if the lot of them were hauled up on a ship and sent back to the miserable sh*thole from whence they came.

it did look bad on tv - however, we cannot say if it was a certain group of people doing it...I do feel sorry for the ordinary Bulldog fan - the one that goes and pays his moey to watch a game and have to watch a minority create havoc...

The club needs to put more security people in and any team that plays the Bulldogs should ensure the bill goes to them..I am certain that the unruley fans will be isolated soon and morst probably given life bans - but the question remains how do you identy them anyways??

To the maority of Bulldog fans - keep your head up - it may also rely a lot on you guys and gals to identify the rotten eggs...

I could say as i was right near the incidents. Lebenese bulldogs supporters and one Rooster fan. Ban them all for life, kick em out of the country! Aint gonna do shit all, there will be more dumbmerkins who will take their place.


Clevo said:
If it hit a player on the head...take it to the ref. That's what the refs for. Not like a platic bottle will cause stiches

The player took matter into his own hands.....
You're kidding. A full plastic bottle could not only cause you to need stitches, but it could take out an eye if you are unlucky! :roll:


Clevo said:
woodgers said:
A couple of points.

Clevo, i'm with you. I support the Raiders Home and Away and cop it often. I am fine with that. I DO however, to the protest of some of my fellow fans refuse to go to a dogs game. Not because I am afraid, if someone throws one at me I'll defend myself but in the Dogs case it is you vs about 40 and you're going to cop a kicking.

The league needs to take responsibility somewhat. In England they segregate fans. I'm not saying that is appropriate all the time but in a highly anticipated clash more should be done.

I know the moderators have a job to do. I hate to see people singled out. However if a certain "minority" if playing up we need to be able to tell it like it is. Don't pull the pin on posts because someone is telling their experiences and it has to do with a certain group.

From my experiences the only time I really get worried is at Brookvale oval. I'll still go to the game because Souths need all the support from fanatical fans they can get.

With all other clubs we are experienced at diffusing a potential ugly situation and more often than not we'll join opposition fans for a drink back at a local pub.

With the Chook Pen and Dragon army we just chant each other off and leave it at that.

All fans get worked up and sometimes there's nothing you can do but fortunately I have never seen the situation this bad. The Burrow tend to know where to draw the line and like what you say you have a right to defend yourself.

Singing and chanting by nature is provokative. We cop it and dish it out...as long as it;s left at singing and chanting then there should never be a problem and the vast majority don;t have a problem with off field sledging. It's part of the game.

I blame the way this game was hyped up really. The NRl needs to be careful in the marketing. Especially with the salary cap working to make teams more even.

I agree Clevo - I enjoy going to South's games - the only problem I have seen at a Rooster V South's game was when two South flag wavers decided to have a blue amongst themselves - no one got hurt and it only lasted thirty seconds..
trouble is it's the gutless approach to these people from this so called ethnic background as most if not all are born here but refuse to be known as australians by governments and the police who are scared of the do gooders recation. i would put the do gooders in their place and tell the police be what you are supposed to be a police force and use all and any force to get rid of trouble makers at football games and on the streets of south west sydney and sydney cbd/movie strip.


I don't think the police would have much to worry about from community reaction if they threw the whole bunch of troublemakers (both Roosters and Dogs) in the slammer for a while. Just about everyone seems to be pissed off at the lot of them. The main problem would likely be that they would be in and out of court in 5 minutes on a good behaviour bond or some such rubbish.


Last year when the Doggies got smashed by the Warriors in the semis - you didn't see any Doggies "supporters" trying to start any trouble with the Warriors fans - I wonder why that was?


Staff member
Even if provoked, thats still not a valid excuse, hopefully the Rooster fans that were involved will cop the same penalty as the Bulldogs fans, and a please explain from Brett Finch might be in order too.
Matt23 said:
Even if provoked, thats still not a valid excuse, hopefully the Rooster fans that were involved will cop the same penalty as the Bulldogs fans, and a please explain from Brett Finch might be in order too.

Based on what I've been told, Finch is no stranger when it comes to crowd abuse. I beleived he copped his fair share and that's mostly from Canberra supporters when he used to play for them.

Now for Finch to react, as allegations suggest, I can only suspect that he took offence when he was thrown a bottle of diet coke. Not that Finch needs to loose weight.

Let's get real here for a minute. I've seen players score tries and play up to the crowd but that never caused crowds to rip up seats.

As for the brawls. That was inevitable, RL needs closure on the Coffs Harbour incident and it needs it soon. Till then we all have to trust the systems in place to handle it.


Staff member
I think bazza was suggesting that the cowards didn't want to start any trouble with the warriors' supporters
bazza said:
Last year when the Doggies got smashed by the Warriors in the semis - you didn't see any Doggies "supporters" trying to start any trouble with the Warriors fans - I wonder why that was?

They probably couldn't understand what the Warrior fans were saying. I know I do. :D


balmainbenny said:
John Howard has spent a lot of money in preventing terrorism. The forces should practice their skills, by controlling the bulldog fans. They are an even bigger threat than Al Queda atm

That is the most stupidest thing I have ever seen published in this forum. Get a clue!


bazza said:
Last year when the Doggies got smashed by the Warriors in the semis - you didn't see any Doggies "supporters" trying to start any trouble with the Warriors fans - I wonder why that was?

The Warriors fans dont sledge other supporters as I have noticed this the last few times theyve been to Parramatta Stadium. Plus you wouldnt want to fight them, look at the size of them, you would be KO'd.

Dr Crane

Live Update Team
I think bazza was suggesting that the cowards didn't want to start any trouble with the warriors' supporters

Repeat the use of the word 'cowards' at the end of the sentence.