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Are you gonna keep trying to take little stabs at me like a jealous 16 years old school girl for much longer millers? Because your looking like a bit of a tool, I don't ask anyone to agree with my views.
As for the topic at hand, him getting dropped was unfortunately inevitable, sharks have set themselves a precedent and I guess they feel as though they have to keep it going.
I think he should of been fined perhaps, i dunno about dropped. At least it is early in the season. I think it is all a bit harsh really

I must admit I have enjoyed it, but I tell you what Azzah, I will stop acting ike a jealous 16 yo school girl ( I think you are just wishful thinking), if you stop acting like a toss pot and bagging shyte out of Barrett. FFS we all know how you feel about him and don't need constant reminders. If he farks up, you wont be alone having a shot at him.

As for the rest of your post, I can't agree more. You are spot on IMO

The Dodger

First Grade
i don't understand.

first there a mobile phone pics of him sleeping on a flowerbed after wetting himself.

now that thats been disproved, there are new mobile photos of him stumbling onto a woman in the mall?

don't you just love technology?

i bet you they were iphones too.

i now blame apple.


First Grade
But wouldnt the CCTV footage have shown all this?

A single still frame can look terrible but the actual frame by frame footage always shows what clearly happened so show that. It could ahve been someone he knew for all we know.

Its like all those sh*tt gossip mags taking a photo of a celebrity blinking or yawning and then running with a story about a drug and booze fuelled night based on one badly timed photo.

If he has done something wrong then why not show the CCTV footage on the news. One photo FMD!!! Eat a dikk Weidler and Co..

The Dodger

First Grade

NRL board examining Seymour footage

THE NRL board will consider new mobile phone footage of Cronulla halfback Brett Seymour allegedly in a drunken state after a drinking binge on Sunday.
The vision, which was obtained by Channel Nine, allegedly shows Seymour staggering through Cronulla mall after being ejected from a nightlclub and falling to the ground with a woman who had been trying to help him stand up.
Other footage allegedly shows Seymour lying on the ground and walking around without a shirt.
CCTV footage from the mall also allegedly shows Seymour being ejected from 2230 Restaurant & Bar for being drunk and wearing thongs.
The Sharks playmaker has been stood down from playing and training while the club investigates allegations against him, including complaints that he abused patrons at another bar earlier in the night.
The Cronulla players had been out drinking with coach Ricky Stuart on Sunday afternoon but most of the group departed well before Seymour was thrown out of the night club at about midnight.
An emergency phone hook up of NRL directors was called today to determine whether action should be taken against Seymour and Roosters hooker Jake Friend, who was charged with drink driving at 3.45am Tuesday.
The NRL is also considering whether to impose fines against the Sharks and Roosters over the drinking sessions that resulted in their players getting into trouble.
The NRL is also considering whether to impose fines against the Sharks and Roosters over the drinking sessions that resulted in their players getting into trouble.

seriously, if seymour cops anything for this, wouldn't the same then be applied to watmough?

what has seymour done that is worse than what that farkn tool did?

and why would the club get fined if it wasn't even a club function?
wasn't it just the boys going out for a few drinks.

this is becoming a joke.
If he has done something wrong then why not show the CCTV footage on the news. One photo FMD!!! Eat a dikk Weidler and Co..

firstly they would need permission from various parties involved to use CCTV footage and even if Buster wanted it shown his solicitors might even think that its in his "best Interest" not to have it released. If there is anything "unlawful" in the footage then it would most likely be in the public domain once it goes to court. however if it just shows him staggering around and having a nap then chances are it most likely wont be released.

that being said.... if it was from someones mobile phone... well Im not sure what the states privacy laws have to say about it.... but it would be interesting to know.


This whole thing is a f**king joke.
Did Seymour hurt anyone?
Did he do anything illegal?
No, so move on.


First Grade

CRONULLA has sacked half-back Brett Seymour for two matches and fined him $20,000 for drunken behaviour last weekend.

The move to suspend Seymour was made this afternoon after a Cronulla resident sold video footage of the incident to Channel Nine.

Seymour will miss the matches against Newcastle and St George-Illawarra. The club will shortly release a statement to confirm the suspension

Why couldn't it have just been one game...


First Grade
20K is very steep, who taped this, im sure like others have said there would be privacy issues.


he f**ked up - has to take his medicine now

he did nothing illegal, but has brought the game into disrepute - he obviously didnt think much of the stewart incident a week prior

stewart got sat down by the NRL for a month becuase his club sat on their hands

seymour may have got 4 weeks as well if the sharks sat on their hands regarding the incident

1 week would of looked weak on the clubs behalf

if ever the drags had an ideal opportunity to roll us - it now presents itself


Oh gee,,,lets all cower to the almighty rable that is the NRL.
What a f**k'n joke...fined 20 G's for having a night out on the turps...je showerd up for training for farks sake!!!!!
If that kind of fine was imposed on me for a Bender then ....well....I'd be financially fugged lets just say.
How much was Andy O'feffe fined by channel seven for his Pizz fueled fun???? A lot more people would be watching him then Buster....
Yet another of the NRL's tactics to repair a game that they have f**ked themselves...
and yes I know it was the Club that imposed this fine but at the end of the day they were just following suit.
I blame the Media for this whole Sh!tfight...bloody sensationalism !
Weidler you merkin! I hope you are never allowed an interview with the grounds keeper at Shark Park let alone anyone with football info again!

Rant Over.................


First Grade
he f**ked up - has to take his medicine now

he did nothing illegal, but has brought the game into disrepute - he obviously didnt think much of the stewart incident a week prior

stewart got sat down by the NRL for a month becuase his club sat on their hands

seymour may have got 4 weeks as well if the sharks sat on their hands regarding the incident

1 week would of looked weak on the clubs behalf

if ever the drags had an ideal opportunity to roll us - it now presents itself


You know something, I have mentioned many times that I am only following League to see my beloved Sharkies win a farkin comp.

I hate the modern game, I hate everything about it, the way its run, the way its played, the mightier than thou bullsh!t that they try an inflict on me.

Fair dinkum a bloke could just give it all away.

You want to know who should be fined $20,000.00. The farkin NRL for making the Pennies play in those away jerseys against the sharks. That was a bigger farkup for the game then a 24 year old bloke having a few too many at a nightclub.

It is just total bullsh!t what is going on with todays game.

And as for that grub that sold the footage, someone should grab him by the throat and shove his mobile phone that far up his farkin arse that when it rings you'd be able to talk into his ears.

I wish we had a Manly Dessie in our ranks banging his fist on tables right now.

Oh thats right we are the Sharks. The Simmos of the NRL

f**k the lot of em.

Declared Idiot #88

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