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the girl on the channel 9 footage said, and quote - "we knew who he was, we know who the footballers are"

then proceeded to say they were just helping him get a taxi

why the f**k did the other one have the mobile phone out....

and what about the dress one of them was wearing, she would need to shave before going out in a dress like that - and i dont mean her legs


hunt em down and smash there phones, hope they are proud of themselves for taking advantage of it knowing full well they will piss off many many people

fugg it, i give up ](*,)

soft c**k club
self rightous attitude
double standards


have not seen it (the footage) yet spide, but if she was responsible for the filming and the selling of the footage, then she doesn't need to shave it and show it to prove that she is one.

Declared Idiot #88


the girl on the channel 9 footage said, and quote - "we knew who he was, we know who the footballers are"

then proceeded to say they were just helping him get a taxi

why the f**k did the other one have the mobile phone out....

and what about the dress one of them was wearing, she would need to shave before going out in a dress like that - and i dont mean her legs

And how much did this trollope accept off Channel Nazi for the footage of her phone?

What bullshyte

We were just helping him get in a taxi but we thought we better get some saleable footage of a drunk NRL player as well. If The footballer can't be blackmailed we'll sell it to the media

I'm gonna turn into reefy, fair dinkum. Fuggen women should be seen not heard, chained to the kitchen and only respond when they are spoken to. Who lets these bitches off the leash at night?

Fair dinkum, if they didn't have c.. well you know, you wouldn't feed them


yeah i agree

he f**ked up - then got f**ked over by those two

i notice she kept her profile seemingly protected when interviewed


Well I've just watched the "footage"

Lame evidence. The only thing that shames me is the level of drunkedness Seymour is at.


Yeah but he still got to and completed training at 9.00 AM -so where sthe f**king crime , he never drove , he never hurt anyone - bloody hell !!!

As for those schlarpa's - f**k maybe someone should video tape them and send it to their bosses

Since 73

First Grade
Our club must think they're the new Jim Comans.
Clean the game up by wielding a big stick.

tavita - gone straight up
Bird - gone, as above
seymour -2 games suspension and 20K in the pocket

While all over the comp other blokes aren't missing a game for lesser allegations!

If gallop doesn't step, in the fuggwit from Roosters was playing this week and he is facing criminal charges.
Buster was sitting on the sidelines after falling over pissed, hurting nobody but himself.

Lockyer gets pissed and tackles the publican who came out to stop him taking booze of the premises.
Watmough gets pissed, and clocks a sponsor and hasn't missed a minute of game time.

Is this a joke?

The footage is buster doing the wobblybloodyboot with some woman who was probably laughing her tits off.

What purpose does it serve buster not playing this week.
We lose out.
The team loses out.

They've fined him 20K - how hard do you weant to ram home the point zaps??

Good stuff Gallop.
Buster, Watmough and Lockyer.
The bloke hit the hardest was the one bloke who should've walked.

And where's the merkin with the phone?


First Grade
I'm seriously losing faith in the club at office level. I saw brett out on saturday night and he was just another bloke enjoying the night, cannot believe it has blown up like it has. I keep thinking of Zappia and his incident with that girl he punched and how that got covered up and he got off without a massive fine?? Im with Frenzy its time to go zaps.

Wonder how this will impact monday nights crowd, i know im thinking twice about going now.


wow... that's a media beat up if i have ever seen one

Have to support the club's action but, if he wasn't stood down the NRL would have anyway....the fine is harsh but maybe that's what needs to be done. I am sick of us being in the papers for all the wrong reasons. I think most players would reconsider binging on if they face the prospect of a $20000 fine.

We have now set a precedent. I hope this is the last bad publicity we have this year, i'd like to see us fly under the radar.

Weather the player's like it or not they are in the public eye. So their actions will be publicly scrutinised, i know i have been drunker then seymour was but at the same time i don't have thousands of kids idolising me, plus fans supporting me.

Let's hope he gets his head screwed on and gets back to what he does best

Special K

Zappia has once again! Once again he bowed to the NRL and pulled the line of being scared of sponsors. Do these sponsors really care? Didn't we just sign Reni who got fired for being pissed?

Just one question.. When was the last time our club stood by someone? Even the NRL judiciary? The last person I can remember us defending I think was Stevo in about 2004? Before that it was Gallen and Bailey in 2002?


All hail the great Zap :roll:


Just one question.. When was the last time our club stood by someone? Even the NRL judiciary? The last person I can remember us defending I think was Stevo in about 2004? Before that it was Gallen and Bailey in 2002?
was BP on the nrl board back then?

i cant see zappia making these decisions on his pat malone

he would have run it by at least an executive committee


I'm all for the club being proactive where there is genuine reason to eg Birdgate.

But fair dinkum Seymour stumbling around a bit is extremely innocuous.
No drink driving (extremely low act which deserves punishment).
No sexual assault (extremely low act which deserves punishment).
Completely bloody harmless.

I think a reasonable penalty for the club to impose is $5k & 0 missed games.

Maybe the NRL would have come over the top with more ... but the Sharks should have at least tried to establish some consistency in line with the alleged offence !

BTW I think there is zero risk of Buster leaving ... he's not the sharpest tool in the shed, but even he knows he should have kept a lower profile right now ...

Since 73

First Grade
Where does the 20K go?
In the coffers?

Buster's contribution should pay the wages for another week anyway.

Wonder they didn't slug him a bit more - pay off the loan.


That girl trying to "hold him up" looked as pissed as him. At one point it appeared as though Seymour was trying to hold HER up!

Seriously, he did the wrong thing, and needs to cop the punishment, but it all honesty, it was a NOTHING incident. I remember Brad Fittler being found outside a Police Station one day, and people thinking he was a hero because of it!!!


You blokes must be extremely pissed with this jibbereing panderer zappia...

FMD.Even i am ropeable and the soft knob has nothing to do with my club.


wow... that's a media beat up if i have ever seen one

Have to support the club's action but, if he wasn't stood down the NRL would have anyway....the fine is harsh but maybe that's what needs to be done. I am sick of us being in the papers for all the wrong reasons. I think most players would reconsider binging on if they face the prospect of a $20000 fine.

We have now set a precedent. I hope this is the last bad publicity we have this year, i'd like to see us fly under the radar.

Weather the player's like it or not they are in the public eye. So their actions will be publicly scrutinised, i know i have been drunker then seymour was but at the same time i don't have thousands of kids idolising me, plus fans supporting me.

Let's hope he gets his head screwed on and gets back to what he does best

The farkin' precedent was set with Watmough and Stewart you tool.

Manlys way. Nuffin' happend so to stop Dessie thumping the desk at the committee meeting we are playing both players.

NRL steps in (the precedent) Stewart not playing cause he was pissed. "We all know why he was dropped for four weeks and it wasn't because of the piss episode."

But the precedent was set wasn't it.... Tool.

Watmough snots a sponsor at an official club pissup. Way too munch piss drunk - whoa whoa.......... but it is all swept under the brookvale carpet.

Now correct me here. I might of missed something. How many weeks did Watmough get again.

Now the reality of the situation.

I don't think I even need to gothrough it. 24 year old male - white - 11pm ish, has too many drinks gets filmed with a woman - He might of had a firearm but the mobile phone cam didn't pick that up. He might of had a knife concealed on his person. The cam didn't pick it up.

Now if the mole paparazzi wanted to they could of filmed , oh I don't know how many 20 something drunk males that night in that area. But arrhhh no, It was a just a footballer on the piss after making hisfirst successful comeback after a knee recon and well probably letting off a bit of steam.

Farkin' criminal he is.

Now the film is sold to the grubs, shown on TV, Mr Gallop strong righteous he of no life wields a big big stick, so the club known as the club that backs its players (it is us I am talking about here tool) what do they do.

Gee those sharks know how to handle the criminal element within the club. Wish everybody in the NRL was like Cronulla.

Dessie is probably on the piss right now with Watmough laughing through his Crown Lagers.

Declared Idiot #88

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