Are the AFL not in it for a more long term amount of time than just one super hyped up signing? A couple of weeks bit of mania doesn't effect that.
They're paying two blokes a million a season each and so far all they have to show for it is a week of hype that faded quicker than Roy Bell's NRL career.
They were in it for the long haul with the Swans and Lions too, both of whom are staring into the abyss thanks to plumetting crowds and ratings and having their fanbases split by the AFL itself.
The point is that if $BW does come back, AFL stories, in Sydney especially, will end up where they belong, just below the Bowls results for the foreseeable future. It will be actual big news in Sydney sport, not like a staged fight between two AFL dinosaurs picked up by an AFL friendly news organisation or news on how the new AFL team picked up 22 new stick inects that no one north of the Barrsssi line has ever heard of in the pathetically rigged draft.
To be honest there are probably more legs to this story. No doubt, Money Bill's manager is scouting for the best deal possible and that photograph wasn't an accident. He'll move from NZ rugby but I think back to Toulon is still a possibility. Hopefully he comes back to the NRL as he is much better suited to League.
I wouldn't know, I didn't see him play Union.
As for where he ends up, I couldn't give a rat's arse if he goes to Toolong, Namibia or the East Westchester Northstars in Union. I care if he comes back to Rugby League and I would much prefer he rot in your game, but I can see the positives in him coming back...