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Canterbury.....The great Myth of the new millenium.


Anyway - for everything you've said...only ONE club's player went to prison earlier this year....CAN U REMIND ME WHO THAT WAS AGAIN REEFY? :?:

I've PLUM forgotten... ;-)


To put things further into context for you regarding precedents of monetary penalties,

The 1994 premiers were found to be over the cap by 13.9%

You need to remember that the cap was only $1.8M then so a $250K breach then was statistically worse.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
blacktip-reefy said:
In the end, most believe the final penalty was nothing more than a slap on the wrist.

"Most" believe? :lol: :lol: :lol: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Stop forcing your pessimistic hate-filled opinion on other people you grand fool.

*glances at Cronulla trophy cabinet*

Hmmm, no NRL NSWRL or ARL premierships. WHAT A SHAMEFUL CLUB.

blacktip-reefy said:
Apart from that, the anti social supporters of the club, as well as allegation of rape, adultery within the club, board room back stabbing & involvement in community rorting real estate deals, did nothing to enhance the clubs very poor image.

community rorting real estate deal? :lol:

I'm guessing they're involved in dodgy breathing tactics too, just to keep their players alive. Oh, and they walk illegally too :roll:

Methinks your statements reak of jealousy.


First Grade
Anyway - for everything you've said...only ONE club's player went to prison earlier this year....CAN U REMIND ME WHO THAT WAS AGAIN REEFY?

And to think that he was such a nice, honest stand up guy at his previous club! ;-)


blacktip-reefy said:
Your club are cheats.

Well, what's your hobby then?

And btw - you left out "you know what"....



DJ1 said:
It's quite clear that you do not really understand the issues you are posting about.

Its quite clear you are quite good at promoting the lies that transpired in the salary cap breach. Well done.
But alas, you have not a clue at the deals that were done.

Eventual winners, the Cantebury club, broke very rule in the book to assemble a squad to win the premiership, or perhaps many.
DJ1 said:
Rubbish! The Dogs broke the cap in 2002. One rule, different squad. They were within the reduced cap (penalty imposed) in 2003 and the reduced cap in 2004. They return to the standard cap for 2005.
Actually, complet & utter rubbish by you.
the majority of the ley players payments were out of the way in 2002. Freeing up large amounts for the rest of the 3 year(the cheating period minimum) contracts(s)
DJ1 said:
The 2002 breach of $400K was through the use of third party payments for players which were not declared to the NRL. This $400K breach was the overall figure for the entire squad. The squad in question was not rated by the main RL commentators as being a chance for the finals at the beginning of 2002.
the agreed amount was 400k. Big difference.

DJ1 said:
Whilst the uninformed like yourself claim it was a brilliant squad which would not have been assembled to the detriment of other teams, many RL insiders understand that there were a number of key issues which led to the breach.
Oh so you are an insider!!!! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
If you were, you would have more insight into the negotiations & threats during the $1 million salary cap rort debacle.

DJ1 said:
a)The club officials simply paid far too much for certain players (i.e. $250K for Trindall)
yep thats right. Tell us all again, how much was Trindall on?

DJ1 said:
b)They had no real understanding of the complexities within the salary cap itself.
They had every unbderstanding. There were none better than the cantebury club & rorting the system, systematically, over a period of years.

DJ1 said:
i.e. The sponsor serving allowance had effectively lifted the cap for the 2002 season from $3.25M to $3.45M. Despite being able to fully utilise this cap exemption as they met that criteria, the club did not take advantage of this. This alone would have halved their breach to $200K. Thus reducing a 12.3% breach ($400K over $3.25M) to a 5.8% breach ($200K over $3.45M). In effect, a simple accounting practice change which they were eligible to receive would most likely have resulted in the club receiving a much lower penalty.

You forgot about the other 700k!
You honestly think that if they could have slid payments from one account to another(which all sounds completely legal) that the NRL would have continued with prosecution!!! Even the tax department isnt that hard.

heres a tip, go for a walk through a jail, you should be pretty close to some & you might even recognise a few faces, & have a listen to the hard luck stories.

DJ1 said:
c)Key accountablity at the clubs board comes down to the advice provided by the clubs legal counsel at the time, McIntyre. It was reported that when questioned by the board as to the legality of all player payment structures, McIntyre informed then CEO Hagan that it was all above board.
Oh yes the scapegoats. Enter the world of Cantebury backstabbing.
It is impressive to watch & it never stops. Coaches, family, players, admin always laying into each other.

DJ1 said:
d)It was later revealed that it was highly likely that the leak to the media came from McIntyres aquaintances. It was also alleged that McIntyre was attempting to use the salary cap breach as a means to oust Hagan and assume the CEO role himself. It would seem that McIntyre also assumed that the NRL would adhere to it's own precedents of previous cap breaches and simply fine the club an amount equivalent to the breach and possibly deduct a maximum of 4 points as per the NRL memorandum which outlined all the penalties for breaches.

Nothing more than conjecture. The story was incredibly well done & the research was deep & spot on. The NRL was asking the SMH team for information nearly all of the way.
they prolonged the story for 14 days as leading story, each day adding another chapter of rorting & howdeep into the community it went.

DJ1 said:
Having been exposed by whistle blowers in the media after passing internal NRL investigations, they were eventually fined in 2002 & stripped of their points, for that year only.

They were forced to operate on a reduced cap for 2003 (the reduction of $400K from their 2003 cap matched the amount of the cap breach in 2002)
But like you said, they found new accounts to slide money into.
Actual cap difference ended up being around 100k.
Or 2 Trickies.

DJ1 said:
But when you are $1 million over the cap, anything is possible.

.....but as yet, no-one has been found to be in breach by $1M. The highest has been the Doggies 2002 with $400K, Raiders 1994 $250K and Roosters 2002 $150K (per year Craig Wing contract).
you are right. Nobody has been "convicted" of being $1 million over. Could you imagine what would happen if somebody did exceed by that much?

Self managed superannuation trusts are a beautiful thing aren't they?

DJ1 said:
Commercial restraints & the continuation of that years competition restricted the removal of the club altogether from the competition & the dissemination of the cantebury contracted players amongst the other clubs.

If the NRL had attempted to do this we would have no salary cap now. The Bulldogs had every right to challenge the legality of the penalty but did not to assist the healing process. Key challenge points,

DJ1 said:
a)Restraint of trade. All legal opinion states that the cap would not stand up to this challenge.
The salary cap is in complete contradiction to work practices. Any idiot knows that. That is why it is more of an agreement in place between the NRL admin & the honest clubs. Something which Cantebury admin, players & supporters thought they were higher or better than.

DJ1 said:
b)Precedent of penalty. All previous penalties for breaches of all types resulted in a monetary penalty only.
But you dont know everything about the money trail do you.

DJ1 said:
c)Points provision. The most up to date memorandum to the clubs at the time stated a maximum 4 point penalty for breaches and it was not effectively clarified to all participating clubs that a higher penalty was likely.
So what is the penalty for taking a loaded gun onto the feild to kill the ref if he penalises you?
What a fuggin lame excuse. Typical.

DJ1 said:
d)Despite the claims of a club chairman (George Piggins) that many clubs had similar if not identical undisclosed payment processes in place, the NRL refused to complete the same third party audit on all clubs. (It was later revealed that the Roosters had only disclosed 50% of Craig Wings $300K contract over 2 years, this resulted in a penalty of $300K, no points or handing of the 2002 premiership trophy to the Warriors)

Because, if you fail to see, the Dogs situation was far worse than has been revealed. why do you think they jumped at the chance to take the fine.
because G & F wanted them gone for good.

Great men!

DJ1 said:
In the end, most believe the final penalty was nothing more than a slap on the wrist.

Not having achieved a premiership, I can understand why you would see it as a slap on the wrist. Supporters which have experienced a premiership win clearly understand that the penalty in 2002 was devastating to the club, players and fans.
They should be called the Cantebury Cats from now on. They have used up a couple of lives now.
it was hardly even a slap on the wrist.
With 80% of their squad in tact & the majority of their payments out of the way i n2002, the dogs regrouped & brought through the juniors, who more than likely would not have been on their books at all, if not for the rorting & cheating. They won the 2004 premiership.

DJ1 said:
Losses from 2002 to 2004 seasons,

Darrell Trindall
Darren Smith
Nigel Vagana
Willie Talau
Paul Rauhihi
Travis Norton
Steve Reardon
Gavin Lester
Brett Howland
Glenn Hall
Todd Polglase
Andrew Emilio

9 of these were in the 25 man squad of 2002.

This is effectively a 36% reduction in the squad of 2002.

A 36% reduction for what was accounting wise a 5.8% breach.
that is normal player churn & no different to your own club over previous years when you retired & lost the likes of Britt et al.

DJ1 said:
For 2005 we lose a further 6 players (24%) from our current squad.

Steve Price
Jamie Feeney
Dennis Scott
Jonathan Thurston
Hutch Maiava
Glen Hughes
again normal player churn. It helps that when you are so far over the cap, that the players you are churning are not always deadwood & are in fact quite decent players.

DJ1 said:
That year NRL TV viewing public voiced the disapproval with their remote controls, with the 2004 GF being the lowest TV audience since the turn of the century & perhaps even, the ARL superleague split.

You clearly have no understanding on this issue.

This year has been the greatest in history regarding overall TV audiences.
Show me the figures?
Get me the litmus test which is the 5 capital result.
Compare it with each year since the new ratings method came in.

Now, who has no idea?

DJ1 said:
FTA will continue to decline due to increasing PTV audiences. We now have close to 1.5M household with a PTV service. Every game, every week.

What has pay tv or free to air got to do with a live & exclusive event????
When decent teams get into the GF, teams which the public dont know or suspect as cheats, the GF will rate the house down.
It ws poised for a 300k 5 capital improvement this year & failed.
Thanks cheats.


Its a Dogs World said:
And to think that he was such a nice, honest stand up guy at his previous club! ;-)

That's what happens when you go mixing with the wrong crowd. He'd probably be running around for NZ this weekend if he stayed under our care.

Just goes to show, lay down with losers and you get up with.... well nothing really - zip.

And just correcting someone before - didn't the Sharkies win The Joyce Mayne Cup back in the 70's? I seem to remember it was some farsical knockout comp they had for teams that didn't make the semi's.

You know - for losers.

Pretty sure The Sharks won that didn't they?


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
And now for the defence from blacktip-reefy:




That's some pathetic defence there mate, you've simply said what you believe against facts he has pulled out. Your hatred is so pathetic. Why the negativity, how can there be peace or good fun footy banter with pricks like you roaming this board?

Did I mention that this WREAKS OF JEALOUSY

Premiership race, Canterbury v Cronulla

8-0 :D


dodge said:
And now for the defence from blacktip-reefy:




No, it is based on facts. Go to the SMH archives & you will see that everything is fact. The final result of the size of the breach was a negotiated amount. Not the actual amount.
If you want to contribute to your cheating clubs defense, you will have to do a lot better than belittling lil ol me's credibility.
The Dogs cheated their way to the 2004 premiership. That can never be taken away.

dodge said:
That's some pathetic defence there mate, you've simply said what you believe against facts he has pulled out. Your hatred is so pathetic. Why the negativity, how can there be peace or good fun footy banter with pricks like you roaming this board?

Did I mention that this WREAKS OF JEALOUSY

Premiership race, Canterbury v Cronulla

8-0 :D
No jealousy here. Why would somebody likemyself want anypart of a club such as yours. I would prefer to live my life without a GF than even 1 that has been won in a stained & tarnished manner as your clubs this year.
2002 claytons premiership
2003 absolute pearler of a year & the best GF ever
2004 Make that claytons a double.


blacktip-reefy said:
I would prefer to live my life without a GF.

Well, that's just as well then. At least you don't have to worry about the things that burden the rest of us.

You know, like... hope.


blacktip-reefy said:
DJ1 said:
It's quite clear that you do not really understand the issues you are posting about.

Its quite clear you are quite good at promoting the lies that transpired in the salary cap breach. Well done.
But alas, you have not a clue at the deals that were done.

It's quite simple to relay the reports of what occurred. But alas, you have not a clue what information is out there.

blacktip-reefy said:
Eventual winners, the Cantebury club, broke very rule in the book to assemble a squad to win the premiership, or perhaps many.
DJ1 said:
Rubbish! The Dogs broke the cap in 2002. One rule, different squad. They were within the reduced cap (penalty imposed) in 2003 and the reduced cap in 2004. They return to the standard cap for 2005.
Actually, complet & utter rubbish by you.
the majority of the ley players payments were out of the way in 2002. Freeing up large amounts for the rest of the 3 year(the cheating period minimum) contracts(s)

lol, so now you are saying that players were paid in 2002 for 2003 and 2004. The closest thing to that out there is actually the reverse of what you say. The Roosters pay a player a 3 year contract in tiered increments e.g. Walker 50K year 1, 150K year 2 and 250K year 3. At least they are banking on an overall salary cap raise.

DJ1 said:
The 2002 breach of $400K was through the use of third party payments for players which were not declared to the NRL. This $400K breach was the overall figure for the entire squad. The squad in question was not rated by the main RL commentators as being a chance for the finals at the beginning of 2002.
the agreed amount was 400k. Big difference.

as opposed to the million you continually claim.

DJ1 said:
Whilst the uninformed like yourself claim it was a brilliant squad which would not have been assembled to the detriment of other teams, many RL insiders understand that there were a number of key issues which led to the breach.
Oh so you are an insider!!!! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
If you were, you would have more insight into the negotiations & threats during the $1 million salary cap rort debacle.

Did I say I was an insider? Reread. No! $1M? No!

DJ1 said:
a)The club officials simply paid far too much for certain players (i.e. $250K for Trindall)
yep thats right. Tell us all again, how much was Trindall on?

$250K and again?

$250K once more?


DJ1 said:
b)They had no real understanding of the complexities within the salary cap itself.
They had every unbderstanding. There were none better than the cantebury club & rorting the system, systematically, over a period of years.

I would suggest that there were many better. They didn't get caught! In fact we were most likely the worst at rorting not the best. Our lawyers and legal advice in relation to cap eligibility was obviously crap compared to others.

DJ1 said:
i.e. The sponsor serving allowance had effectively lifted the cap for the 2002 season from $3.25M to $3.45M. Despite being able to fully utilise this cap exemption as they met that criteria, the club did not take advantage of this. This alone would have halved their breach to $200K. Thus reducing a 12.3% breach ($400K over $3.25M) to a 5.8% breach ($200K over $3.45M). In effect, a simple accounting practice change which they were eligible to receive would most likely have resulted in the club receiving a much lower penalty.

You forgot about the other 700k!
You honestly think that if they could have slid payments from one account to another(which all sounds completely legal) that the NRL would have continued with prosecution!!! Even the tax department isnt that hard.

No other clubs were audited to third party level so I guess the other $700K you talk about will never be detected.

As for moving a payment from a non compliant to a salary cap compliant situation, it would be simple. Simply upgrade the NRL contract.

DJ1 said:
c)Key accountablity at the clubs board comes down to the advice provided by the clubs legal counsel at the time, McIntyre. It was reported that when questioned by the board as to the legality of all player payment structures, McIntyre informed then CEO Hagan that it was all above board.
Oh yes the scapegoats. Enter the world of Cantebury backstabbing.
It is impressive to watch & it never stops. Coaches, family, players, admin always laying into each other.

Irrespective of your paranoia regarding accountability, someone was accountable in this instance! They were sacked along with the ignorant but incompetent management who they deceived. It was their responsibility to gain indepenent legal advice.

DJ1 said:
d)It was later revealed that it was highly likely that the leak to the media came from McIntyres aquaintances. It was also alleged that McIntyre was attempting to use the salary cap breach as a means to oust Hagan and assume the CEO role himself. It would seem that McIntyre also assumed that the NRL would adhere to it's own precedents of previous cap breaches and simply fine the club an amount equivalent to the breach and possibly deduct a maximum of 4 points as per the NRL memorandum which outlined all the penalties for breaches.

Nothing more than conjecture. The story was incredibly well done & the research was deep & spot on. The NRL was asking the SMH team for information nearly all of the way.
they prolonged the story for 14 days as leading story, each day adding another chapter of rorting & howdeep into the community it went.

Nothing more than conjecture? If not for these reporters, the NRL salary cap auditing process which gave all clubs the green light in 2002 would have stood. You seem to prefer selective conjecture.

DJ1 said:
Having been exposed by whistle blowers in the media after passing internal NRL investigations, they were eventually fined in 2002 & stripped of their points, for that year only.

They were forced to operate on a reduced cap for 2003 (the reduction of $400K from their 2003 cap matched the amount of the cap breach in 2002)
But like you said, they found new accounts to slide money into.
Actual cap difference ended up being around 100k.
Or 2 Trickies.

400K reduction in 2003, 100K reduction in 2004

DJ1 said:
But when you are $1 million over the cap, anything is possible.

.....but as yet, no-one has been found to be in breach by $1M. The highest has been the Doggies 2002 with $400K, Raiders 1994 $250K and Roosters 2002 $150K (per year Craig Wing contract).
you are right. Nobody has been "convicted" of being $1 million over. Could you imagine what would happen if somebody did exceed by that much?

Self managed superannuation trusts are a beautiful thing aren't they?

So just to clarify your comment! Are you are now accusing the Bulldogs Rugby League Club Limited of utilising self managed superannuation trusts to knowingly and systematically circumvent 2004 NRL salary cap auditing procedures?

Is that correct?

DJ1 said:
Commercial restraints & the continuation of that years competition restricted the removal of the club altogether from the competition & the dissemination of the cantebury contracted players amongst the other clubs.

If the NRL had attempted to do this we would have no salary cap now. The Bulldogs had every right to challenge the legality of the penalty but did not to assist the healing process. Key challenge points,

DJ1 said:
a)Restraint of trade. All legal opinion states that the cap would not stand up to this challenge.
The salary cap is in complete contradiction to work practices. Any idiot knows that. That is why it is more of an agreement in place between the NRL admin & the honest clubs. Something which Cantebury admin, players & supporters thought they were higher or better than.

So now you are saying that all of the administration, all of the players and all of the supporters had prior knowledge of the breach and condoned it.

DJ1 said:
b)Precedent of penalty. All previous penalties for breaches of all types resulted in a monetary penalty only.
But you dont know everything about the money trail do you.

Give me one example of a salary cap breach which resulted in a harsher penalty than simply monetary!

DJ1 said:
c)Points provision. The most up to date memorandum to the clubs at the time stated a maximum 4 point penalty for breaches and it was not effectively clarified to all participating clubs that a higher penalty was likely.
So what is the penalty for taking a loaded gun onto the feild to kill the ref if he penalises you?
What a fuggin lame excuse. Typical.

I'm sure the NRL would simply make it up as it went along just like in 2002. Who knows? 37 points maybe?

DJ1 said:
d)Despite the claims of a club chairman (George Piggins) that many clubs had similar if not identical undisclosed payment processes in place, the NRL refused to complete the same third party audit on all clubs. (It was later revealed that the Roosters had only disclosed 50% of Craig Wings $300K contract over 2 years, this resulted in a penalty of $300K, no points or handing of the 2002 premiership trophy to the Warriors)

Because, if you fail to see, the Dogs situation was far worse than has been revealed. why do you think they jumped at the chance to take the fine.
because G & F wanted them gone for good.

Great men!

Oh, I see. Far worse than has been revealed. OK then. Point taken. I guess your right. Apologies.

DJ1 said:
In the end, most believe the final penalty was nothing more than a slap on the wrist.

Not having achieved a premiership, I can understand why you would see it as a slap on the wrist. Supporters which have experienced a premiership win clearly understand that the penalty in 2002 was devastating to the club, players and fans.
They should be called the Cantebury Cats from now on. They have used up a couple of lives now.
it was hardly even a slap on the wrist.

You would need to understand the feeling of a premiership win to make that claim. It was devastating.

With 80% of their squad in tact & the majority of their payments out of the way i n2002, the dogs regrouped & brought through the juniors, who more than likely would not have been on their books at all, if not for the rorting & cheating. They won the 2004 premiership.

DJ1 said:
Losses from 2002 to 2004 seasons,

Darrell Trindall
Darren Smith
Nigel Vagana
Willie Talau
Paul Rauhihi
Travis Norton
Steve Reardon
Gavin Lester
Brett Howland
Glenn Hall
Todd Polglase
Andrew Emilio

9 of these were in the 25 man squad of 2002.

This is effectively a 36% reduction in the squad of 2002.

A 36% reduction for what was accounting wise a 5.8% breach.
that is normal player churn & no different to your own club over previous years when you retired & lost the likes of Britt et al.

So you claim that our 2004 squad was 80% identical to our 2002 squad but when faced with the evidence which shows how incorrect you are you simply claim that it is normal player churn.

You claimed 80%. You were incorrect.

DJ1 said:
For 2005 we lose a further 6 players (24%) from our current squad.

Steve Price
Jamie Feeney
Dennis Scott
Jonathan Thurston
Hutch Maiava
Glen Hughes
again normal player churn. It helps that when you are so far over the cap, that the players you are churning are not always deadwood & are in fact quite decent players.

how far over again?

DJ1 said:
That year NRL TV viewing public voiced the disapproval with their remote controls, with the 2004 GF being the lowest TV audience since the turn of the century & perhaps even, the ARL superleague split.

You clearly have no understanding on this issue.

This year has been the greatest in history regarding overall TV audiences.
Show me the figures?
Get me the litmus test which is the 5 capital result.
Compare it with each year since the new ratings method came in.

Now, who has no idea?

ummm, how many years of data do you think there are since the new ratings system came in? lol

Why do you deliberately want to only include figures from capital cities when rural areas as a percentage have achieve the greatest growth in access to televised rugby league through the penetration of subscription television?

DJ1 said:
FTA will continue to decline due to increasing PTV audiences. We now have close to 1.5M household with a PTV service. Every game, every week.

What has pay tv or free to air got to do with a live & exclusive event????
When decent teams get into the GF, teams which the public dont know or suspect as cheats, the GF will rate the house down.
It ws poised for a 300k 5 capital improvement this year & failed.
Thanks cheats.

Because people now have the convienience of choice to either watch an event live or a replay.

e.g. in our household we watched the FTA and 2 PTV replays. That's 3 times. For many families the night time Grand Final is also inconvienient for small kids to watch and they watch the next day.

All in all, multiple screenings over an ever growing PTV subscriber base will consistently impact the FTA ratings.

Look at the ratings for the entire seasons of both NRL and AFL. Both codes FTA ratings declined in 2004. PTV is the reason. Not a Bulldog v Rooster GF. lol


Zef said:
Well, that's just as well then. At least you don't have to worry about the things that burden the rest of us.

You know, like... hope.

& if you werent a dogs supporter, I would also say guilt.

But Cantebury cheats & rorters dont feel guilt or remorse. They only have stories on why they had to cheat, abuse, violate etc.
It's not our fault, its the system.


I guess the Jersey Flegg GF hit you harder than most of us realise.

Don't worry.

I'm sure your team will get another shot at a GF at some point.


First Grade
blacktip-reefy said:
Zef said:
Well, that's just as well then. At least you don't have to worry about the things that burden the rest of us.

You know, like... hope.

& if you werent a dogs supporter, I would also say guilt.

But Cantebury cheats & rorters dont feel guilt or remorse. They only have stories on why they had to cheat, abuse, violate etc.
It's not our fault, its the system.

Can you give an example of where they took the 'it's not our fault, its the system'?

Was it when they sacked the board?

Was it when they copped the 37 point loss, despite having the legal grounds to challenge the salary cap?

Was it the salary cap reduction and releasing of players over the next two years?

Cause it seems to me like they took their medicine, and set about doing putting the club on the road to victory again, rather than blame everyone else.


DJ1 said:
It's quite simple to relay the reports of what occurred. But alas, you have not a clue what information is out there.
Then go to the archives. or better still use the freedom of information act to see what you can come up with. SMH subscription entitles you to the archives. You have used selected reporting & have failed to see that the end result was a negotiated result. Both sides (NRL & the cheats) gave conscessions. The biggest concession was in establishing the systematic rorting techniques that had been going on at the club.

DJ1 said:
lol, so now you are saying that players were paid in 2002 for 2003 and 2004. The closest thing to that out there is actually the reverse of what you say. The Roosters pay a player a 3 year contract in tiered increments e.g. Walker 50K year 1, 150K year 2 and 250K year 3. At least they are banking on an overall salary cap raise.
There are many methods of making space. But if you are going to get busted, dont you think it would be logical to cleat payments in the year you will get caught? Clubs always use all of the available salary cap to clear payments. In the Dogs case it was a million more of clearing to do.

as opposed to the million you continually claim.

$750k $1 mil $1.5 mil? who knows besides probaly 5 men.
Only thing certain it was at least double the negotiated amount.

DJ1 said:
Did I say I was an insider? Reread. No!
Sounded very much like it.

DJ1 said:
yep thats right. Tell us all again, how much was Trindall on?

$250K and again?

$250K once more?


OK so hands up all those who really think that Cantebury brought Trindall out of retirement & gave him a 2 year 500k contract!


DJ1 said:
I would suggest that there were many better. They didn't get caught! In fact we were most likely the worst at rorting not the best. Our lawyers and legal advice in relation to cap eligibility was obviously crap compared to others.
Ohh? & who would they be?
A lot of suspicion has surrounded the Rorters, but what they do, is within the law. The Broncos are also a team to come under scrutiny, but they too have legal systems. Its not fair, but is it with in the law of the NRL agreements. Capital investments & gains are legal & seperate from football payments. 3rd party payments in brown paper bags are not.

DJ1 said:
No other clubs were audited to third party level so I guess the other $700K you talk about will never be detected.
It doesnt need to be detected. It is finished with. The negotiated outcome is complete & figures agreed upon.

DJ1 said:
Irrespective of your paranoia regarding accountability, someone was accountable in this instance! They were sacked along with the ignorant but incompetent management who they deceived. It was their responsibility to gain indepenent legal advice.
Oh its all so squeeky clean out there isnt it? I was too dumb to know! Blame him, hes the one with a Jaguar! I didn't know that me getting paid 300k in paper bags was illegal!
The excuses just go on & on.
Not enough were sacked. The penalty was far from sufficient.
Exclusion until the next round of license renewals was the only correct option & the one that was sought but injunctions would have meant an end to the 02 competion & possible 03. Hence the negotiations.

DJ1 said:
Nothing more than conjecture? If not for these reporters, the NRL salary cap auditing process which gave all clubs the green light in 2002 would have stood. You seem to prefer selective conjecture.
If all clubs were honestm, that system was fine. The auditing process required the clubs to submit their own figures & even their own excesses.

Sort of like the honesty fruit stores in the country. Some types always rip them off.

DJ1 said:
400K reduction in 2003, 100K reduction in 2004

So lets say what you say is the entire picture. The dogs cheat, offload Trindall then they are all square.
Even the boys at HQ know that would not have washed.

DJ1 said:
Self managed superannuation trusts are a beautiful thing aren't they?
So just to clarify your comment! Are you are now accusing the Bulldogs Rugby League Club Limited of utilising self managed superannuation trusts to knowingly and systematically circumvent 2004 NRL salary cap auditing procedures?

Is that correct?
Did I allegedly say that?

DJ1 said:
Give me one example of a salary cap breach which resulted in a harsher penalty than simply monetary!
Give me one example where an Australian can be held in a jail without legal representation or outside contact & with no charges against him.
Extreme circumstances call for extreme measures.

DJ1 said:
Oh, I see. Far worse than has been revealed. OK then. Point taken. I guess your right. Apologies.

:lol: I can't support what I know. I don't claim to be able. Doesn't mean I'm wrong.
Same as i don't support the claims against the Coffs incedent. Some people know exactly what happened. But they are not allowed to know that are they.
That is why I know the Dogs players in Coffs are innocent of everything except for being stupid fuggwitts & getting into that situation.

DJ1 said:
You would need to understand the feeling of a premiership win to make that claim. It was devastating.
Bullshyte. Nice shot at the Sharks, but really innefectual.

DJ1 said:
So you claim that our 2004 squad was 80% identical to our 2002 squad but when faced with the evidence which shows how incorrect you are you simply claim that it is normal player churn.
Umm can you please show me somewhere , some club who does not experience 6 player churns per year?

I am right & quite possibly even on the conservative side.

DJ1 said:
ummm, how many years of data do you think there are since the new ratings system came in? lol

Why do you deliberately want to only include figures from capital cities when rural areas as a percentage have achieve the greatest growth in access to televised rugby league through the penetration of subscription television?
Where are the figures? I can help if you want. Just ask.
The figures are the worst since 2000. Estimates agree that quite possibly the worst since the 97 split Gf's.
I'll give you a hint, the new system came in somewhere in there.

DJ1 said:
Because people now have the convienience of choice to either watch an event live or a replay.

e.g. in our household we watched the FTA and 2 PTV replays. That's 3 times. For many families the night time Grand Final is also inconvienient for small kids to watch and they watch the next day.

All in all, multiple screenings over an ever growing PTV subscriber base will consistently impact the FTA ratings.

Look at the ratings for the entire seasons of both NRL and AFL. Both codes FTA ratings declined in 2004. PTV is the reason. Not a Bulldog v Rooster GF. lol
No you are wrong.
Both grand finals this year were impacted by the teams that participated.
Nothing to do with pay TV because it was live & exclusive in prime time.
If the event is of a high calibre with supported participants, the public wil l watch, irespective of time, kids, work, diseases, approaching death.
EG. Pat Rafter 1am Tuesday Morning.
Have a look at the figures, they dont lie.
& the reason the 5 capital figure is important is because that is the money demographic that advertisers want & are willing to pay through their teeth for.
But I thought that was obvious.


So what are you telling us? Nobody watched the GF because they hate The Dogs and/or The Roosters - or maybe just they hate The Dogs?

Well, I don't know how we can live with ourselves then. Maybe we should just give it back?

Naaaaaaaaah - stiff sh.t.

But anyway, onto other matters. Are you aware Reefy, that The Dogs won The Premiership only two seasons after finishing with the wooden spoon?

That's some sort of fantastic achievement isn't it? Hasn't been done since.... well last year, but everyone knows The Panthers ran dead in '01 just so you'd feel sorry for them.

But Dogs - Spooners '02, Premiers '04. Fantastic achievement.

Your thoughts? (and remember lad - passion!)


And after all this The Bulldogs are still the premiers and will remain so.

Reefy, you must understand that Bulldogs fans were just as pi$$ed off at our admin as anyone else in the Rugby League community. The reason we are defending oursleves now is that we have copped the punishment that was dished out. The fact you thought that the punishment was too weak is not The Bulldogs fault. They didn't get to choose what punishment they received, they copped what the NRL dished out. The NRL could quite easily have been tougher if they wanted to, so you should be dishing out your hatred to them.

The Bulldogs then had the opportunity to take the whole situation to court and they would have won, but the new administration that was appointed to the club decided not to do this to help the healing process (the old admin probably would have taken the selfish way as proven by the Salary cap situation to begin with, but thankfully they were swiftly removed)

As for your comments that people at the club now are cheats. I dare you to start naming each one specifically so I can let them know personally that you are calling them cheats.


Cammo said:
As for your comments that people at the club now are cheats. I dare you to start naming each one specifically so I can let them know personally that you are calling them cheats.

Should we start with Braith? & his 3rd party payment scheme?