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Central Coast Bears, 2013.

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AND gamble with expansion to the west with another AFL franchise on the horizon?

Perth will not get another AFL franchise in the next 30+years. Unlike RL they are not stupid enough to dilute the fanbase and $'s too much. NRL needs another NSW team as much as AFL needs another Victoria team.

State is irrelevant. Central Coast+North Sydney is by far the largest 'catchment' in Rugby League heartlands unrepresented by a team. They should be competing in the top grade, and should have been since 1999.
State is irrelevant. Central Coast+North Sydney is by far the largest 'catchment' in Rugby League heartlands unrepresented by a team. They should be competing in the top grade, and should have been since 1999.

I'd say Ipswich toowoomba takes that cake actually. I really wish there was room for everyone...maybe with the tele money we will be able to invest in the grassroots and up the cap enough for the talent to come for 22-24 teams. Obviously won't be in 2013 though


So long and thanks for all the fish, Bears.


SOUTH-EAST Queensland appears likely to be home to a 17th NRL team after club bosses were told it was the only area where a new side would increase the value of the next television rights deal.

The news is a blow to the Central Coast Bears and other bid teams who are vying to enter the NRL when officials decide to expand.

However, the advice of Colin Smith, of LEK Consulting, who has been engaged by the NRL as a consultant on the next broadcast rights deal, is a boost for the hopes of the recently launched Brisbane Bombers and the Ipswich consortium.

The newly established independent commission, which is due to take over the running of the game from November 1, would be expected to call for applications from other interested bidders when and if they decide to expand the competition.

With officials having ruled out commencing formal negotiations for the new broadcast deal to start in 2013 until the commission comes to power, it is almost certain that no new team will be admitted before 2014 - and possibly not until 2017.

There is a view that Perth should be the first place the game expands to, as the two-hour time difference would enable a live match to be broadcast on the eastern seaboard at either 9.30pm Friday or Saturday or 6pm Sunday.


Meh...it's been said all along that SE QLD is worth more to the TV rights. And I've said all along there are more important things than pandering to the networks' every whim. Mind you, this article is suggesting that Perth is worth nothing to the TV deal as well.
Goddo must of got a semi hard on. Truth be that article doesn't even credit what Perth can bring. So I guess you can stop mid jerk mate because the CCBears will keep building more members, more sponsors and more resources.

I guess since you've never done anything worth while in your life it must be hard for you to understand what the words dedication and commitment mean. Too bad no one from the bid is worried.


Goddo must of got a semi hard on. Truth be that article doesn't even credit what Perth can bring. So I guess you can stop mid jerk mate because the CCBears will keep building more members, more sponsors and more resources.

I guess since you've never done anything worth while in your life it must be hard for you to understand what the words dedication and commitment mean. Too bad no one from the bid is worried.


you are the one who has been claiming that the Bears will bring tv "revenue" to the game. I believe your words were:

its all in the bid document

you are the one who has been claiming that the Bears will bring tv "revenue" to the game. I believe your words were:

It will. To suggest a team representing 1 mil + won't bring tv revenue is ludicrous. It's proven that the CCBears bid is the only bid where people, regular people will invest in. Meaning the demand is there and therefore it will equal revenue.

Red Bear

Bet you're extremely happy about this one.

I'm very sorry to have caused you so much concern over the past 24 months by simply wanting to have my club back in the NRL. I guess it's just that I've followed this game pretty closely nearly my whole life and I want to see my club competing in the top flight. I know this personally offends you, judging by the large amount of posts you've made in this thread.

Really, it isnt preferring one option over the other (in this case SE Qld over the Bears) that gets me here, it has been the constant, constant deathriding, mocking every good move in what is a fantastic bid in a location that doesnt do it a huge amount of favours (despite the obvious attraction of a side in a league mad area that also allows for a presence in the north sydney region, right back to the hornsby kurrungai area). I mean you and your ilks love of mocking the community engagement aspect of the bid is hilarious, given that the GC Titans have shown what a lack of community engagement pre-NRL can do to a club (numbers falling each year and a general sense of a team place in an area, rather than one grown from it, judging by articles seen in the SMH at various times).

But as a club if this bid should prove to be unsuccessful we arent just going to roll over and die. We've fought for 103 years, through attempts to kill us off, but we have not rolled over and died as im sure certain people wished we had of.

Perth Red

Post Whore
Mind you, this article is suggesting that Perth is worth nothing to the TV deal as well.

I'm guessing this is prob due to the fact the game isn't shown in perth and isn't rating due to it! What has been shown is that if you put it on at a decent time it will rate in the top 10 for that day and top 2 for that time slot. I guess it is hard to say what it is worth if the TV execs won;t even show it. Having said that the extra live game option would be of value for the East coast I would think?

Chins up Bears, 2 years ago Perth was a "dot on the map" for the NRL and no hope of a team, things change rapidly in the world of RL these days!

Rockin Ronny

Chins up Bears, 2 years ago Perth was a "dot on the map" for the NRL and no hope of a team, things change rapidly in the world of RL these days!

12 years ago - the only expansion option was the CC Bears. They were dudded by the Dolphin/Titans "no money, no stadium" massively inferior bid compared to the Singo-backed Bears plus Gosford Stadium in a rugby league heartland.

If the report is true - the CC Bears will be dudded by another smoke-and-mirrors Qld bid.

No wonder AFL looks at rugby league and laughs - while it counts its cash.

Perth Red

Post Whore
12 years ago - the only expansion option was the CC Bears. They were dudded by the Dolphin/Titans "no money, no stadium" massively inferior bid compared to the Singo-backed Bears plus Gosford Stadium in a rugby league heartland.

If the report is true - the CC Bears will be dudded by another smoke-and-mirrors Qld bid.

No wonder AFL looks at rugby league and laughs - while it counts its cash.

not dudded but the NRL thought strategically for a change! And it proved right, or would you rather the Suns had a free ride on the GC?

As I said before the Bears only mistake, but a fatal one maybe, is it stuck with Gosford instead of taking all its strengths and putting them in a place the NRL was likely to see as strategically most important. Sure the NRL should have been upfront and told them but they gave them some big hints when they went with the GC and when they kept talking about a preferred relocation on the CC.
Bye bye Bears. Thanks for the arrogance.

Arrogance? By engaging the community? By having 7000 paid members? By pumping funds into the local
and junior comps? By attracting 26,000 fans? By having 90+ sponsors? By shoring up their equity with Bluetongue?

Arrogance? By putting in thousands of hours of dedication? By having volunteers? By having a big pool of resources? By putting in for charities and schools?

You wouldn't know the definition of arrogance mate. Brisbane Bombers is arrogance with all their talk and no action. People like you are arrogant for all the bs you type but can never back up. Arrogance is alot of things but the Central Coast Bears isn't one.

Why would you care anyway right? You're just a guppie who lives for the Internet banter. Maybe you should one day dedicate yourself to something other than playing with ms Palmer and the 5 daughters.


It's all good to talk up TV ratings and the rest of it, but who is actually going to watch a team if they don't support it, aside from opposition fans? You may get some casual observers, but they aren't enough to warrant granting a license to a team with SFA in terms of support.

The Bombers have nothing but a logo and big promises from Craig Davidson. The Bears have everything but signed players and a guaranteed start in the NRL, yet there are cheerleaders who want the Bombers or some other plastic, only on paper bid, given a free-ride into the NRL because they are located 100kms north of the Tweed River.

If the bid was for the Byron Bay Bombers all the same cheerleaders would be death-riding it and saying what a pathetic bid it was!
It's all good to talk up TV ratings and the rest of it, but who is actually going to watch a team if they don't support it, aside from opposition fans? You may get some casual observers, but they aren't enough to warrant granting a license to a team with SFA in terms of support.

The Bombers have nothing but a logo and big promises from Craig Davidson. The Bears have everything but signed players and a guaranteed start in the NRL, yet there are cheerleaders who want the Bombers or some other plastic, only on paper bid, given a free-ride into the NRL because they are located 100kms north of the Tweed River.

If the bid was for the Byron Bay Bombers all the same cheerleaders would be death-riding it and saying what a pathetic bid it was!

Thank you. Common sense prevails.

I'd also like to add that do people believe every single article disregarding the Central Coast Bears bid? Seriously? lol 3 weeks ago the Courier Fail printed an article about how John Singleton was never going to get involved with a Central Coast Bears bid again. The following week we signed a $2million deal with Bluetongue directly under Singleton's eye and signature.

You all keep talking up TV ratings as the be all and end all of expansion. However to get ratings, you need fans and people who'll support the team/buy subscriptions, merchandise, season tickets, attend games, buy memberships etc.. Only the Central Coast Bears have proven they have these fans so far.

All this nonsense is coming from within the Brisbane Bombers bid camp who have ties with several journalists. It's rubbish and like most articles disregarding the CCBears bid, we'll have our own news soon which will not only prove it wrong but make the haters go into Al Qaeda style hiding until another article trying to shoot down the CCBears is printed. It's the same shit over and over again.

While all this is happening the Central Coast Bears have 7000 paid members, 90 @ $5500 a pot, 90 local and national financial sponsors, 5 major sponsors, 26,000 new fans, guaranteed investment and grants for a Headquarters/Sports Center, an un-used made for Rugby League stadium, 1.1million catchement. We have brought back 2 junior clubs from obscurity with more to follow. We have boosted the numbers of juniors. Say what you say and believe what you believe however no one and I mean NO ONE can damper or kill our spirit, our dedication and commitment and mark my words it'll be that energy that brings the Central Coast Bears in.

As for TV Rating he's a little fact: ALMOST everytime the North Sydney Bears are featured as an option for FoxSports Chooseday Night Football, we win tghe poll. Meaning there is huge interest for the red & black Bears. The Bears still rate without a damn team!

John Grant only a few days ago told of the importance of bids to have community support, engagement and initiatives.

We'll be right. More membership drives this weekend. Go the BEARS, the CENTRAL COAST BEARS!!! Now and forever. All you naysayers can go pick your noses.

Rockin Ronny

It's all good to talk up TV ratings and the rest of it, but who is actually going to watch a team if they don't support it, aside from opposition fans? You may get some casual observers, but they aren't enough to warrant granting a license to a team with SFA in terms of support.

The Bombers have nothing but a logo and big promises from Craig Davidson. The Bears have everything but signed players and a guaranteed start in the NRL, yet there are cheerleaders who want the Bombers or some other plastic, only on paper bid, given a free-ride into the NRL because they are located 100kms north of the Tweed River.

If the bid was for the Byron Bay Bombers all the same cheerleaders would be death-riding it and saying what a pathetic bid it was!

So true.

Funny - the IC and all associated won't make a decision on anything yet - but suddenly this complex TV rights issue has become clear.

At least rugby league is consistent - dirty to the core.
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