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Central Coast Bears - Stand Aside

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I'm sorry to spoil the party but this doesn't guarantee the Bears re entry.

The Govt. will make the land available IF a license is given to the Bears.

Nobody was saying "that is it, the Bears are in" for crying out loud. But if i was as petty as you and have a low intellect as yourself i would point out to the quote below and start partying because there is no if's or but's in that one. There is only one WHEN.

"Under the proposal the site, owned by the NSW Government, would be reserved as a special sporting precinct to be developed with administrative and training facilities when the Central Coast Bears consortium is successful in securing an NRL franchise license for 2013."

But obviously nobody apart from yourself could be that silly.

Can't wait to hear what all the braindead anti bears morons have to say if the Bears are the next team in. Would be good if you all put your combined 80 iq points together and think of a reply when it happens.

me either.
I'm not happy to quote Smith and Clark at all - I disagree with all their thoughts on Sharks, Reds and Bears. Sharks can sink or swim at Cronulla. They can't move to Gosford anyway because the Bears have the playing rights for another 10 or 11 years. Sharks fans wouldn't travel to the Coast and the Coast would reject them anyway. Plus they don't reconnect with northern Sydney so that suggestion is funny.

WA Reds and Central Coast Bears entry heals old wounds.

using that argument, there goes a fair chunk of the bears crowd, that you are saying, that the club is trying to reconnect wih, would old bears fans travel from Cammeray, cremorne, neutral bay, waverton and the lower north shore and if they are 1 - 2 hrs away will they be willing to become a ticketed member, which is a clubs bread and butter
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Nobody was saying "that is it, the Bears are in" for crying out loud. But if i was as petty as you and have a low intellect as yourself i would point out to the quote below and start partying because there is no if's or but's in that one. There is only one WHEN.

"Under the proposal the site, owned by the NSW Government, would be reserved as a special sporting precinct to be developed with administrative and training facilities when the Central Coast Bears consortium is successful in securing an NRL franchise license for 2013."

But obviously nobody apart from yourself could be that silly.

Wow I must have missed David Gallops announcement.

When did he say that?

Sounds like another case of bullying.
The proposed Centre of Excelelnce is one resaon Gold Coast won the license last time. It's a major incentive for players to join the franchise. Couldn't wipe the grin off Dave Farleigh's face on the news tonight!

Not sure why you hate the Bears. The Bears have always said they don't want to come in through another team falling over. The NRL approached us, not the other way around.

I've been stating I don't think the NRL would relocate you to Perth.

I also think the Sharks need every friend they can get. If the Bears bid is strong and so is the WA Reds, and they are both admitted to the NRL, your place at Cronulla is safe. Perhaps that's why Sharks management is pro-Bears.

What the hell?

We will be safe no matter what happens with either bid.

Couldn't care less what happens with your bid.

Personally I don't think your bid is strategic enough.

Shoot me for having an opinion!


The Sharks should be looking at a gradual relocation if they can't survive in Cronulla IMO. Adelaide or Christchurch would be ideal, start by taking 2-4 games a year there to try and build a fanbase then if the need arises pack up ship and move there full time. Same could be said with Manly and Sunshine Coast, if Brookvale can't get an upgrade and it no longer becomes viable for them to play there then they won't have a choice.

If the Bears are brought in, I'd like to see something like this happen.

If we add an 11th NSW side there will be blood. Guarenteed. Maybe not imediately, the boosted TV deal will delay any "rationalisation" for a few years.

But long term, the Bears addition will see blood in the water in Sydney. I'd rather see clean relocation or relegation of a current club before adding the Bears. That and the Bears are a poor strategic/ecconomic choice for the NRL. Weakest bid by far in this regard.
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The Sharks should be looking at a gradual relocation if they can't survive in Cronulla IMO. Adelaide or Christchurch would be ideal, start by taking 2-4 games a year there to try and build a fanbase then if the need arises pack up ship and move there full time. Same could be said with Manly and Sunshine Coast, if Brookvale can't get an upgrade and it no longer becomes viable for them to play there then they won't have a choice.

Another Albert Einstein.

We don't need to relocate.

We won't be relocating.

We will be staying in Cronulla.

We will become very financial secure with multiple income sources unlike many other Sydney Clubs who aren't evolving.

We are a pro active Club that is evolving with the changes that is occurring to licensed Clubs.
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but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but.

Translated = Yeah I know that we are ordering last drinks at the last chance saloon.

We have been hearing these pipedreams for some time now, for the scums sake I hope they come off and they are a viable club (god knows we need real local derbies).

I'll believe it when I ee it.
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The next Central Coast Bears membership drives are @

DATE: Saturday 15th January
TIME: From 9:30am

DATE: Sunday 16th January
TIME: From 10am


using that argument, there goes a fair chunk of the bears crowd, that you are saying, that the club is trying to reconnect wih, would old bears fans travel from Cammeray, cromer,neutral bay, waverton and the lower north shore and if they are 1 - 2 hrs away will they be willing to become a ticketed member, which is a clubs bread and butter

To be honest, a lot of old Bears say Northbridge-Mosman-Greenwich zone probably wouldn't travel to many games at Bluetongue, but they'll go to games at Brookvale, NS Oval (once a year v Manly), SFS, Kogarah, ANZ Stadium, Parramatta, Leichardt etc...massively boosting our away crowds in Sydney. There will be special memberships involving away games for these fans.

As Bluetongue will be full of Coasties plus old Bears from say Chatswood-Hills District-Berowra this is not an issue as the modelling is suggesting crowds of 15,000 min with many games sellouts.

Its 55 min from Chatswood - Bluetongue (trust me, I've done it enough) - that's manageable....add maybe 15 min for busy games.

From Cronulla-Bluetongue would be 2.25 hrs I'm guessing. The games Cronulla have played there they have brought with them abt 500 fans max.


Staff member
Another Albert Einstein.

We don't need to relocate.

We won't be relocating.

We will be staying in Cronulla.

We will become very financial secure with multiple income sources unlike many other Sydney Clubs who aren't evolving.

We are a pro active Club that is evolving with the changes that is occurring to licensed Clubs.

Feel better now?


Wow I must have missed David Gallops announcement.

When did he say that?

Sounds like another case of bullying.

are you a idiot?

Nobody said Gallop made any announcement. But if you are going to pull selected lines out of a story to and say this evidence is why the Bears won't get in then i'll do the same to the same story saying they will be.

Obviously you have a problem with locating important news. But thats ok you are in good company on this site.
To be honest, a lot of old Bears say Northbridge-Mosman-Greenwich zone probably wouldn't travel to many games at Bluetongue, but they'll go to games at Brookvale, NS Oval (once a year v Manly), SFS, Kogarah, ANZ Stadium, Parramatta, Leichardt etc...massively boosting our away crowds in Sydney. There will be special memberships involving away games for these fans.

As Bluetongue will be full of Coasties plus old Bears from say Chatswood-Hills District-Berowra this is not an issue as the modelling is suggesting crowds of 15,000 min with many games sellouts.

Its 55 min from Chatswood - Bluetongue (trust me, I've done it enough) - that's manageable....add maybe 15 min for busy games.

From Cronulla-Bluetongue would be 2.25 hrs I'm guessing. The games Cronulla have played there they have brought with them abt 500 fans max.

fair enough, thanks for replying with a common sense answer unlike another bears supporter........by the way where is trackhead ronnie, this thread needs more jocularity

More positive news for the Bears - long term growth for sure. Stadium, sponsorship, fast growing area, members, good juniors and proven to be NRL standard and now a HQ. Manly and Newcastle will have to get used to it. Bears and Reds for 2013, QLD clubs for 2015 or 2018.

A NSW Liberals & Nationals Government will secure the Mount Penang site on the Central Coast for the establishment of a Central Coast Bears headquarters, NSW Opposition Leader Barry O'Farrell and the Liberal Central Coast team announced today.

Under the proposal the site, owned by the NSW Government, would be reserved as a special sporting precinct to be developed with administrative and training facilities when the Central Coast Bears consortium is successful in securing an NRL franchise license for 2013.

Mr O’Farrell met with Bears representatives including CEO Greg Florimo, Head of Football Operations David Fairleigh and Director Ken Sayer, who is also CEO of the Bear’s major sponsor Mortgage House at the site along with Liberal Candidate for Gosford Chris Holstein, Liberal Candidate for The Entrance Chris Spence, Liberal Candidate for Wyong Darren Webber, and Liberal Member for Terrigal Chris Hartcher.

Mr O’Farrell said the proposal will allow the Bears to approach the NRL with a comprehensive plan for a new Rugby League team for the Central Coast.

“The Central Coast loves its sport and the group behind the Central Coast Bears bid has been working hard to develop a strong supporter base on the Central Coast," Mr O'Farrell said.

“The State Government has a role to play in that process and a NSW Liberals & Nationals Government will work with the Central Coast community and the Bears to push for a local NRL team," he said.

“This proposal ensures that the Central Coast Bears consortium will be able to present the NRL with a strategic plan in March 2011 that includes provisions for training and administrative facilities.

“The Bears will be subject to the same commercial lease conditions as others at the Mount Penang site but this proposal gives the consortium an option over that lease while they prepare their submission to the NRL.

“If the bid proposal is successful then the land will be immediately available for the construction of new facilities.

"The local Liberal Central Coast team have made it clear to me how important a rugby league team would be here and I'm prepared to do everything I can to back it in."

Greg Florimo welcomed the announcement and said he was looking forward to working with the next NSW Government to establish the NRL’s newest team on the Central Coast.

“This announcement from Barry O'Farrell and the NSW Liberals is a great step forward and will allow us to bring together a great package to present to the NRL," Mr Florimo said.

“The Central Coast and North Shore communities have backed us all the way and we’re excited about establishing a new team here," he said.
“This is a unique location which is already supported by some great businesses, community organisations and events.

"We’re looking forward to adding to that community by establishing new state-of-the-art facilities here at Mount Penang.

“Hundreds of thousands of spectators have visited Blue Tongue Stadium to attend Rugby League events during the past 10 years and a local NRL team is expected to significantly increase the economic benefit brought to the Coast by major sporting events," Mr Florimo said.

Look at this idiot talking like he has already had the green light from David Gallop for a Central Coast franchise. Once again trying to bully his way into the NRL.

All the Clubs have already said they don't want another N.S.W Club.

But they talk as if they are certainties.


Look at this idiot talking like he has already had the green light from David Gallop for a Central Coast franchise. Once again trying to bully his way into the NRL.

All the Clubs have already said they don't want another N.S.W Club.

But they talk as if they are certainties.

Who is the bully? Talk about pot calling the kettle! How dare an insignificant flea like you call an Australian representative an idiot. Crawl back under your rock you cretin and the Sharks can fold now for all I care. You've just lost ANOTHER advocate.

And re Club opposition, that line is the greatest myth of the past 2 months in League. Only 2 clubs opposed the Central Coast Bears - no prizes for guessing who. 2 also opposed a Ipswich Jets bid.

In a nutshell, the Clubs are reluctant for ANY expansion, so they can get a bigger slice of an enlarged pie after the TV deal. That's why the Bears and other bidders have to prove :
a) they can add more revenue to the game than would be diluted from sharing
b) they have a sustainable model that will be around in 50+ years - the NRL's investment $$$ would be wasted otherwise.

Greg Florimo has had 2 meetings with the NRL in the past 2 weeks. I saw Greg on the weekend and while not giving much away, he was very positive. If the Bears weren't a chance why would the NRL keep meeting with them and going through their model. In 2004 they dropped off having meetings then announced 6 months later the Gold Coast was coming in. The Bears are right in the mix believe me - a few Clubs opposing us only proves they fear our strength, which actually impresses the NRL - they want strong Clubs, not weak clubs.
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absolutely johnsy, i agree...

but my point is this... I was originally from Tasmania, so I've always watched with interest as the AFL rejects perfectly good submissions from Tasmania (one in about 1996, another one in about 2009) because Tassie is already a heartland - ie. the AFL don't believe there's any point putting another team there because everyone there already supports AFL, so the benefit is minimal. (GWS didn't even submit a proposal - in fact, GWS didn't even exist initially, except in the minds of the Globalists in the AFL!)

My point is that NRL should look after its heartland better than the AFL does. If Central Coasts bid sucks, sure, don't accept them. But if they have the best bid, they must be accepted - they shouldn't be turned down for the same reasons that Tassie were (because Central Coast is already a rugby league heartland) because it takes the region for granted and slaps the supporters of the game in that region right in the mouth.

Like South East Queensland? the rugby league heartland that has only 2 NRL teams compared to Sydney's 9.

Can you imagine the AFL putting another team in Victoria?
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