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Central Coast Bears - Stand Aside

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When the bears were in the comp they were the most unsucessful club in the history of the game. (last won a competition in 1932)
And they were the most watched team in the 90s.

Besides, I was talking about OFF field club management. The Bears are well managed and organised with strong sponsor and community support and if they came back into the NRL it would force the weaker clubs to do a better job, either that or relocate. That is a good thing for the NRL.
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I really don't like insulting people over the net but you make it hard. Your ideals are poor and I'm glad you are not running the NRL.

About the expansion fans, 80% of all expansion fans agree the Bears should come in. After all they are the only NRL bid to ever be put on stand-by twice..
My ideals are only 'poor' because they are different from yours. My ideals on this subject, unlike yours, are based not on emotion but reality. The reality is that all the hard work in the world does not guarantee success be it life in general or a RL expansion bid.

80% of expansion fans agree that the bears should come in? Did you conduct a survey to come up with this figure or was it plucked out of thin air? If 80% want the bears to come in why are so many saying otherwise in this thread and others and in the broader community?
And before you say 'most people in this thread do want the bears' or similar this thread is dedicated to CC discusion and so most posters are pro bear.
Its a moot point anyway. The NRL will decide who enters the competition not your fabled '80%' of supporters.

We work on facts not probables.
Who is we and where are these facts? Posts I have read from you are merely a collection of heresay, rumour, reconstituted pap and straight out bullsh*t.


Where did you pull that figure from? Posting unsubstantiated does not help validate your opinion.

Bears officials.

But i did notice you jump to your conclusion in the same sentence. grow up.

I think if NSW can sustain 11 teams with a population of 7 million (650,000/team), then QLD (RL heartland) can sustain 4 with a population of 4.5 million (1.1 million/team).

yes they can, but there simply has not been enough planning and the two QLD bid are not deserving of winning a license. Particularly the Ipswich bid.

Have you heard that in the future (forward thinking) QLD is set to take over VIC as the 2nd most populous state? I think the NRL will definitely take that into consideration.

Where did you hear those stats?

A few months ago Victoria was suppose to be coming close to NSW population with experts thinking of a take over.

If those stats are correct then the NRL would be better off waiting 7-15 yrs for the Central QLD boom as that bid has a much better and more developed planned then the bandwagon Ipswich bid.


And they were the most watched team in the 90s.

Besides, I was talking about OFF field club management. The Bears are well managed and organised with strong sponsor and community support and if they came back into the NRL it would force the weaker clubs to do a better job, either that or relocate. That is a good thing for the NRL.

How can you say the bears are well managed? Their not even in the competition. So why didn't Souths relocate 30 years ago, due to poor perfomance on and off the field.


My ideals are only 'poor' because they are different from yours. My ideals on this subject, unlike yours, are based not on emotion but reality. The reality is that all the hard work in the world does not guarantee success be it life in general or a RL expansion bid.

80% of expansion fans agree that the bears should come in? Did you conduct a survey to come up with this figure or was it plucked out of thin air? If 80% want the bears to come in why are so many saying otherwise in this thread and others and in the broader community?
And before you say 'most people in this thread do want the bears' or similar this thread is dedicated to CC discusion and so most posters are pro bear.
Its a moot point anyway. The NRL will decide who enters the competition not your fabled '80%' of supporters.

Who is we and where are these facts? Posts I have read from you are merely a collection of heresay, rumour, reconstituted pap and straight out bullsh*t.

With my years of studying human behaviour and the English language i could rip apart this entire post. But i havent got the time to waste it on somebody who wouldn't understand the post.

If my post produce what you and you alone claim to be, then it is probably my fault for expecting such a high level of understanding about the NRL bid process that i thought by now all NRL expansion fans would know off by heart and not explaining in each and every post.

random number? see above post. it may not be the most credible source but it comes from the same source that gives me expansion news a week before it hits any media.

Your ideals are not poor because you disagree with me, they are poor because in reality they don't work. There is a reason why some people/organisations/business are more successful then others and a that 99999/100000 it is because of hard work.

Who are we? 'we' are those who are the successful ones in life.

The very thing that Rugby League is built on is hard work, no hard work equals in no success and anyone that argues any different to that is just making excuses for their own short comings in life. (i didn't want it to come to that but you pushed it mate).

Now go on with a little sulk and try to discredit me but everybody who understands one shred of anything i have said in this post knows exactly what i am talking about.
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How can you say the bears are well managed?

Because of the fact that they have over $13 million dollars in sponsorship, have successful memberships drives each week, have more members then 7 NRL clubs, has a real community feel about the clubs and if you go to the Central Coast the residents are 110% sure they will finally get their own team.


First Grade
Where did you hear those stats?

A few months ago Victoria was suppose to be coming close to NSW population with experts thinking of a take over.

If those stats are correct then the NRL would be better off waiting 7-15 yrs for the Central QLD boom as that bid has a much better and more developed planned then the bandwagon Ipswich bid.

NSW has almost two million more people than Victoria… I doubt any expert ever projected that Vic would overtake NSW.

Central QLD is booming right now, Harvey Bay is one of the fastest growing areas in Australia iirc. It’s just starting from a very small base.


And they were the most watched team in the 90s.

Besides, I was talking about OFF field club management. The Bears are well managed and organised with strong sponsor and community support and if they came back into the NRL it would force the weaker clubs to do a better job, either that or relocate. That is a good thing for the NRL.

Very smart and well thought out post. Unfortunately the guy who quoted you on this has seemed to missed the point entirely.


Because of the fact that they have over $13 million dollars in sponsorship, have successful memberships drives each week, have more members then 7 NRL clubs, has a real community feel about the clubs and if you go to the Central Coast the residents are 110% sure they will finally get their own team.

Were is the proof they have 13 Million in sponsors?

Their members only pay about $15, and they don't restart their membership numbers each year.

The current club have already spoken there will be no expansion to 2015, and they don't want the bears.


With my years of studying human behaviour and the English language i could rip apart this entire post. But i havent got the time to waste it on somebody who wouldn't understand the post..
Qualification dropping just makes you look desperate. Especially when your grasp on the English language is tenous to say the least. Your last post is an (im)perfect example of that. I suggest that before you take the high ground on grammar you at least know what you're talking about yourself.

If my post produce what you and you alone claim to be, then it is probably my fault for expecting such a high level of understanding about the NRL bid process that i thought by now all NRL expansion fans would know off by heart and not explaining in each and every post
If you're going to dribble please use a napkin. Tell us great sage, what is the bid process for NRL expansion?

random number? see above post. it may not be the most credible source but it comes from the same source that gives me expansion news a week before it hits any media.
Oh, bears officials provided that information. They're certainly going to provide an unbiased number. That is if you even contacted them at all. Note great English sage that I am being sarcastic.

Your ideals are not poor because you disagree with me, they are poor because in reality they don't work. There is a reason why some people/organisations/business are more successful then others and a that 99999/100000 it is because of hard work.

The very thing that Rugby League is built on, no hard work equals in no success and anyone that argues any different to that is just making excuses for their own short comings in life. (i didn't want it to come to that but you pushed it mate)..
More dribble by the master of the English language. And, how pray tell, did you come to the conclusion that I have my own short comings in life? Because I managed to write a rational post whilst you were reduced to guesses and prattling on in pidgin English? The only shortcoming I have in my life is that I spend far too much time replying to fools such as yourself.

Now go on with a little sulk and try to discredit me but everybody who understands one shred of anything i have said in this post knows exactly what i am talking about.
There is no need to try and discredit you, you are doing a good enough job on your own.
And noone but a psychiatrist would have a clue about what you just posted.
Good day sir.


Gosh Bears supporters demanding facts. Show us these fact, then please...

Bears were the second most watched team in the 90s?
80% support the Bears bid over any other?
Victoria is about to overtake NSW?

Fact is the Jets bid has timed it perfectly. In 6 months they will have a great bid and the IC will have no other option than to admit them. Sorry Bears fans I know you don't like hearing this but you'll just have to swallow it and follow the AFL like you're threatening to do if you don't get a team.


NSW has almost two million more people than Victoria… I doubt any expert ever projected that Vic would overtake NSW.

Central QLD is booming right now, Harvey Bay is one of the fastest growing areas in Australia iirc. It’s just starting from a very small base.

Points taken, the Vic thing was just something i heard when i was in Victoria. I can't remember from where. Mr. Gallop just after he got back from his 2 day stay up in Central Queensland that the area would be a ideal spot in a few decades. That's what i meant by waiting for the 'boom'. There are obviously different definitions o a 'boom'.

Were is the proof they have 13 Million in sponsors?

They are unwritten by Mortgage House for $10 million dollars. The other 3 million comes from the other 20+ sponsors the bid has.

Their members only pay about $15, and they don't restart their membership numbers each year.

Get your facts right. It is $10 for kids and $20 for adults for one year. They do renewals just like every other club so they do in fact 'restart' their memberships as you put it.

The most expensive memberships are worth $5,000 that gets a signed 2013 jersey by all the players that will play in round 1 for the Bears and get entry to that game. They also get what every other member gets in terms of merchandise and another jersey. They have also sold over 1,000 Jerseys at $120.

So that is at least a extra $355,000 from those stats alone.

The current club have already spoken there will be no expansion to 2015, and they don't want the bears.

To quote a man with more contacts then you.

"I had a laugh the other when it was written the CEO’s all voted at their Byron bay conference not to include the Bears. Puhlease. They have no say in it. Some of these clowns are flat out running their own clubs, let alone the game. David gallop and the commission will decide what happens with the Bears. I think they’ll be the next team into the premiership. " - Phil Rothfield

That was sent in a email to a Bears volunteer.


Fact is the Jets bid has timed it perfectly. In 6 months they will have a great bid and the IC will have no other option than to admit them. Sorry Bears fans I know you don't like hearing this but you'll just have to swallow it and follow the AFL like you're threatening to do if you don't get a team.

Hey dumbarse, the bids have to be put into the NRL in 4 months not six. Aww poor QLD bids. Boo f**king hoo.


Qualification dropping just makes you look desperate. Especially when your grasp on the English language is tenous to say the least. Your last post is an (im)perfect example of that. I suggest that before you take the high ground on grammar you at least know what you're talking about yourself.

Have a re-read and a attempted re-understanding of what i was saying. Nothing i said comes anywhere near grammar.

Oh, bears officials provided that information. They're certainly going to provide an unbiased number. That is if you even contacted them at all. Note great English sage that I am being sarcastic.

The discredit attempt i allude to in my post. Thanks for making my prediction come true.

More dribble by the master of the English language. And, how pray tell, did you come to the conclusion that I have my own short comings in life? Because I managed to write a rational post whilst you were reduced to guesses and prattling on in pidgin English? The only shortcoming I have in my life is that I spend far too much time replying to fools such as yourself.

more discrediting attempts here. You know exactly how unsuccessful you have been in your life, there is no need for me to rip down the walls.

There is no need to try and discredit you, you are doing a good enough job on your own.

really? that is after two pretty big attempts at it. lmfao.

And noone but a psychiatrist would have a clue about what you just posted.
Good day sir.

Thank you for putting my level of intelligence up there with a psychiatrist but i am far from that level of understanding. Anybody who has the basic level of education and understand my comments you either choose not to because you are already deep into a whole or have no clue. And if you did end up going onto further education post high school then congratulations on passing that level. You must have had god in your corner.


Qualification dropping just makes you look desperate. Especially when your grasp on the English language is tenous to say the least. Your last post is an (im)perfect example of that. I suggest that before you take the high ground on grammar you at least know what you're talking about yourself.

Obviously this site is all you have, so i'll stop responding and let you think you have won whatever it is that this is to you. Congratulations and good luck mate.


"I had a laugh the other when it was written the CEO’s all voted at their Byron bay conference not to include the Bears. Puhlease. They have no say in it. Some of these clowns are flat out running their own clubs, let alone the game. David gallop and the commission will decide what happens with the Bears. I think they’ll be the next team into the premiership. " - Phil Rothfield

That was sent in a email to a Bears volunteer.
The first time in a long time I've agreed with Rothfield. I lol at the anti bears and anti NSW types who keep mentioning what the CEO's voted for. It wasn't a meaningful vote. I can vote that I'm making myself PM of Australia, it doesn't make it happen in reality (although I'd be a great PM).

Lol @ listening to what the other clubs have to say about the bidding process. It's like asking the Commonwealth bank what they think about the government trying to make the banking sector more competitive. They're a little bit biased.


Qualification dropping just makes you look desperate. Especially when your grasp on the English language is tenous to say the least. Your last post is an (im)perfect example of that. I suggest that before you take the high ground on grammar you at least know what you're talking about yourself.

If you're going to dribble please use a napkin. Tell us great sage, what is the bid process for NRL expansion?

Oh, bears officials provided that information. They're certainly going to provide an unbiased number. That is if you even contacted them at all. Note great English sage that I am being sarcastic.

More dribble by the master of the English language. And, how pray tell, did you come to the conclusion that I have my own short comings in life? Because I managed to write a rational post whilst you were reduced to guesses and prattling on in pidgin English? The only shortcoming I have in my life is that I spend far too much time replying to fools such as yourself.

There is no need to try and discredit you, you are doing a good enough job on your own.
And noone but a psychiatrist would have a clue about what you just posted.
Good day sir.

You seem to be the most intelligent poster in this forum.

Bears fans, can you provide sources for your claim that the Bears were the most watched team during the 90s. This stat has been thrown around a lot and I think a source is necessary.

Perth Red

Post Whore
on a side note yet another expansion bid plays the "give us a team or the AFL will take over" card!

Meanwhile, Central Queensland bid chief executive Dennis Keefe warned his region would be ripe for the picking by an aggressive AFL if it was overlooked to play in the elite rugby league competition.
Keefe said the area was about to boom as the ''Saudi Arabia of Asia'' because of its liquid gas fields.
He said central Queensland was braced for an influx of labourers from AFL states and added while the area's Aussie rules competition lagged way behind league's, the current balance of power could dramatically change if the AFL saw potential in the area.



Without hard work the Bid has got nothing. It is not the be all and end all but if there is no hard work then there is no chance of them getting a team.

The Bids that get accepted will be those bids that work the hardest.

Are you saying Ipswich are not working hard to get their bid accepted?
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