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Central Coast Bears - Stand Aside

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1 Eyed TEZZA

As much as I want the Coast to have the Bears in the competition, I think its likely that this is where they are lacking and there is nothing that the Bears bid team can do to counter it.

"As we've always said, expansion will only be possible if the club itself is viable and it adds something to the overall financial picture of the game," Gallop said.

This is a major thing and will be probably the strongest point when deciding which bids to accept.

The IC will consider the current clubs first and foremost. That will not change. So unless the Bears can deliver extra dollars to other clubs aswell......

Bears fans, how are the Bears bid addressing the situation? What is in it for the rest of the clubs if the Bears are admitted to the NRL? What value ($$$ wise) do the Bears offer above the WAReds and Ipswich?


Actually on current trends according to the news recently it will happen by 2030.

I went to the ABS website and what did I discover? That Melbourne gained 8,000 more residents last year than Sydney did(93,500/85,400). At that rate it would take 62.5 years to equal Sydney's population.

Based on the number of Victorian cars I have seen around Liverpool in recent months it may take a lot longer than that.

I stand by my comment.
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Too bad the CC still has a larger pop then ipswich. Now and in 20 years. Too bad this ccbears bid is years ahead of Ipswich. Too bad the community actually wants a team and are forking out with their money for this. Can't see many people in qld doing the same, matter of fact the locals of Ipswich are still indecisive about this bid and I love how they got a former Sydney rooster to oversee this bid when he has never lived in the area.

Ccbears will keep getting members, sponsors and fans. While these other bids will keep getting hyped up by folks on the net who have never even been to these areas.

I don't need to go anywhere to know that NSW already has too many teams and QLD doesn't have enough.
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As much as I want the Coast to have the Bears in the competition, I think its likely that this is where they are lacking and there is nothing that the Bears bid team can do to counter it.

This is a major thing and will be probably the strongest point when deciding which bids to accept.

The IC will consider the current clubs first and foremost. That will not change. So unless the Bears can deliver extra dollars to other clubs aswell......

Bears fans, how are the Bears bid addressing the situation? What is in it for the rest of the clubs if the Bears are admitted to the NRL? What value ($$$ wise) do the Bears offer above the WAReds and Ipswich?

The extra game automatically brings in more money. Ipswich is also a heartland with a smaller population and equally as many people have foxtel in the south qld region as they do in be north shore/cc region. Therefore the money will be the same regardless because it's an extra game. They will also bring money via. the center of excellence and the new sponsors they bring into the game (something the other bids haven't planned for). Not to mention franchise revenue as the bears brand is more recognizable and stronger than a jets brand or a new brand. Through generational support our brand has more market value.

Underestitmate these factors all you want but they will bring revenue. I'd also like to mention that the areas the ccbears plan to cover has a wealthier population per average then south qld/Ipswich, meaning the community has more potential to spend on the team and bid. Affordability is important because if the community cant afford to go to games then what's the point? Because pay tv isn't cheap either.

Qld has the extra team debate but considering both areas already watch the game and our territory covers more people who actually want a team then it's a no brainer. Capturing peoples imagination is the hardest thing to accomplish and both the ccbears and wareds have acheived this. Ipswich/south qld have captured no ones imagination because they lack proper planning and research into the demographics of whatever area they plan to bid for.


Easy to say but reality is the Q'land bid is unlikely to be any where near as strong as the Bears bid. Unless they say we will admit the Reds 2013 and Ipswich 2015 to give them more building time, which does little to enhance the TV deal, then I simply can't see the Ipswich bid being near strong enough to knock the Bears out. If both bids were of equal strength and development then I could see them going with Ipswich but they aren;t, and unlikely to be by next year.
The AFL are introducing GC Suns this year and GWS next year and they seem to be of the opinion that will help them get the best TV deal possible. How about Reds 2012 and Jets 2013?
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The extra game automatically brings in more money. Ipswich is also a heartland with a smaller population and equally as many people have foxtel in the south qld region as they do in be north shore/cc region. Therefore the money will be the same regardless because it's an extra game. They will also bring money via. the center of excellence and the new sponsors they bring into the game (something the other bids haven't planned for). Not to mention franchise revenue as the bears brand is more recognizable and stronger than a jets brand or a new brand. Through generational support our brand has more market value.

Underestitmate these factors all you want but they will bring revenue. I'd also like to mention that the areas the ccbears plan to cover has a wealthier population per average then south qld/Ipswich, meaning the community has more potential to spend on the team and bid. Affordability is important because if the community cant afford to go to games then what's the point? Because pay tv isn't cheap either.

Qld has the extra team debate but considering both areas already watch the game and our territory covers more people who actually want a team then it's a no brainer. Capturing peoples imagination is the hardest thing to accomplish and both the ccbears and wareds have acheived this. Ipswich/south qld have captured no ones imagination because they lack proper planning and research into the demographics of whatever area they plan to bid for.

The Coastal properties in Sydney are usually more expensive than the out west, but "imo" the heart of Rugby League beats strongest in the west of Sydney (and that's coming from a coast dweller).
I think you would find strong similarities west of Brisbane.
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I don't need to go anywhere to know that NSW already has too many teams and QLD doesn't have enough.

Yet you won't support the bid physically.. like no one has/is so what's the point then? All talk that's what the point is with the south qld/Ipswich bid. You will keep regurgitating the same stuff over and over but you or no one else will actually bother to go out into the communities and engage with people about this bid. No one has at all! It's all about we have an area, so let's plonk a team there regardless if people who live there actually support it or not... Sounds awfully like a gold coast united/nt qld fury aleague scenario.

But I guess it easier to sit at home on your computer making judgements and giving opinions then actually doing hardwork for a bid or in the community. Under your philosophy we should give qld an extra team without doing the hardyards then when people spit it back out due to lack of community ivolvement, we can prop this team up for decades instead of having them prosper via, self sustainability.
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The Coastal properties in Sydney are usually more expensive than the out west, but "imo" the heart of Rugby League beats strongest in the west of Sydney (and that's coming from a coast dweller).
I think you would find strong similarities west of Brisbane.

Wrong. People only move to Ipswich because they can't afford to live in Brisbane and even then alot of families are struggling. Again, Ive lived both near ippy and on the cc and I have family in ippy still. Ipswich may be growing but it's still a struggle for most families there to make ends meet let alone be able to go the footy. Cc is a heart of rugby league on it's own right with a bigger pop. then ippy to boot and more people willing to support and pay for a team as well......


Yet you won't support the bid physically.. like no one has/is so what's the point then? All talk that's what the point is with the south qld/Ipswich bid. You will keep regurgitating the same stuff over and over but you or no one else will actually bother to go out into the communities and engage with people about this bid. No one has at all! It's all about we have an area, so let's plonk a team there regardless if people who live there actually support it or not... Sounds awfully like a gold coast united/nt qld fury aleague scenario.

But I guess it easier to sit at home on your computer making judgements and giving opinions then actually doing hardwork for a bid or in the community. Under your philosophy we should give qld an extra team without doing the hardyards then when people spit it back out due to lack of community ivolvement, we can prop this team up for decades instead of having them prosper via, self sustainability.

Ipswich Jets are preparing their bid. I assume they will have the community on board. I choose to support them because I think the game needs another QLD team.
Ipswich Jets are preparing their bid. I assume they will have the community on board. I choose to support them because I think the game needs another QLD team.

Assuming people will support it and people actually supporting it are 2 different things completely which highlights the ccbears bid further because the cc and ns communities do support this bears bid. They have been supporting this bid for the best part of a decade and had community support whilst we prepared our bid in the early stages. I also think qld needs another team, after the bears and reds.
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First Grade
Wrong. People only move to Ipswich because they can't afford to live in Brisbane and even then alot of families are struggling. Again, Ive lived both near ippy and on the cc and I have family in ippy still. Ipswich may be growing but it's still a struggle for most families there to make ends meet let alone be able to go the footy. Cc is a heart of rugby league on it's own right with a bigger pop. then ippy to boot and more people willing to support and pay for a team as well......

If they're so rich I'm sure they can afford petrol for the hour or so drive to 9 other NRL clubs.
If they're so rich I'm sure they can afford petrol for the hour or so drive to 9 other NRL clubs.

Nope. Because they want their own community team (like the GC) and like the GC, the community will not only fork out the dollars to support the Central Coast Bears but will happily volunteer for free working with the membership drives. You can't force a team on people if they don't want it. It's up to them to show support for their own bid, which is what they have exactly done.

next argument..


Nope. Because they want their own community team (like the GC) and like the GC, the community will not only fork out the dollars to support the Central Coast Bears but will happily volunteer for free working with the membership drives. You can't force a team on people if they don't want it. It's up to them to show support for their own bid, which is what they have exactly done.

next argument..

They had their own team and did not support it, and before you say that's because it truly wasn't a central coast team what about the dragons and the steelers and wests and the tigers.
They had their own team and did not support it, and before you say that's because it truly wasn't a central coast team what about the dragons and the steelers and wests and the tigers.

The Northern Eagles? Are you still bringing this up when it's universally accepted by both CCBEARS fans and naysayers alike that it was never going to work. Especially when more than half the games were played at Brookvale instead of Bluetongue? The Tigers and Dragons have worked hard to establish themselves in their areas ('Gong & St. George) & (Balmain & Western Subs). The Eagles didn't work with the community at all.. unlike the Bears who have engaged in the community (NS & CC).

Next argument..
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the Northern Eagles was an abomination of a club...2 clubs that have nothing but hatred for each other was never going to work.


The Northern Eagles? Are you still bringing this up when it's universally accepted by both CCBEARS fans and naysayers alike that it was never going to work. Especially when more than half the games were played at Brookvale instead of Bluetongue? The Tigers and Dragons have worked hard to establish themselves in their areas ('Gong & St. George) & (Balmain & Western Subs). The Eagles didn't work with the community at all.. unlike the Bears who have engaged in the community (NS & CC).

Next argument..
Have you forgotten that the Bears were half of the abortion known as the northern eagles...please let me know right now for all to see and without double speak, are the Bears a pure Central Coast Team or a transplant foisted upon an area that many have stated wanted a team representing their own identity.
Have you forgotten that the Bears were half of the abortion known as the northern eagles...please let me know right now for all to see and without double speak, are the Bears a pure Central Coast Team or a transplant foisted upon an area that many have stated wanted a team representing their own identity.

No they weren't The Bears had close to 0 say in the Northern Eagles. You obviously don't know anything about the situation so why comment on it?

The BEARS have been trying since the SL war to move to the CC. Almost 4 years before we were merged with Manly, we were trying to establish ourselves on the coast. Hence Bluetongue Stadium, hence the many CC juniors that came through Norths, hence the community support for the Bears bid.

The CCBears are in a UNIQUE situation. Where they can not only represent the entire CC due to being based on the CC but they can also cater for their old Norths fans. This is a situation no other team has been in, therefore no one else except CC locals and Bears fans have a say in. We are the ONLY team to ever consider and actually relocate. We have sponsors knocking the door down wanting to join this bid based on the strengths of the BEARS brand and the CC community.

We have memberships @ 4700.. more then SEVEN current clubs. Even if our cheapest memberships is $20 for adults, thats an amazing effort for a bid with no team. That's 4700 more members then all other bids except for WAREDS (who are at 700?). By the way the premium membership packages ($50) are the most popular anyway. Thats not including the foundation members which @ $5500 each, we have sold 60 thus far.

That's also not including the equity the BEARS brand has or the warchest we have saved up. Not only can we manage ourselves but we won't be needing on grants due to the community, sponsor and business model commitments. Time passes by quick and if you haven't got your stuff sorted, geez it's going to be hard to make it all click within a few months.

Memberships don't grow on trees, sponsors aren't found in the local creek and a good business plan isn't thought out in a week. Good luck to everyone else but we have our corners covered and we are going full steam ahead..(and what we lack in media coverage recently we more than make up for it in financial members and community support).

next argument
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