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Charity Shield Jersey is Black!


I can change Saints fans' feelings on their jersey? Really? I call it having an opinion, each to their own.

I'm commenting for a number of reasons. Firstly, because I can. Secondly, because despite what some might have you think, Saints are my second team and I find it hard not to get passionate about them. I blame the mrs for that. And also, I'm a paying member of the Dragons, regardless of the fact that I support Canterbury. Lastly, I like discussion about jerseys, as evidenced by the thread in the NRL section where I go to great lengths to get info on new jerseys. Like you, I'm looking forward to seeing what the rumours translate into this weekend.

WOW there is no F@CKING WAY I could ever have C@nterbury as my 2nd favorite team or like them in any possible way! I'm struggling to accept that you do! I'll have to put a lot more sh*t on the Dogs till your opinion changes! Plus there should be some sort of screening of members so dogs supporters can't become Dragons members! ;-)


First Grade
Okay, I'll bite. How does having a second team make someone less of a league fan? It could be argued that it makes them more of a league fan, rather than just a team fan.

And no, I don't have a second team per se. My wife & kids support the Raiders (no, I rang DoCS - somehow it doesn't meet their definition of 'child abuse'. No wonder this state's going down the toilet), and we lived in Canberra for quite a few years & saw quite a few Raiders games, so if the Raiders are playing, I go for them over whoever they're playing...UNLESS it's the Dragons, or unless it would affect the Dragons' position on the ladder. When the Raiders win, my 9yo in particular is happier than a pig in schidt, so that's why I like to see them win. Also, the times he's met any players, they've been completely awesome to him (Alan Tongue gets special mention here).

But of any team, I hate to see the Dragons lose to the Raiders most of all. Well, apart from seeing the Dragons lose to anybody.

Ditto, I don't mind seeing the Pennies win - my best mate's and his son's/my godson's team. And ditto, any time his son met the players, they were awesome to him.

With both those teams too, it's also the underdog factor coming to the fore. And who doesn't like to see the underdog get up?

And in any case, R&W, aren't there teams you hate more than others? I know if the Storm, the Sharks, the Roosters, the Eels or the Dogs play (even each other) I want 'em all to lose. Badly. To have teams you hate more than others could be seen to be liking some teams more than the ones you truly detest, thus making you "not a real league fan" maybe??? :?

And if Timmah's telling the truth about being a financial member of the Dragons, f**k, blows me away. Good on him for putting his money where his mouth is. :thumn

Oh, and finding it hard to picture a black jersey/red V that looks good, so will have to wait till the game to opine on that!

The thought of me wanting another team to win just blows ME away.

There are teams I hate more than others but at the end of the day I hate them all.

The only way I'd want to see 1 team beat another is if I've got Footy Tab or if the outcome affects St George, apart from that there is no way I could have a second team. I don't even know what that means


First Grade
Coz the only team I want to see win is St George, they are the only team who make me happy when they win and pissed off when they lose. Not too hard to figure that one out champ
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First Grade
Well me old pop will be happy looking down and seeing red and black again, but I was never a big Norhs fan myself. It's just a trial, and for charity, but I still don't know what's wrong with red and white.


Anytime a bloke says they have a second team it is akin to saying that their second option for a sexual partner is with a male...
I follow Team A but when they are not playing I run with Team B...
I prefer sex with females but when that is not an option my next choice is with another male.


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
You have a second team then you're not a real League fan.
:lol: I'll cop a lot of sh*t on here for any amount of things... but that's a laugh. If I wasn't a true league fan I wouldn't be here, I wouldn't be on LU, simple as that.
Saint Doc said:
Its the way you do it. You post like you own the place, which, at least in this sub-forum, you most certainly do not. By responding to Willow's post and bringing up the dark green, you are challenging his opinion that we are only red and white. When he replies that it was representing the ANZACS you fire back with some nonsense about the good work of the St.George foundation, its inflammatory. I know I'm wasting my breath here (well, fingers anyway...) but why can't you, if you feel the need to post at all, just post your thoughts without trying to enter an argument?
Post like I own the place? :lol: There's a laugh. I'm posting my opinion, with which you're entitled to disagree. Clearly you do, that's fine.

The dark green argument? I was challenging an incorrect fact. How bringing up the St George foundation is somehow inflammatory is a bit of a stretch - I'm merely saying if it's for charity, then who cares? The way I see it, forums are places for debates, discussions and arguments. Would you rather noone came in and questioned anything said? Shining happy people holding hands?

And Willow, if my opinion (that's all it is, despite your protestations) is such a problem, tick me off as a banned person from the Dragons section of this forum. Does it really trouble you that much?

big pat

your right timmah, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and mine is that black is crap,now i know its for charity, i don't need to be reminded, but to me st george are red and white, now i don't care if its bloods and bandages, red v or red and white checks, but their is no way i'm going to accept red white and black, and i dont give sh*t what it looks like, just because some smart ass marketing nerd tells me so.


First Grade
Timmah can't you go fishing in your own forum, there's enough lightweights to be reeled in there without needing to over fish other forums?


First Grade
I dont necessarily have a second favourite team

it is judged in degrees of hatred

there are a cpl of teams i dont hate or dont have an individual player in the team i hate

others are filled with them, im sure you all know which ones they are!!!


Assistant Moderator
The dark green argument? I was challenging an incorrect fact.

There were no incorrect facts. Just your preference for bitching over comprehension.

Timmah said:
Would you rather noone came in and questioned anything said?
Would it make any difference if you were told to f**k off?

Timmah said:
tick me off as a banned person from the Dragons section of this forum. Does it really trouble you that much?
Ooooh... someone needs a nap.

Tempting offer btw, if only to see you chuck the mother of all tanties. Cry baby.

Here's how the kid supports his 'second team'...
El Masri just pips Patten for mine. The clubman aspect wins it for me. Pats was a dirty Dragon & Steeler initially :fist:
lol. Hard core supporter.
Presumably this is for Charity, St George foundation does awesome community work. Where's the problem?

Hell this isn't even confirmed yet is it?

Is it just me or does Timmah know more about the Dragons than Canturbury? Just come out of the closet you DRAGON!


Assistant Moderator
No, it's the girlfriend factor. We know a very very small part of Tim is a Dragons supporter.

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