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Commentators and Hayne

What technique will the commentators use on Hayne next week?

  • For taking the field - a nutcup

    Votes: 29 54.7%
  • Getting his hands on the ball - a bit of light kissing and fondling

    Votes: 26 49.1%
  • Throwing a pass - massage with happy ending

    Votes: 30 56.6%
  • Making a tackle - third base

    Votes: 28 52.8%
  • Scoring a try - Brokeback Mountain

    Votes: 43 81.1%

  • Total voters

1 Eyed TEZZA

So let me get this straight. People hate Hayne because of the media praise he gets? Would that be classed as jealousy?

And as for the idiot who said Hayne couldnt handle critisism from Ando, have a quick read of everything that happened. That incident was one of the most blown out of proportion incidents in our clubs history. Not only did Jarryd not have a problem, he posted on his twitter that the media are taking things too far. It was a disgrace from the media, just like the BS that Ando doesnt get along with Islander players.


No, people hate the undue media/commentary praise he gets. The rest of your post is 100% correct and it's the other side of the same coin.

Pierced Soul

First Grade
that piece of skill hayne did in origin 3 was superb play...
it was not a catchable bomb considering he had QLD in his road.. he tries to catch it? it would have been knocked on.
It was a great piece of skill

"not a catchable bomb" :lol: no such f**king thing, every bomb can be caught just as every pass can be caught.

watch the front on shot thurston wasnt going anywhere near it, he had time to not only catch it but also put in a better kick than what he did by throwing his leg out.

did you see mcmanus do the same thing in the ingoal instead of catching the bomb? was that brilliant as well or only when hayne does something that stupid?

hayne f**king farts and you jizzmonkeys cream yourselves


Another quality canberra fan post.

Did anyone see Josh Dugan on the footy show a couple of weeks back? Talk about having tickets on himself. His self indulgence made me sick. Haynesy has proven himself at the elite level. Josh Dugan is a Turd.
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People need to get over their hatred for Hayne.

He's had a pretty good year individually, playing on an ordinary team. People saying it's his first good game of the year are ignorant

He has played tough for most of the year. Usually makes the most metres and has had to shoulder all the responsibility due to the halves combo not working. In the game against Melbourne he was outstanding.

Slater is a champion and great to watch, but can't throw a pass or kick to save his life. Hayne can always learn positional play, which i believe will come with time.

I often question the maturity of many posters. To have such hate for a player is...well...not normal.


Pierced Soul

First Grade
Slater is a champion and great to watch, but can't throw a pass or kick to save his life. Hayne can always learn positional play, which i believe will come with time.****

so Hayne can learn positional play but Slater can"t l;earn to pass or kick? Slater has improved immensley with his passing game, go watch Hayne throw a few balls over the sideline in the past few weeks then re-read your comments about slater not being able to pass....
Did anyone see Josh Dugan on the footy show a couple of weeks back? Talk about having tickets on himself. His self indulgence made me sick. Haynesy has proven himself at the elite level. Josh Dugan is a Turd.

Are you being sarcastic? He said he was slow, joked that he's only scored 5 tries in his career and that he looked up to Kurt Gidley while growing up.

That's talking yourself down.


Well Dugan may want to look to better role models than gidley! If I was a young fullback at his age I'd look yo the Lockyer fullback days or Tim brasher now there were 2 fullbacks in their day that no matter what team they were in they always played to their potential!!!

Hayne I dunno who he idolizes tbh

Yeh he needs pats on the back at this stage in his career but what young player has had to carry his f**king team like Jayne has had to do for the past 2 seasons? And before u say thurston or Lockyer or johns when he played I'm talking about kids under the age of 23 playing in their position for not even 2 full seasons of course he's gonna crack sometimes....I as a parra fan wish the media would lay off him tbh and let him do his own thing


so Hayne can learn positional play but Slater can"t l;earn to pass or kick? Slater has improved immensley with his passing game, go watch Hayne throw a few balls over the sideline in the past few weeks then re-read your comments about slater not being able to pass....

Yes, I believe that is true. To be able to pass with vision and kick is not something that comes natural to Slater. He has been specifically working on his passing game for a few years now but has appeared to have abandoned this because it is beyond him. He is much more adept at injecting himself as a runner, rather than a ball player. Hayne's problem at the back is lethargy more than anything.

It is just an opinion, but Hayne has him covered in these areas. Slater makes up for it in others as evidenced by his form over the past 2-3 years, but once his unbelievable speed goes so too will much of his game that makes him the great player he is today. Hayne will merely slot in as a five eighth or centre due to his skill and size when he starts to lose his speed.

Just trying to balance out what is a hysterical post, and acknowledge 2 very good players.


Eels Dude

I think everyone misses the point with the Hayne hype. Having players like Hayne, Marshall, Idris etc are a MUST to promote the game in Sydney. Kids idolise they players. Hayne gets mobbed by the young ones on fan days etc. How is this not a good thing? It's much better than them looking up to AFL or rugby players especially in an era when the AFL are trying to move in on Western Sydney. Hayne's profile is important for the marketability of rugby league in Sydney and especially Western Sydney. The hype may not be warranted, but hey as a rugby league fan I'd rather read articles on him every day then read articles talking up Folau's move to the AFL. Hayne's publicity creates rugby league fans and makes kids want to play the game themselves instead of playing a different sport.


Well Dugan may want to look to better role models than gidley! If I was a young fullback at his age I'd look yo the Lockyer fullback days or Tim brasher now there were 2 fullbacks in their day that no matter what team they were in they always played to their potential!!!
i wouldn't recommend a young player tries to emulate Gidleys particular skillset... but there arn't many better players to look up to as far as work ethic and heart goes. a player with Dugans talent emulating a bloke like Kurt Gidley could become a great.
Hayne I dunno who he idolizes tbh
lol, this is the most obvious thing about the bloke. himself.

i don't disagree with Eels Dude's point about hyping players as a marketing tool, though.


in spite of his initial failure in the position... i do see Hayne as a 5/8th eventually... assuming he continues to plod along and not really care about the fundamentals of fullback play.


Comedy GOLD! He failed miserably in those positions!:lol:

Well I can't recall him playing as a centre in 1st grade, but did have a few games at five eighth before finally being given the chance at fullback. To say he failed is a little premature. It took Locky a while to adapt to 5/8, and the critics will still say his defence isn't up to it. Doesn't make him a failure as he makes up for it in other ways.

Have you not noticed that in attack Hayne is essentially a second 5/8 now? That is the problem at Parra...the halves know he is more capable than them and are are too afraid to override his calls. End result is Parra end up being a one trick pony.



Post Whore
Hayne has played centre in first grade, almost certain of it. Hayne is a runner who can ball play a bit, very similar in that regard to Karmichael Hunt (yeah I know poor example but you get the drift) who both were tried in the halves but in the end are better when they pick and choose when to ball play. Hayne is more valuabe in broken play (i.e. as a fullback) than he would be as a ball player. A gun fullback is just as important as a gun 5/8th. However, he needs to show consistency and 1 game in 5 is not consistent!

Punt Mortimer to 5/8th and you never know it might work again!

Eels Dude

Well I can't recall him playing as a centre in 1st grade, but did have a few games at five eighth before finally being given the chance at fullback. To say he failed is a little premature. It took Locky a while to adapt to 5/8, and the critics will still say his defence isn't up to it. Doesn't make him a failure as he makes up for it in other ways.

Have you not noticed that in attack Hayne is essentially a second 5/8 now? That is the problem at Parra...the halves know he is more capable than them and are are too afraid to override his calls. End result is Parra end up being a one trick pony.


He played the majority of 2008 in the centres. But the rest I agree. Hayne plays a similar role to Lockyer when he was at fullback for the Broncos. He's an extra playmaker when needed, or a support player when needed. And can execute both perfectly. Problem is with being a support player he doesn't have the players around him to set things up. He'll end up a 5'8th sooner or later, when he slows down a bit, but overall he's big enough to defend there and has a very solid tackling technique.


He played the majority of 2008 in the centres. But the rest I agree. Hayne plays a similar role to Lockyer when he was at fullback for the Broncos. He's an extra playmaker when needed, or a support player when needed. And can execute both perfectly. Problem is with being a support player he doesn't have the players around him to set things up. He'll end up a 5'8th sooner or later, when he slows down a bit, but overall he's big enough to defend there and has a very solid tackling technique.

There you go. I must have erased 2008 from my memory! With all the crap that went down that year, you would have to give him some leeway and it is harsh to call him a failure there.

It goes back to my original point that Hayne has the game to play both 5/8 and centre when his legs get old. That is not something you could say about Slater imo. Time will prove me wrong or right.



As positive and over the top as these commentators are, League Unlimited is negative and below the belt.
Do you guys feel that you have to level it out for everyone? New flash you're not that important.

I can't believe you lot b!tch and moan about a players skills being celebrated in the game you all follow. A player that kids wanna be..and makes them play the game. A player that could be $1.5mil a year richer if he left the game which would've had a bigger negative impact on the game then anything else in the last 5 years. You're all whinging Dickheads!

Who said it would've died?
I'll put it like this, I coach an under 8s team, 99% of them either wanna be Benji or Jarryd..even the one's who don't follow the Tigers or Eels. He's doing his best, and encouraging kids to play the game yet you lot wanna bitch about him being praised for scoring 3 trys in a must win game for his side. Step back and take a reality check.

Excellent posts. Notice how the guy that replied to you went quite after your last post.

Fact is, when he is on he is magical and exciting. Get the f**k over it you jealous f**ks.

Stop bitching about our own backyard and just appreciate the brilliance that is Hayne.
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