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Commission to outlaw 'shoulder charge'

Should the Shoulder Charge be banned?

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If legal shoulder charges are "okay", why are they banned in the other code? From memory, they were allowed until the mid to late nineties, then they were banned on medical grounds.

Shoulder Charges have been "banned" in Union for a lot longer than the late nineties??????

WTF kind of logic is that anyway?? If one sport bans it that means all shoud follow suit?

They should shoot free throws instead of penalty goals?


Ffs this shit Infuriates me :crazy:
Leave the bloody game alone!!!

Half of these jurno's have never put a footy boot on in there life who The f**k are they to say what should be banned and what shouldnt.
I've never played in the NRL before but I have played league all my life. I'm a small bloke (5.7 & 74kg) so i cop a fair share of big hits. If I had a problem with it I wouldn't play. I step and run around these bloke and if roles were reversed I'd try to smash me too. It's just the game ffs.

If you don't like the fact blokes get smashed then don't watch/ play footy. I understand in kids league not having Thr shoulder charge but in seniors it's all fair game.

I can see merit in reducing the interchange and perhaps reducing the impact of penalties for non foul play incidents. Otherwise leave it alone!
If legal shoulder charges are "okay", why are they banned in the other code? From memory, they were allowed until the mid to late nineties, then they were banned on medical grounds

Haven't you read a f**king thing I've said? Shoulder charges are banned in Rugby because Rugby is a sport domineered over by soft homos.

Bullshit to player safety. If Union cared about player safety they'd ban rucks and scrums. They don't allow shoulder charges because they think it's uncouth, lol. Rugby is still controlled by posh wanker after all.

If this is the best argument you lot have then I've won.

Not one person has risen to the challenge and posted even a sprinkling of evidence to support the notion of shoulder charges being even relatively dangerous. All I see is what I said I'd seen previously, a bunch of merkins indoctrinated by rugby propaganda, now promoting said rugby propaganda.

I'm also still waiting on someone to tell me the last time there was a "proper" concussion from a legal shoulder charge.

For the record, shoulder charges have never been allowed in Rugby.
Shoulder Charges have been "banned" in Union for a lot longer than the late nineties??????

WTF kind of logic is that anyway?? If one sport bans it that means all shoud follow suit?

They should shoot free throws instead of penalty goals?

People actually believe that because Rugby doesn't have shoulder charges that there must be legitimate reason for it. Can you believe this shit. This from the sport that allows teenagers to break their necks because they can't get over scrums? :lol:

I know it upsets these shoulder-bigots because they can't argue with credibility when asked to stick to the facts.
I think so, what do you guys think...I think after that tackle it pretty much spells the end of this type of tackle.

Or am I getting too carried away?...

Once Dead

What is the difference between a head high tackle and a shoulder charge? Pretty much nothing....a tackle gone wrong....for which, penalties are given...

The shoulder charge performed successfully is part and parcel of the game just like any other tackle. If performed incorrectly, it should be punished just like any other tackle....

People, including ABC commentators and Terrorgraph writers need to take a chill pill.....
A Souths player shoulder charged a Dragons player in the head and he was medicabbed off.

We've had a few too many go wrong this season, I dunno...I might be getting a bit precious but it will still be a big topic of discussion yet again.
To self promote my own thread a bit - http://forums.leagueunlimited.com/showthread.php?t=407305

We've had no more or less shoulder charges go wrong than we have Rugby style tackles. You're perceiving that shoulder charges are going wrong more than anything else because you're been effectively brainwashed by the media.

There has been many concussions from wrapping tackles gone wrong(recently Cooper Cronk, one of the Morris bros and FuiFui MoiMoi... probably 10 more that I haven't seen in the last month of the NRL). Where are the threads to outlaw textbook tackles gone wrong? Oh that's right, there aren't any, because people are able to distinguish textbook tackles gone wrong, but can't tell apart legit shoudler charges and high shoulder charges.

f**k your thread


Village Idiot
Staff member
No need to head in like that when a player is stationary..

I know some people call Dean Young a girl, bit that doesn't give inglis an excuse..


First Grade
Inglis should have been sent off...cheating, fkn lowlife.
Dragons are now down a player because of this....
Imagine if it was JT ...oh wait


First Grade
If Young hits Inglis like that and he's lying there out cold I guarantee young would have been sent!

Certain players are koala's like Burgess and Inglis. If it was JWH he is straight off and Rothfield is calling for a life ban. The inconsistency in the way games are officiated is a stain on the game.
What is the difference between a head high tackle and a shoulder charge? Pretty much nothing....a tackle gone wrong....for which, penalties are given...

The shoulder charge performed successfully is part and parcel of the game just like any other tackle. If performed incorrectly, it should be punished just like any other tackle....

People, including ABC commentators and Terrorgraph writers need to take a chill pill.....

This. You stuff it up you face the consequences.


Inglis has a case to answer. There was clear intent, simply because fullbacks going for shoulder charges on players who have made a break let in tries. He knew it to the traitorous scum. See the smile when the grunt was put on report?

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