Its a fascinating period to be in
I thought Split Enz said "history never repeats" ??
if we move on from footy for now, where do we direct our attention?
If we dont have footy for now as a distraction where doe our hours of being on the forum or watching games etc per week shift to?
Have we seen other periods in history where there was a significant change in values or mother nature a disruptor.... such as the earthquake that ruined large parts of the Colosseum and a change in values that didnt want the entertainment any more?
Decline of the Colosseum - Failing Roman Economy
At the height of its popularity the cost of the gladiatorial games at the Colosseum came to one third of the total income of the Roman Empire. The emperors who followed Honorius at first commissioned repairs to the Colosseum (after the earthquake) but as its political importance declined, together with the wealth of the Roman Empire, so did the enthusiasm for spending money on repairs. Constant warfare required heavy military spending. The Roman government was constantly threatened by bankruptcy and the emperors spent money on wars.
Too deep ?
Not deep enough ? lol