Your "crime"? Did they charge you? What was Supermax like? Did you get rogered by a big bloke with tatts?
I had a similar experience one. I was driving along happily when one of these bastards jumped out in front of my car and demanded I stop. I had to produce my licence too, just in case I was Malcom Naden/The Una Bomber/You. Then they made me speak into a voice recorder and count to 10! Gave me some line about trying to catch drink drivers. He let me go, told me to drive safely and have a nice day. Bastards!
Same here. I said I would rather be T boned by a guy who had just downed 16 double shots of Vodka, and die instantly that submit to an RBT...................... ](*,)
Six? Out of one car? Come on, admit it - you were bombed! Probably playing ninjas with the shadows - a guy in the back streets of Crows Nest stoned off his tits running between shadows pretending he's Pikachu would attract police attention.
Heres the thing - did you ever stop and think that some crime had just been committed and they were scouring the streets trying to catch the perpetrator you dense f*ck? Seeing how you'd prefer to be robbed, and possibly killed if you disturbed the intruder, than to meet a policeman keeping you safe - that says a lot about you.
BTW, did the police mention a Panthers Eels merger? Or was that the aliens?
They were absolutely crammed into the car. It was unmarked, the police were plain clothed.
They could be anybody. Obviously it occurred to me it was quite likely they were police,
but then again, it could be a group of yobs.
I would like to see breath testing laws at the very least returned to their original guise,
or possibly even revoked. When breath testing was introduced, a car was regarded as
an extension of your personal space. It was introduced on the understanding that the
police would not use it as an excuse to pull you over and look for wrong doing. Being
pulled over is now an excuse to hunt down citizen. To start with, the Police should not
be requesting a drivers licence unless you fail the breath test.
If you listened to Naomi Wolfs lecture you would hear her talk about hyped threats. So
many of our freedoms have been eroded by hyped threats regarding road saftey so the
government can use it as a mechanism for revenue raising. For example, what is the
national road toll-. 3000 or so. Compared with a population 22 million, neither here nor
there. So introducing 40km /hr zones to save a tiny proportion of lives to gather vast
amounts of revenue is an example of a hyped threat.
If you think about the number of people who died during WWII so they didn't have to
live under the nazi's you begin to understand the price of freedom. The removal of
breath testing, because it has been abused by the police will cost lives, but that should
be part of the cost of freedom.