See this is exactly the reason why you come across as a nut job. Polic shave intelligence, they know where you live. If it is a rental address and someone has moved on, what's the problem with the Police coming around to see if he still resides there, after all he failed to show up for court. Or don't the rules put in place by the judicial system apply to people like him. Does he consider himself above the law, exactly the same sentiment you used towards the Police force earlier? See the hypocrisy.
So now you take issue with them legally stopping people in areas that have had high rates or burglary, all because it took up 5 min of your time. If that was me I'd be glad they are being proactive and making all efforts to reduce this type of crime. But that would just make me some type of weak merkin without a backbone because I don't mind my rights being ever so slightly impinged upon for the community greater good.
So no link to a coroners report you seem to think you know enough about to make an informed opinion on, what a shock. I look forward to this, or an retraction that you went off 1/2 cocked without having all the information.
That is exactly how it is done, it mirrors the standards the community expect. You know democracy.
You want the blood alcohol limit increased, wow!!! How many fatal accidents have you attended because some knob head was pissed, had no thought for anyone else but himself, as a result killed another person driving not intoxicated. Or how many relative/friends of yours have been killed because someone wanted to drive home after drinking ?
I am guessing 0.
Danger increases the more you drink
0.02 to 0.05 BAC ? your ability to see or locate moving lights correctly is reduced, as is your ability to judge distances. Your tendency to take risks is increased, and your ability to respond to several stimuli is decreased.
At 0.05 BAC drivers are twice (2) as likely to have a crash as before they started drinking.
0.05 to 0.08 BAC ? your ability to judge distances reduces further, sensitivity to red lights is impaired, reactions are slower, and concentration span is shorter.
At 0.08 BAC drivers are five (5) times more likely to have a crash than before they started drinking. At 0.08 to 0.12 BAC ? ?euphoria? sets in ? you overestimate your abilities, which leads you to drive recklessly, your peripheral vision is impaired (resulting in accidents due to hitting vehicles while passing), and your perception of obstacles is impaired. Drivers are up to ten (10) times more likely to have a crash.
What a great idea, increase the limit. You complete moron.
That's fie and it's an opinion. How man incidents are tasters used correctly compared to incorrectly ? Would be interesting to give this debate some perspective, something you clearly lack.
Until drugs are illegal, won't happen. I am guessing your are at least a recreational user. Enjoy the induced psychosis in the years to come. If not then I apologise for the incorrect assumption.
You don't like getting tickets because it has a financial penalty attached to it. fair enough too, either do I. But saying that if other people are killed because someone considers their time more important than others using the road, bad luck. FMD you have sunk to an all time low. Congrats.
Yes it raises revenue, but if you don't sped/use your mobile etc, no ticket is issued. It does not raise one single cent of revenue fact. Surely even such a brilliant academic mind like yours can comprehend that simple concept.
The judicial system does determine the sentence, they have to be found guilty of murdering a Police officer by the courts. I even spoon fed you the revenant legislation. I take it legislation is more of the devils work suppressing the good every day folk just wanting to live their lives?
Does anyone stop you wearing thongs in the wet if you choose, Or does anyone stop you wandering the streets at 2am because it may be dangerous, Does anyone stop you plying cricket in the nets without using any pads, box etc because it may be dangerous ? No.
How exactly were you interfered with today, and yesterday, and the day before?
What a complete and utter overreaction. Your usual MO as we can all see.
In all honesty, if life in todays society is so over bearing and you just can't take it. Move to a hippy commune and live the free life man. They exist, and there are many.