Usain Bolt
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Another lowlife aussie living up to his convict heritage
Another lowlife aussie living up to his convict heritage
It's sad that people think that. I don't know if it's 100% true. But when you think about the people they are dealing with, well I can see why they may resort to underhanded means. How many of the scumbags we want off the streets tell the truth? Most of the time you hear people getting stitched up by the police, they aren't clean anyway. Got to giggle a bit when some sh!tbag crim claims they have been unfairly dealt with. The pot calling the kettle black and all that.
Have to remember the police don't deal with people like you and me. If someone feels that they are continually being unfairly treated by the police, then maybe they should have a look at the things they are continually doing. Gaols are full of people who reckon they got stitched up.
I've got to say I'd rather my kid was cop than in the KKK.
With all due respect CrazyTiger you're assuming that the man who died was somehow hassling/bothering Field. No-one even knows if that is what occurred.
Give over, that dude sounded like he was high on meth and not in control of his
Are you seriously suggesting that there are not different degrees of murder?
It's sad that people think that. I don't know if it's 100% true. But when you think about the people they are dealing with, well I can see why they may resort to underhanded means. How many of the scumbags we want off the streets tell the truth? Most of the time you hear people getting stitched up by the police, they aren't clean anyway. Got to giggle a bit when some sh!tbag crim claims they have been unfairly dealt with. The pot calling the kettle black and all that.
Have to remember the police don't deal with people like you and me. If someone feels that they are continually being unfairly treated by the police, then maybe they should have a look at the things they are continually doing. Gaols are full of people who reckon they got stitched up.
I've got to say I'd rather my kid was cop than in the KKK.
and if he was hassling/bothering Field...leave, walk away. If the other bloke throws one, by all means defend yourself.
No excuse, no sympathy.
and if he was hassling/bothering Field...leave, walk away. If the other bloke throws one, by all means defend yourself.
No excuse, no sympathy.
Never the trust the Police. All they ever want are more powers.
And being drugged up or pissed is an excuse somehow? It shouldn't be. You punch someone, I believe you should be absolutely liable for the consequences.
Sorry, I have to disagree. I'm sure the family of the man who died are very appreciative of the job that the NSW detectives and DPP are/will be doing.
The government has two enemies, people from outside (foreigners), and people from
within (their citizens). The police are the government's means for controlling its citizens
at the end of a gun.
Never the trust the Police. All they ever want are more powers.
There are plenty of decent Policemen/women, that is not the point. The role of the Police force is to protect a government from it's own citizens. We should be very careful about
any powers they demand.
I'm from NSW, when I was about 15 they finally got Rogerson out of the force. By the time
I was about 27 they finished flushing out the likes of Trevor Hakin. The police force in
NSW has been corrupt most of my life.
We now have a different kind of corrupt police force in NSW. The Police are now a revenue
raising outfit for the state government.
I wouldn't say 'protect' the government, they are there to 'coerce' citizens (which is what police forces do in every State around the world). We live in an imperfect democracy, so we do get a say on what powers they're given (i.e., you joining civil rights bodies, etc).
Point taken on how the NSWPF used to be corrupt, and they do raise revenue, but in my opinion the NSWPF really aren't that bad compared to others around the world.