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Crowd Watch 2011

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As I've said previously... a 22k at Kogorah is the worst experience at an NRL game I've ever had. Instead of watching the game you're too busy trying to get a good view, along side listening to everyone scream at each other that they can't see...

This is 2011 ffs...

Saint Doc

I'd say winning the premiership would have something to do with it...

Would you? So why did we have second biggest ticketed last after 30 years without a premiership

Did Melbourne and manly have the biggest ticketed after their premierships?

We're not going anywhere! LOL@every1!
As I've said previously... a 22k at Kogorah is the worst experience at an NRL game I've ever had. Instead of watching the game you're too busy trying to get a good view, along side listening to everyone scream at each other that they can't see...

This is 2011 ffs...

If you don't like hills when there are big crowds, buy a ticket which entitles you to a seat. This is not rocket science.


there is a place for the smaller suburban ground for some clubs in Sydney .. this can't be denied
the Dragons game V the Cowboys being a perfect example
Kogarah is a perfect size for this ... they'll get 17 or 18K there , they'd get no more at the SFS

but its the Dragons steadfast refusal to move bigger marque games against big cross town rivals to more " appropriate" venues that is frustrating
they only moved the Bulldogs clash to the SCG because they had to &
if Wollongong had been available .. they'd of played it there .. thats their mentallity
its Ludicrous
do the Dragons need to move to a Bigger stadium full time ... no
do they need to do what the Tigers do ... yes
that is have a traditional ground in each of the merger's areas ... Kogarah in Sydney & WIN in Wollongong... & a 3rd venue ( SFS/ SCG) for monster clashes & where they can really wine & dine their corporates
( which you've already indicated is a big part of a clubs revenue )

their balance unlike the Tigers ... is not quite right.

And yet we have triple the number of members the tigers do. Wonder why?
As I've said previously... a 22k at Kogorah is the worst experience at an NRL game I've ever had. Instead of watching the game you're too busy trying to get a good view, along side listening to everyone scream at each other that they can't see...

This is 2011 ffs...

Its a hill mate. Should be standing room only for big fixtures for those who can hack it


First Grade
Good to see the Bulldogs pushing the Draogns game from now, hopefully it gains momentum and we can get over 40k which would be awesome. The same game last year on a Fri night got 37k so i dont see why we cant at least get that or more.

Also, i like that the Dragons have stayed at Kogarah/The Gong, moving to bigger stadiums suits some teams and i agree that they should move a couple of bigger games to the SFS but not a full time move. I wish the Dogs had Belmore for some games and ANZ for 4 or so of the bigger games and i hope one day we can return there.


there is a place for the smaller suburban ground for some clubs in Sydney .. this can't be denied
the Dragons game V the Cowboys being a perfect example
Kogarah is a perfect size for this ... they'll get 17 or 18K there , they'd get no more at the SFS

but its the Dragons steadfast refusal to move bigger marque games against big cross town rivals to more " appropriate" venues that is frustrating
they only moved the Bulldogs clash to the SCG because they had to &
if Wollongong had been available .. they'd of played it there .. thats their mentallity
its Ludicrous
do the Dragons need to move to a Bigger stadium full time ... no
do they need to do what the Tigers do ... yes
that is have a traditional ground in each of the merger's areas ... Kogarah in Sydney & WIN in Wollongong... & a 3rd venue ( SFS/ SCG) for monster clashes & where they can really wine & dine their corporates
( which you've already indicated is a big part of a clubs revenue )

their balance unlike the Tigers ... is not quite right.

Why are you frustrated by what the Dragons club does? The Dragons do what their fans want, unlike other clubs who are continually whoring out games for cash. And the fans have continually indicated that they want to stay at home. I'm sure if Kogarah wasn't sustainable the club would look at other options.

Sick of people complaining about the stadium situations of clubs they aren't even fans of. Like the wankers who bitch about hills constantly. The fans are the ones paying up, let them decide where their own club plays.
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Yosemite Sam

their balance unlike the Tigers ... is not quite right.

Ever wonder why the Tigers have such a small membership base?
We are entitled to play our 12 home games wherever we want, the NRL and other clubs have NO say in this and rightly so.

We play at Kogarah and Wollongong
We are not moving
Get over it.


Fans of other clubs often forget that our home game allocation is pretty much set in stone by the joint venture agreement -

Kogarah gets 6 games (ANZAC day game comes out of this 6 every 2nd year)
Woollongong gets 6 games

You start shifting more, and it upsets the structure of the club. Get over it. St George won't change on this issue, no matter how many fans from other clubs whine. Theres an easy solution - buy a seat, and buy it at least 2 days before a game and there is no problem.


Fans of other clubs often forget that our home game allocation is pretty much set in stone by the joint venture agreement -

Kogarah gets 6 games (ANZAC day game comes out of this 6 every 2nd year)
Woollongong gets 6 games

You start shifting more, and it upsets the structure of the club. Get over it. St George won't change on this issue, no matter how many fans from other clubs whine. Theres an easy solution - buy a seat, and buy it at least 2 days before a game and there is no problem.
Lol @ " the joint venture agreement". It's cute how dragons fans pretend that the Steelers side of the agreement contributes anything but geography to the JV. Or that the club is a join venture in anything but name only.

If the joint venture was ripped up don't think for a second the steelers would even get a look in by the NRL. They'd get told to F off Bears style and the St George Dragons would be a standalone club representing everything from Kogarah to the border.


19.3k/21-22k not good enough for you BDGS?

700 more people would have appeased you though?

Have you actually considered the reasons why people might not want to attend a suburban ground?

My guess is no, you just want to rant because Dragons fans irk you.

Why don't you go and investigate why such a big Sydney club - The Bulldogs, don't have more members? Uncle Toddie would love to know.

I have no problems with dragons fan, their reaction in this thread has irked me though and thus the vote in that poll.

However, i have said my peace. It is what it is.

Perth Red

Post Whore
Leave the clubs who want to be confined by their suburban grounds to it. Over the next couple of decades other clubs will be up over the 25-30K mark and those others will financially be left behind. As long as the NRL doesn't base its decisions on lowest denominators then it is their own look out. To suggest the clubs in the EPL who are in sub 30k grounds are somehow challenging the ones in 40K+ grounds is ludicrous. Hull went up with a 25k stadium, two years later they went back down with a 40million quid debt! Economics would suggest that selling 30k tickets is more profitable than selling 18K!
Lol @ " the joint venture agreement". It's cute how dragons fans pretend that the Steelers side of the agreement contributes anything but geography to the JV. Or that the club is a join venture in anything but name only.

Just to clarify. Is this what you call being a troll?

If the joint venture was ripped up don't think for a second the steelers would even get a look in by the NRL. They'd get told to F off Bears style and the St George Dragons would be a standalone club representing everything from Kogarah to the border.

Probably not immediately. There would need to be a couple of years to organise it. But given the League is willing to maybe give a go the a Central Coast team (an area with the same population and incomparabley less Rugby League heritage) then I cant see how you could make that assumption. Illawarra's prob was that the Steelers club its self doesnt do a particularly good trade and esspecially with the changing notion of teams supported by revenue not from clubs it seems even more possible.

That being said. I and many other Dragons fans down here are more than happy with the team.

Also, Steelers make a pretty solid contribution in the juniors department

Also Also, You forgot about Cronulla and Canberra with that silly little border comment

Triple also, Goddo's comment was refering to our stadium split so I don't think reference to the JV was out of context


But they dont have a salary cap...economics are much more important to clubs in that league
But even with that, when we get to the point where the smallest clubs have 15-20k members instead of 5-10 you will begin to see a split between the upper class and the middle/lower class in the NRL. Teams like the Broncos and Dogs and Souths will be able to keep selling more memberships while teams like the Dragons will hit their ceiling. You'll be forced to put your fans on waiting lists while we're signing all of ours up to be fully paying members. Eventually that will take it's toll.


Forcing fans on to waiting lists (if in the unlikely event that occurs) would drive up the value of a membership and for people wanting to hold on to theirs, would most likely pay more for the rights of membership (certainly ticketed membership). So from a capped membership number, we would most likely be able to extract higher paying members and keep up revenue numbers with those clubs you mentioned who have larger seating capacity. If membership is in virtually unlimited supply ala the Dogs and Souths due to their ground seating capacity, then the membership itself drops significantly in value. (ie If anyone can get a seat in such a large stadium, why bother paying for a membership?) Plus I think you will be hard pressed to ever fill a Dogs or Souths home game with ticketed members. Not in any of our lifetimes of that I am certain.


If you don't like hills when there are big crowds, buy a ticket which entitles you to a seat. This is not rocket science.

And if the seated area is sold out? Suggesting I just not go then?

Its a hill mate. Should be standing room only for big fixtures for those who can hack it

I agree. Try standing up and having 20-30 people scream at you to sit down...

You'll sit down pretty quickly.
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