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Crowd Watch 2011

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Didn't happen in Newcastle when they told us to sit down. Apart from at half time. lulz. Oh and buy a ticket in advance if you're so worried like everyone else does.

Looks like few spare seats at the anzac test.


Take a look at my sig... do I look worried about getting a seated ticket to a dragons game?

I'm pointing out a clear-as-day problem that a couple of suburban grounds have.

Some of you lot will argue to the death before admitting there's anything wrong. Classic conservatives.


First Grade
This whole argument is bullsh*t. The small ground issue is only a problem if your club is struggling financially. I'm going to guess that with 20K+ members the dragons are doing fine.

Not only that but i think being able to pull over 20K is plenty (plus it could go up in the future anyway). Take the 2 biggest games to the big stadiums to get 40-50K and you're set.

If you want to complain about brooky thats one thing but there is nothing wrong with the dragons situation.


Take a look at my sig... do I look worried about getting a seated ticket to a dragons game?

I'm pointing out a clear-as-day problem that a couple of suburban grounds have.

Some of you lot will argue to the death before admitting there's anything wrong. Classic conservatives.

Then stfu and stop being worried for us. If we aren't worried about OUR viewing at OUR home ground, why are you?

Classic do gooders, trying to do what they think is best for someone else. Let me guess, you spend your day's telling anyone who doesn't believe in god they will go to hell so they better convert quick smart. Probably the same with climate change, pokies tax, smoking in peoples own homes, stolen generation etc etc.

If the people who actually attend these games week in week out are happy then who gives a shit what the arm chair experts want.

Spark Plug

Why are you frustrated by what the Dragons club does? The Dragons do what their fans want, unlike other clubs who are continually whoring out games for cash. And the fans have continually indicated that they want to stay at home. I'm sure if Kogarah wasn't sustainable the club would look at other options.

Sick of people complaining about the stadium situations of clubs they aren't even fans of. Like the wankers who bitch about hills constantly. The fans are the ones paying up, let them decide where their own club plays.

Absolutely mate.
Its a non-issue.


It appears I need to repeat myself. Do I look like I'm worried about the Dragons...

I'm merely pointing out your problems. If you want to jump up and down screaming that there's nothing wrong, then I pity you.

Let me guess, you spend your day's telling anyone who doesn't believe in god they will go to hell so they better convert quick smart. Probably the same with climate change, pokies tax, smoking in peoples own homes, stolen generation etc etc.

Swing and a miss.

From my experience there were well over 100 people (limited by only having earshot of those around me) who weren't happy at all. On multiple occasions. Yet for some unfathomable reason I still don't think you'll care ;-)


Oh no....you know winter is really coming when the City V Country and SOO comes along....the NRL put on the back burner and games watched by two men, a one eyed dog and a canary while meaningless irrelevant representative games like SOO clog up mid season.
Leave the clubs who want to be confined by their suburban grounds to it. Over the next couple of decades other clubs will be up over the 25-30K mark and those others will financially be left behind. !

This is making some huge and false conclusions.

1. That suburban grounds won't be able to accomodate 25k to 30k in the future.
2. That gate takings are the primary revene stream of football clubs.
3. That crowd sizes are the only thing that determines gate takings.

As long as the NRL doesn't base its decisions on lowest denominators then it is their own look out. To suggest the clubs in the EPL who are in sub 30k grounds are somehow challenging the ones in 40K+ grounds is ludicrous.

Um, who suggested this? Unless you expect RL clubs to be the kind of economic powerhouses that Man Utd and its ilk are I also don't see your point. My point is that you can be a highly succesful football club (which any team that qualifies for the EPL is) without an 80k stadium.

Hull went up with a 25k stadium, two years later they went back down with a 40million quid debt!

What precisely does this prove? One particular club with a small stadium didn't succeed in one of the most expensive club competitions in the world.

Economics would suggest that selling 30k tickets is more profitable than selling 18K!

Economics suggests nothing of the sort. That's a nonsense argument that anyone with any sort of business background can see through immediately.

Go and luck up the concept of diminishing returns.
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From my experience there were well over 100 people (limited by only having earshot of those around me) who weren't happy at all. On multiple occasions. Yet for some unfathomable reason I still don't think you'll care ;-)

Of those "well over 100 people", some will decide that next time they come they will buy a reserved seat. Some will decide that they actually don't mind and come back to the hill, some will decide that it's a good idea to buy a season ticket to guarantee a seat and finally some will decide not to come back again. The last group is a shame, but you know what you can't make decisions based on that minority when the vast majority actually want games to be at Jubilee Oval.

What you can do is try to resolve the problem by continually improving the facilities including more seats.

kurt faulk


we were on the hill and didn't hear a single complaint. love standing on the hill. love going to games at kogarah. it's a beautiful ground.



I hate that shithole Kogarah and im still on the Dragons fans side here...it's their home ground, their opinions are the only ones that matter.


First Grade
The CCT had a go at some of the clubs a few minutes ago on pricing at some grounds being ridiculous. Ray compared it to why the game formed in the first place- folks who couldn't afford to play rugby as it was, formed the split etc...... Thus RL is moving away from its identity by making it unaffordable for its core support.

That being said RL crowds have never been higher, but i would still like to see subsidised tickets when/if IC gets into gear.


I'm sure a few of them felt cheated when Lockyer, Thaiday, Hannant, and Hodges didn't play.

Not sure how/why they would feel cheated when those players weren't named in the first place and the coach said they wouldn't back up all week. Of course there was always a slight chance they may but again given they weren't named and were told it was highly unlikely they'd play they can hardly feel cheated.

Especially given locky is in his last season before retirement so will have to be "nursed" through so to speak, Hodges is not long back from a very serious injury and Thaiday is trying to manage his osteo pubis which has been known to keep players out for long periods if it gets too bad. Given all that it's hardly a big shock they didn't back up the night after.


45k plus had the Storm v Broncos been played on a fine Sunday arvo with both teams at full-strength


45k plus had the Storm v Broncos been played on a fine Sunday arvo with both teams at full-strength

Maybe, but 34,000+ was a great crowd anyway. Some of the possible people who may have attended were at the Test the previous night and its quite expensive to do both for a lot of people.

How many went to the Q afl game?
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