It was good enough back in the early 90's.
well it isn't now. it'd be like comparing brookvale without lights to Suncorp for a night game.
seating for 5000, dining for 400 + the bar + 10 corp boxes + aircon benches, 6 change rooms (the 2 at each end can be made into a huge single area), 3 radio commentary areas, proper TV position, TV standard lighting. proper press box, accessible for most of the population, lots of parking in a purpose built sports precinct, easy access for buses, etc etc
v 2000 seats, + bar, no corp boxes, smallish change rooms, very very limited press facilities and a hill with literally no parking within 2km, in a very constricted area with one small access rd.
in logistics terms it's a no brainer. it wouldn't be feasible or possible to get Richardson Park to that level. ie it would require filling in the swamp and knocking down a considerable portion of Ludmilla in addition to the $30mil to get the ground up to speed.