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Crowd Watch 2014

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Perth is predicted to have over 6 million people by 2050, and there is talk of a third AFL. If the AFL does that before RL gets a club, it will be an opportunity lost. Unfortunately they don't have a decent RL stadium.

All points are great, but have to disagree about the stadium in Perth. NIB is a great place to watch league with excellent facilities and it still has further expansion and upgrades to go.


I disagree. People say that there's not enough talent for expansion, but expanding to places like Perth creates an instant talent pool where there wasn't any top line option before unless you wanted to relocate to the east.

If I was Dave Smith I'd announce Perth and another team (leaning towards a Western Corridor or a Brothers bid, but the only one I would definitely not want is the Brisbane Bombers) within the next 3 months, express interest for 2 more bids, one heartland one non-heartland for 1 or 2 years after those teams, and build more junior pathways in those areas. The longer we wait the more potential stars we lose to other sports or areas in life.

I have a feeling the NRL will be twiddling their thumbs again just like they have done over the past half a decade.
Expansion in the form of additional clubs is the right way to go.

Talk of relocating Sydney clubs is shear suicide for the game.(Just have a look at what superleague did!)In fact the NRL could do far worse than to give back a "heartland" club like North Sydney Bears in the form of the Central Coast Bears.(You get back the very influential Business district fans of North Sydney and gain the Central Coast region plus a number of local derbies!)-Go figure!
Then of course the 2nd Brisbane team is a must but the good old monopoly that the Broncos have fought to defend from the superleague fiasco onwards would be gone! Can't have that! Another Brisbane team ! Too much sense! Another great local derby and avenue for juniors to aspire to! Plus limiting inroads made by other lesser sports! I say bring on the Brisbane Dolphins backed by Redcliffe/Sunshine Coast area clubs. Have the greedy Broncos have the southern half of Brisbane and The Dolphins the north half. makes too much sense!
The West Coast Pirates should be included along with another NZ side but that is the talk of "genuine" expansion! Not the talk of dilution of Sydney clubs that festers the thought processes of people whom have no feel or regard for the game.
The "not enough talent" argument is subjective and has already been proven wrong by courtesy of the superleague war. The game had 22 teams playing and from this a champion team in the form of the Melbourne Storm was created. These players were a combination of the Mariners and Perth Reds along with the Adelaide side. When I hear someone sprucking not enough talent argument I know this person is not really aware of how many players try out for the NRL in Open day trials and how hard it is to actually make it!

Opportunity was given to these players as a result of the expansion teams back in the Superleague days and this is compelling evidence on the fact that their are many quality players waiting for their chance to play in the NRL.

But the NRL will sit on its hands and look to "bolster" a "reserve grade competition which will mean the slowing of much needed and achievable additional clubs for the NRL. I suggest 20 teams should be the aim for the NRL over the next decade but I feel that sitting on their hands will be done again!

It's disturbing that the self destruction thinkers are not aware of how important generational support is for a sport! The NRL has such generational support in bucket loads in the Sydney metropolitan area. This is where these people want to dilute and take away long time fan loyalty. A massive mistake in this competitive sports market we are in. Its often ignored that these well recognized clubs within Sydney have far reaching support elsewhere in the land and such "generational" support should not be taken for granted. Peoples memories and long affections when taken away do not come back easily. I still know many people that do not watch the game anymore that were North Sydney Bears fans!

Melbourne has half a million less people than Sydney and has ten AFL teams. Sydney has nine NRL teams. Go figure? Sydney deserves more NRL teams(the Bears at the Central Coast etc) and the game deserves genuine expansion not the dilution of its supporter base in Australasia's largest city.
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I would love to see games scheduled:
Friday night: 2 games 7pm & 8.30pm or both at the same time if it has to be that way.7pm.
Saturday: 3.30pm,5.30pm & 7.30pm
Sunday: 2.30pm,3.30pm & 6.30pm
Footy Review show on Fox on the Monday night at 7pm.
It seems simple but the powerbrokers are very ignorant of the current day fans both from a TV perspective and attending games.
I cannot believe that free to air TV has not looked at the possibility of showing a Saturday or Sunday night game? Surely the ratings gained from such a simple move would reap great figures in TV land?!

Monday night football should go and give us back our weekend footy fun!

Agreed, and foxsports next deal has to be allowed to play the game on the friday night that channel nine replay later, so fans can watch either game live.

The way the broadcast deal has been done is shocking.
Put it this way, now i no longer watch the add-feast second friday game, and i hardly watch the channel nine sunday game anymore, i did this weekend because of the tribute to Alex Mackinnon.
I cant wait for this TV deal to end, it has been a awful start to the year, and our crowds are holding really, not down too badly.

Also i coul;d not care if their was 50 million people in Perth, we only want 20 thousand, same as Melbourne, i will be happy when Storm are getting 20 thousand.
Our game is a TV sport, they are not even showing the game on tV, start now and in 5 years time, fans in melbourne and Perth and adeliade will be watching.
We have a backward code. it is like dumb meet dumber and somehow thought two wrongs make a right.

You said,,
Melbourne has half a million less people than Sydney and has ten AFL teams. Sydney has nine NRL teams. Go figure? Sydney deserves more NRL teams(the Bears at the Central Coast etc) and the game deserves genuine expansion not the dilution of its supporter base in Australasia's largest city.
Some of those afl teams are not teams at all, or supported. The reason why they keep such great support is market saturated by afl stories, i never read any papers from down south of barrassi line. It is full of nothing but afl.
I have seen empty grounds where they put up 18 thousand. Mate i counted them on one hand. They count club members, like Easts Tigers members in Brisbane, 20 to 30 thousand members, they would count that as their ground support.
Thats my story, i am sticking with it.

Your other story about losing generational support, i dont think ET gives a bullocks about the sharks, he is too busy fishing Papua New Guinea .
Besides, his sharks will still be alive, they will just be back in the NSW cup, and become a feeder team for the wellington sharks.
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Food/drink excuses are the worst, it is possible to get something to eat sometime before the game.
You take your kids to the footy and they expect food.

You take your mates to the footy you expect beer (full strength).

These are simple creature comforts.

Both cost too much and one has been watered down at too many venues.

Reality mate. This affects peoples decisions to attend the footy.

I go to the pictures in Gold Class and I get full strength Premium beer - it ain't asking too much.

Let say the food and drink problem is solved, beer is full strength and food is at a reasonable price. How much attendance would potentially increase as a result, is food/drink are big a factor as people here make it out to be.


First Grade

Let say the food and drink problem is solved, beer is full strength and food is at a reasonable price. How much attendance would potentially increase as a result, is food/drink are big a factor as people here make it out to be.

More than you think. You have to make it as comparable an experience to staying at home as you can. People will always see something in person if there's something in it for them.


I love my chooks but those ticket prices are appalling....for GA too...f**k me.

$25 max. Also can't understand why any child 12 or under should have to pay to see a game of footy. That one is for all clubs.


More than you think. You have to make it as comparable an experience to staying at home as you can. People will always see something in person if there's something in it for them.
Precisley. If you and your partner take the kids to the foot and feed them and the night costs $70 you would think 'I might do that again.

If it costs you $140 you would think otherwise.


First Grade
Dragons fans getting screwed.

Souths members get in for free to our game at SCG.

Dragons members had to pay to "add on" away games at ANZ including the Souths game.

Reciprocal rights is bullshit for saints fans. We don't get free anything. We pay for every game. Souths will outnumber us on Saturday with free entry at a ground actually near their district

What does your ticketed package include? I heard you lot are not getting access to the Bulldogs away either. Pretty much defeats the purpose of movig games there and I don't see how they can do this and expect to increase crowds.

They have increased the pricig of supposed high demand games like the gf rematch and rd 1 v souths, yet given history and the size of the stadium demand is not even close to exceeding supplyso the increases are blatant stupidity on the stadia/clubs/nrl behalf

Just checked out Friday night v the dogs. Disgraceful
Ga $33
Std reserved $40
Premium reserved $55

Again disgraceful in the extreme. I am not member this year and will not be attending many if any games at that price.
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Saint Doc

What does your ticketed package include? I heard you lot are not getting access to the Bulldogs away either. Pretty much defeats the purpose of movig games there and I don't see how they can do this and expect to increase crowds.

The away games are not included for "free" in any of our packages except for Platinum, which costs $1350. Yeah, heaps free!

All others we pay for.

For eg, current prices (after 2 home games down)

"All in plus" packages - all remaining home games plus 2 away ANZ $201 (bronze)
"All in" package - all remaining home games $167 (bronze)

i.e. "reciprocal rights" to attend away games against souths and dogs actually costs us $34.

"metro pass plus" - all remaining sydney home games plus 2 anz away $167 (bronze)
"metro pass" - all remaining sydney home games $145

i.e. "reciprocal rights" to attend away games against souths and dogs actually costs us $22.

Its not free. You have to opt in. Why would you bother, especially when you dont know if you'll be able to make Monday night vs souths? You'd just wait and buy GA on the night like normal

People expecting 17,000 dragons members getting free entry vs souths and dogs are wrong wrong wrong.

There will be lucky to be 1000 with entry and they will have opted to pay for that ticket pro rata.

Meanwhile we're letting ALL souths members into the SCG 100% free

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