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Crowd Watch 2014

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Interestingly the Melbourne press today has quite a few mentions of how AFL crowds are down on expected.

Its all relative of course, they consider a 63K crowd to be bad, or the 32k in Sydney to be sup par, but a trend is a trend.

One of their biggest gripes is the cost of tickets and poor fixturing (sound familiar??)

Dogs Of War

It isn't Souths doing that. Those prices would be relative the deal we signed. I bet we're getting more out of ANZ per game so they have to up our ticket prices. The prices are not set by either club.

As for people bagging our crowd against the Raiders, it's the best crowd for a Raiders game in Sydney for years. Get some bloody perspective.

I guarantee your not getting more than we are. Don't forget Greenburg used to run ANZ stadium. It was one of the conditions we had that whatever you guys got, we got.

I think it's just because you guys need to pay back Russel and have no leagues club to speak of.


It isn't Souths doing that. Those prices would be relative the deal we signed. I bet we're getting more out of ANZ per game so they have to up our ticket prices. The prices are not set by either club.

As for people bagging our crowd against the Raiders, it's the best crowd for a Raiders game in Sydney for years. Get some bloody perspective.
Derp derp that's like saying the 14,448 that the Eels got on the weekend is great because it beat the last 2 games at Parra Stadium between the Eels and the Panthers( 13,788 in 2012 and 9,327 in 2013)

At the end of the day 16k is shocking whether or not it beat a previous record and at the end of the day 14,448 is shocking,16k and 14k are not good numbers.


Interestingly the Melbourne press today has quite a few mentions of how AFL crowds are down on expected.

Its all relative of course, they consider a 63K crowd to be bad, or the 32k in Sydney to be sup par, but a trend is a trend.

One of their biggest gripes is the cost of tickets and poor fixturing (sound familiar??)
Their crowds are down over 160000 after two rounds this year. Ours are down about 10000 after 4 rounds (I think)


This when we were desperately trying to make the eight, we got a LARGER crowd v Canberra a few weeks following that.

Broncos are in the top 8 right now as we speak,Broncos fans would rather turn up when there team is struggling to make the 8 as opposed to when there already in the top 8 :crazy::crazy::crazy:


Broncos are in the top 8 right now as we speak,Broncos fans would rather turn up when there team is struggling to make the 8 as opposed to when there already in the top 8 :crazy::crazy::crazy:

That was the year that we had not missed the finals in 18 years, it was a big deal lots of people wanted to support the boys and their bid to make the finals after a rough year.


First Grade
Well, being optimistic again
Roosters v Bulldogs - SFS - 18,000
Broncos v Eels - Suncorp - 32,000
Sharks v Warriors - Remondis - 9,000
Panthers v Raiders - Centebet - 9,000
Dragons v Rabbitohs - SCG - 22,000
Storm v Titans - AAMI - 12,000
Tigers v Sea Eagles - Leichhardt - 17,000
Cowboys v Knights - Townsville - 10,000


Crowds are down across all codes this year whether i'd be AFL, A-League or Union so it's not just the NRL that's suffering.

Home prices are at an all time high in Sydney & Melbourne and mortgages are really strangling the working class.

People especially families simply don't have $100+ anymore week in week out to spend on the footy.


Interestingly the Melbourne press today has quite a few mentions of how AFL crowds are down on expected.

Its all relative of course, they consider a 63K crowd to be bad, or the 32k in Sydney to be sup par, but a trend is a trend.

One of their biggest gripes is the cost of tickets and poor fixturing (sound familiar??)
AFL copping a lot of heat here for this.
Administration is not popular at all.
Maybe there is nothing that can be done.
Maybe sports attendances in Australia have peaked.
Maybe interest in NRL & AFL has peaked.

I don't think so but is can't be coincidence that fans and those running both major codes are facing the same problem at the same time

Also, a Perth team should have introduced already. As of this season both AFL clubs have more members than ground capacity, so you can no longer buy a ticket for an AFL match. They have a new stadium coming in 2018, so the next four years would have been a good window to establish a new club whist AFL matches are sold out.
Perth is predicted to have over 6 million people by 2050, and there is talk of a third AFL. If the AFL does that before RL gets a club, it will be an opportunity lost. Unfortunately they don't have a decent RL stadium.

No chance of another RL team here in Melbourne. Would be a massive mistake. Melb Victory soccer crowds have dropped significantly since Heart entered. It has simply split the support and divided the town. GWS is currently dong the same to the Swans. I don't count the Rebels as a proper club, so the Storm is now the only sporting team that unites Melbournians. If they can somehow get kids interested, support should build - Storm should have 40K members like every Vic AFL club does.
Then again, if they were serious about expansion, they would have an Origin match in a market outside of NSW/Qld EVERY YEAR.
SOO is the weapon AFL does not have, yet they refuse to use it.
2015 MCG
2016 NZ
2017 MCG
2018 new Perth stadium (will hold 60K)


I was just discussing this topic with my brother who follows NRL and AFL.

He reckons the biggest issues are watered down beer and ridiculous food prices.

I agree with him. I went to a Storm game last year at AAMI and was basically appalled by the pricing of food and half strength beverages.

At Shark Park last week I got 4 full strength drinks for $26 - now that is fine - the $38 I paid for 4 half strength drinks at AAMI the year before was a disgrace.

ANd yes it does make a difference. And for those who do not think it should matter, for a lot of people it does.

Previous comments about ANZ Stadium struck a chord as well. I went to SOO last year and was surprised I cannot only get half strength muck outside the ground.

It is a joke. That stuff has no taste at all. I will only go back to AAMI or ANZ with a hip flask. :)


I posted awhile ago about Monday nights are killing crowds averages, stopping mums dads and kids from turning up and teams not only kill their own averages, they put the worst drawing team on the Monday night, so crowds are again down for that terrible night.

Send a message to CEO Davy i know everything Smith, who so far has completely screwed the start of this year's opening.
Monday nights should only be played if they have a long weekend, same as Thursday nights.

It is not rocket science what is going wrong, you only need a few rocks rumbling around in a half baked skull to see where the NRL is killing itself.

Back to Perth-Red, yes that s a great idea, but you know what would be a even better idea, just make it free entry for any club members of any club, any, not just NRL,.
nsw cup, or junior clubs, even soccer clubs or afl clubs and union.
Open the ends up behind the sticks that are empty every single Sydney game.
And guess what else, give the international students free f**king tickets to the weekend games, like the f**king AFL do.
Our code really needs a pineapple shoved right up the burgler. They are as useless as ears on a cricket ball.

They had better fix this game quickly, we are losing fans by the thousands now, not hundreds.

Here is the list of ASAP items the game needs to change before their kill the f**king thing dead.
Stadiums, fix Townsville and Canberra with new ones.
Fix the ANZ and build a new 50 thousand motherf**ker.

Strategies, stop this Monday night nonsense, its killing shite teams like the Sharks who get shafted to Monday nights, its killing juniors and your own crowd averages , they going backwards fast when 2 thousand turns up on the Monday, next week another thousand dont turn up because it looked shite last week on the Monday.

Expansion, expand the f**king game ya clowns into areas that can grow the f**king game.

Brisbane mark11 will send crowds soaring, and Perth need a team before the fans f**k-off to another code, and Wellington are now crying out for a team.

Give the f**king fans a team NRL.
A muppet could do a better job than this mob have started the season.

Agree with your sentiments completely.
If club officials were worth anything they would have pushed for Sunday night football to replace Monday night football in total! You cannot tell me that playing Monday night football is worth the next round being compromised, fan disgruntlement and messing up club training & weekly schedules!

Please give the fans back their weekends! Friday , Saturday and Sunday games. Long weekends can have a Monday fixture.

Let the Matty Johns show on Monday be a review of the weekends round rather than an add on to Monday night football.
Instead these people let the decision makers take away a Sunday arvo game!

I am happy with the Saturday afternoon timeslots.(4.30pm and 5.30pm) They are fan friendly.

I also think exorbitant car parking fees along with drink and food prices are biting at the fans spending ability.
Poor weather has also played a factor in lower than expected crowds to date.(one thing the NRL decision makers can't control!)

I would love to see games scheduled:
Friday night: 2 games 7pm & 8.30pm or both at the same time if it has to be that way.7pm.
Saturday: 3.30pm,5.30pm & 7.30pm
Sunday: 2.30pm,3.30pm & 6.30pm
Footy Review show on Fox on the Monday night at 7pm.
It seems simple but the powerbrokers are very ignorant of the current day fans both from a TV perspective and attending games.
I cannot believe that free to air TV has not looked at the possibility of showing a Saturday or Sunday night game? Surely the ratings gained from such a simple move would reap great figures in TV land?!

Monday night football should go and give us back our weekend footy fun!


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
The Roosters will never draw a crowd while they're charging $35+ for an adult GA ticket.

Saint Doc

Dragons fans getting screwed.

Souths members get in for free to our game at SCG.

Dragons members had to pay to "add on" away games at ANZ including the Souths game.

Reciprocal rights is bullshit for saints fans. We don't get free anything. We pay for every game. Souths will outnumber us on Saturday with free entry at a ground actually near their district


First Grade
I was just discussing this topic with my brother who follows NRL and AFL.

He reckons the biggest issues are watered down beer and ridiculous food prices.

I agree with him. I went to a Storm game last year at AAMI and was basically appalled by the pricing of food and half strength beverages.

At Shark Park last week I got 4 full strength drinks for $26 - now that is fine - the $38 I paid for 4 half strength drinks at AAMI the year before was a disgrace.

ANd yes it does make a difference. And for those who do not think it should matter, for a lot of people it does.

Previous comments about ANZ Stadium struck a chord as well. I went to SOO last year and was surprised I cannot only get half strength muck outside the ground.

It is a joke. That stuff has no taste at all. I will only go back to AAMI or ANZ with a hip flask. :)

Well I honestly couldn't care less if people who only go to games for f**king alcohol don't show up.
I'd prefer them to lower ticket prices, especially family ticket prices, before worrying about people complaining about f**king half strength beer.

If you can't enjoy footy without a beer then watch it at the pub. No one else at the ground could care less. Less drunk dickheads at the footy, the better. Lower ticket prices to get more kids and families in instead.

The Roosters will never draw a crowd while they're charging $35+ for an adult GA ticket

This is the true problem. If ticket prices are too high then people can't even get in to complain about food or beer.
Food and drink prices may be a problem but reality is it's a 2 hour game. Especially with afternoon games you don't really need to eat or drink anything during games. Eat before or after if you don't like the prices, it's not hard.
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