There was a big 36 page thing in the Tele last Wednesday.
It wasn't glossy, but it was a magazine booklet thing separate from the actual paper.
Anyone got a full copy they don't want? That can be mailed to me?
Back to the topic:
How many people reckon the cricket / BBL03 and / or music festival season over summer has bitten in to 'entertainment' budgets and people aren't going to the footy cause they can't afford it?
The idiot that was doing the Sharks v Titans updates for 2GB said the soccer attracted more people to its round last week than the RL. Steve Price went on about how RL was struggling and soccer was gaining a huge foothold in Sydney.
This out of control. The media feed us shit and we finish up with lies all round.
Was it a glossy magazine? OR just lift out pages?
I didn't see it. If it was a magazine, I stand corrected.
thats what they should be charging every week without any discount codes
$20-30 is still too expensive for the Shittier seats.
Went to a Victory/Heart game last Dec(4 adults)=$212 for tickets.HAHA thats exactly what I get "What!!! $40-$50 for a League Game", I have about 3-4 friends that want to come to games until I tell them the price, especially for the blockbuster games.
Maybe it's people just giving the NRL the finger back after making Origin and Grand Final tickets that expensive.
A Cat 1 reserved Diamond/Gold ticket at ANZ/SFS should not be more then $25.
General Admission $15
Kids $5
Kids under 6 FREE
Surely that's not devaluing the game...???
And does it constitute child abuse?
Lets look at round 1 attendances:
And all we have been reading is about ANZ and how its contributing to the poor attendances!
FFS..what about the suburban venues?
The comments of returning games back to suburbia is a complete joke when its obvious people dont show up anyway
And so called fans wonder why clubs are going to the shit.
The so called fans wonder why clubs are looking elsewhere and away from their traditional homes
Buts its ALL ANZs fault.
The food is crap and expensive and would be solved if a brand new $500million rectangular venue...,yeh right
Is ANZ ideal...nope
Is it a good modern venue..yes
Is it the best attended Rugby League venue in Sydney...yes
Will it be a loved venue if 50,000+supporters got off ther backside and supported their club week in week out...yes
Does being a higher attended venue contribute to the bottom line of the NRL clubs that call it home....yes
These so called fans that sit at home on their arse and are critical of attendances are not fans.
So called fans that are not members are not true fans.
Get to the game and support your club!!
Only if they play the Sharks!