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Crowd Watch Mk 3

Digga Hole

i've never worked out why AFL fans like to sit behind the goals - except for the actual goal kicks the view must be minimal

In general they don't. Seats behind the goals are generally the worst view, and are the cheapest seats. PR has compared the worst seats at one game to the best seats at another, stupid comparison really.


First Grade
How's about you get off your arse and go to the game instead of filling the pages here with emoticons?


why would I go dopey ?
I don't follow either team & live 300k's away :sarcasm:

& if the so called tier 1 Dogs & Bunnies crowd pulling sides need help from Raiders fans to help make a grand final qualifying crowd " respectable "
they shouldn't be in tier 1 :roll:

I'm doing my bit & going next week ... K?;-)

Chook Norris

First Grade
You gotta say, the NRLs promotion of this game has been deplorable

Maybe i haven't seen it yet, but for the AFL i've seen ads in the paper and on TV. For the NRL, i probably wouldn't have a clue who'd be playing had i not been interested in the game..


Post Whore
really ?:shock:

actual ticket sales finally revealed to vlad I'd say ?:sarcasm:

makes a mockery of them being double the price of ours


LOL. That's fair.

I can get a free ticket today and sit next to someone who paid $90 4 days ago.

Good one Vlad.



With a few hours until kick off I'd be giving away some spare tickets also. It's all part of their promo strategy. Which, if we're honest, shits all over league.


First Grade
Maybe i haven't seen it yet, but for the AFL i've seen ads in the paper and on TV. For the NRL, i probably wouldn't have a clue who'd be playing had i not been interested in the game..

I've heard plenty of advertisement on the radio and seen plenty of ads popping up on various websites. It'd be nice to have more but there's stuff going out.


Post Whore
With a few hours until kick off I'd be giving away some spare tickets also. It's all part of their promo strategy. Which, if we're honest, shits all over league.

Sure it is. But if I was sitting next to you and told you I just got a free ticket from the ALF, and you'd paid $200 4 days ago for a family ticket, I don't think you be congratulating the ALF for boosting the crowd.
I reckon you'd be demanding a refund.



I went to Parra v Dogs was better atmosphere than the GF the week after...

GF's have too many neutrals...

You will get 38000 fanatics from each team...

You never get that,,, not at GF not at origin, never..

65000 dragons supporters at the 2010 gf will have something to say about that
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Sure it is. But if I was sitting next to you and told you I just got a free ticket from the ALF, and you'd paid $200 4 days ago for a family ticket, I don't think you be congratulating the ALF for boosting the crowd.
I reckon you'd be demanding a refund.

Granted. But is it that unusual to give people the chance to win tickets to a game? I mean, what sort of quantities are we talking?


First Grade
With a few hours until kick off I'd be giving away some spare tickets also. It's all part of their promo strategy. Which, if we're honest, shits all over league.

making people pay a lot ... then giving that same ticket away even 5 minutes before a game starts is appalling behaviour

theres nothing clever about it if everyone knows about it which it seems they do
like I said
it makes a mockery of their boast about ticket prices
& it will p.iss off people who did pay for tickets

a promo strategy ?
more like desperate as I'd say ;-)

belmore eel

It will be very disappointing if this one doesn't crack 70k. Promotion seems weak. In 2009 Channel 9 were running a hype story every night on the 6pm news. It isn't the same this time around, unfortunately.
prior to 2009 we would have jumped at a crowd figure of 50,000. Fact is , the bar was set very high in 09, and it seems that if we fall short of that figure its looked at as a failure. I think we should be looking at the expected 65,000 crowd as a great success by nrl standards


First Grade
Granted. But is it that unusual to give people the chance to win tickets to a game? I mean, what sort of quantities are we talking?

a chance
100 people enter & 4 win

in this case all 100 get tickets for doing nada... so its not the same ;-)


That is the primary reason for the difference in crowds. Not because Melbourne people are somehow superior humans to Sydney people, but because the nature of the game and its relationship with tv.

It's not the primary reason at all and in all honesty i think it's a bit of a cop out to that people use it as one. I'm not saying the tv thing doesn't make any difference at all but IMO it's not the massive difference that some would have/want you to believe.

Long before tv coverage, or the type of in depth tv coverage we have today Aussie Rules crowds were always bigger the RL crowds. It's not just a tv thing, Melbourne people aren't super humans as you put it, it's a culture thing and a much bigger reason why there's such crowd differences than what you want to believe.

As mentioned elsewhere i follow Collingwood, grew up in a Collingwood family and it's just ingrained in us to go and follow your team from a young age. While i watch more Storm games these days i'll always get to Pies games when i can still.

I used to also follow the Nth Melbourne Giants (then Titans when they merged) most games because i loved seeing my team live. Again not because i'm some super human being from Melbourne and i'm not different to a shitload of other people here. It's just what most of us were taught to do here growing up and also it's a big reason for the crowd differences besides just tv, It's also the culture. I'm sure that'll get shit on here by some in what i said but it still doesn't make it any less true.


I've heard plenty of advertisement on the radio and seen plenty of ads popping up on various websites. It'd be nice to have more but there's stuff going out.

The NRL advertising strategy is to preach to the converted


prior to 2009 we would have jumped at a crowd figure of 50,000. Fact is , the bar was set very high in 09, and it seems that if we fall short of that figure its looked at as a failure. I think we should be looking at the expected 65,000 crowd as a great success by nrl standards

Not when you take into consideration the woeful promotion.

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