Let's not forget that 37 of the 60 or so pages of the report were made by the person referenced to the Eels by the NRL CEO, who also provided advice on TPAs to this person, who also advised him to provide the information to the NRL . The club was never asked for their version , they also interviewed another sacked employee, no wonder the fans query the report and the punishment
He is also the CEO who oversaw the Barba incident
The club and the ex auditor of th NRL are adamant that the club is within the 2016 cap, the media and the agenda driven friends make no mention of this
For better or Worse the previous NRL CEO was moved on as he apparently objected to the political nature of those at headquarters
I won't detail the obvious issues,for instance a club with 10 internationals signs 2 players for considerably less than they were offered earlier ( real market forces at work there) , don't want to upset Benny.
If the Eels have done something wrong , they at least deserve the opportunity to present their side of the case, which appeared to be denied initially
I would also ask why no one questioned the removal of the CEO and CFO of a major western club within days of each other, normally that would get the media frenzied, perhaps their chief of staff has a fair bit of influence
Look maybe some of these comments are a bit of a stretch, but perhaps they are part of the reason the fans don't want to just lie there and accept it, we are very proud of our coach and team, seems too convenient that they are targetted this year