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Des to join Bulldogs in 2013


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member

This coming from supporters of a team who managed to make the grand final as boring as bat shit.

Nice one.
To be fair, that halftime try Glenn Stewart created was exciting, but otherwise the only time the Grand Final got interesting was when the Warriors were hammering back to 18-10...
Sorry if you didn't like, but the fact stands we scored the most tries out of any team this year.

Cool, cool, cool; but I was talking about the grand final; the pinnacle of our game, and how your team managed to make it boring as f**k.

Gigity gig.


LOL, Kasiano was exciting to watch, Barba was outstanding. Blokes like Pritchard and Halatau were in good form all year. Once Moore left Hodkinson was outstanding he was the best player on the field before being injured against Manly.

I'm sorry but if you think watching blokes like Galavaou and Rose and Kite and King is exciting your dilusional.
To be fair, that halftime try Glenn Stewart created was exciting, but otherwise the only time the Grand Final got interesting was when the Warriors were hammering back to 18-10...


The warriors were never in the game; even when it looked like they were coming back they had already lost it.

I really don't know how Manly managed to make a game against one of the most entertaining teams in the NRL so dour.


So much trash has been spewed by doggiesbrahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that I couldn't help but respond and show him for what he is: a biased idiot troll with no idea.

this guy doesn't seem to understand that certain dog players are better then certain manly players

I do, I just disagree about how many. 8-7 in the dogs favour is a bit rich considering the respective seasons of the clubs, but not according to you. According to you, the 2nd place finishing side who finished as Premiers has a worse overall team than the team who finished, what, 9th?...............................................................................ok.

to insult a guy like pritchard by saying tony williams is better is an out and out joke, t rex has had one good finals run before then was meh

Top scored for Manly last year playing on the wing with 15 or so tries and was a good performer all year, if not as dominant as he was at the back end of this year at 2nd row. Show he is versatile and can add something to the team when not ‘on’. Is playing for Australia at the moment, but you’re right, it is insulting to compare him to Pritchard, who is at home watching the New Zealand play on TV……………

pritchard has proven many years that he is a good player and has always been one of the best forwards just lacked consistency

He has proven over many years that he can be an amazing and unstoppable player on his day but lacked consistency. I would personally define a ‘good’ player as one who performs at a high level consistently. I would not define Prithard as good, I would define him as talented but lazy.

further more i don't know about you, but i'd rather my team be building to something

I don’t know about you but I’d prefer to win the title now than take my chance with the rest of the 15 clubs, even if my club is in a strong position.

Either starting prop for Manly for tolman quiet easily. Ennis again easily.

Troll. If, and that’s a massive if, Ennis is better, its not “easily”. This isn’t comparing Smith to Buttriss ffs, the two are reasonably close, but Ballin is clearly ahead. And, as you’ve been mistaken (re: trolling) before I’ll spell it out here clearly for you: I WOULD TAKE TOLMAN OVER ANY PROP IN MANLY’S TEAM. Did you get it that time?

How is it cheating? If you were to merge the two teams as said at the start he would plain and simple take over the role of utility on the bench

Its cheating because you are desperately trying to include as many dogs players as possible. Manly don’t play with a useless utility player, and the combined team shouldn’t either, if it wants to win titles. Barba is either number 1 or back-up. Given the choices he would be back-up. No contest.

two unknown wingers now hoppa/robertson gone (who i admit are better then any dog winger in 2012)

Troll. Wolfman is hardly unknown, and while not a world beater of nsw/Australia standard despite getting there in his debut season, he is much better than Turner, and any other dogs winger. Oldfield looks good but is relatively untested so I would give Turner the nod as the second winger.

Lets see how he goes with a Lockyer or Thurston feeding ball instead of Keating

We won’t see that because he won’t play, bar the nothing game where all the fringe players get a run. Lockyer and Thurston won’t be playing that game.

If you took Foran out of Manly and swaped him with Keating do you think Morris would look alot better?

Again, why do we have to swap? The teams are as they are. If you took our Kite and Rose and swapped them with Scott and Petero our front row would look a lot better, wouldn’t it? Is that relevant? Not really.

Besides all this it was never about these players it was purely that if these clubs were merged there is no way i nthe world Tolman, Graham, Ennis, Pritchard, Eastwood, Barba, Turner would be left out of the starting 17. thats 7 to start with.

Barba would. Turner would on this years teams. Ennis wouldn’t make the starting 13 but could make the bench. I wouldn’t want Eastwood in my team on his recent form. If he played like he once did, perhaps then. Pritchard is a tricky one because there is a similar, but better, player in the team. If I had a guarantee he would perform at least 75% of his ability every single game, with occasional bouts of 100% form then yes.

you could argue on Matai vs Morris but in 2009 Morris would of been one of the first centres picked. 2010 injured a bit, was still solid yet the only 5/8 then Roberts was injured most of the year, 2011 was severely down on form but again had a bad injury and no class 5/8. I think it is personal taste.

Really? Down to personal taste? But you made the argument for me! Is it 2009? 2010 injuries and solid, 2011 injuries and terrible form. So you’re telling me an injury prone player who hasn’t had a good season for 2 years is better than a player who has performed well every single season he’s played? Sorry, it’s no contest. Matai>Morris.

I’ll also point out that Matai has played well with the whole spectrum of 5/8 around him, not just with Foran. Chris Bailey comes to mind, as does Lyon out of position for a season at 5/8, and Travis Burns who is more of a running 5/8 than playmaker. Don’t try and use lack of players around him as an excuse. If you can only play well when everyone around you is playing well then you’re not a great player. Look at Turner, he doesn’t look like the world beater he did at Melbourne, does he? Same with Quinn when he stepped up to Origin.

Although if im as biased as you i'd probz say king cay Morris walks in over Matai due to not clutching every 2nd tackle

I know you said this not seriously as if you are as biased as that guy but I’d like to address this anyway. What difference does Matai clutching at his shoulder every so often have? Comparing Matai to Morris for example, I’d say a more pertinent point to make is that Matai clutches at his shoulder every so often but always plays on through the pain while Morris gets injuries that keeps him out for months at a time. Not Morris’ fault if he gets injured but I know I’d prefer the one who plays out the full season. People go about this and I don’t know why, it seems like a stupid point to make when trying to say Matai’s bad and/or another player is better. Its irrelevant.

Yeh he is shit hey, like ennis they just make rep for state continually over better hookers then ballin and morris makes country again even after a shit season...
on that note how crap is watmough i mean he made it for australia! he has nothing on george rose who is killing it and plays 5 minutes a game!

Troll. Wow, everything said here is worthless. Seriously, it’s one of the worst arguments I’ve seen you make. “Ennis makes rep for state continually over better hookers than Ballin”. Farah is better than Ballin, which is who I assume you were referring to because I can’t think of any other worthy NSW hookers. Ennis is not better than Farah, and Ennis is not better than Ballin. Farah should be playing those games for NSW but Ennis gets it because of his reputation for toughness and niggle. It is ludicrous that Ennis is considered first choice over Farah if you compare them on ability. It’s not as if he has justified his selection leading NSW to wins.

Morris made “country” (and I assume you mean playing for his country) because practically every other centre available fell over before the line with injury/suspension/personal reasons/whatever. With a full choice of players Morris wouldn’t even be spoken of as back-up to the first choice squad, so please don’t delude yourself that him getting picked for Australia immediately=good. Show some form next year and then we can have this discussion again.

Making the argument that because a good Manly player made the Australian squad means that any player who makes the squad is good is stupid. For example, Morris is in the squad. Many other players not worthy have played for Australia for various reasons. Keep reaching.

And finally the cheap shot at Rose. He’s not the greatest player in the world, but he’s a character, the fans love him, he does the job asked of him every time, and he’s won a comp. Get over your obsession with pulling him down to strengthen your arguments.

Ennis is a far better hooker despite how much you guys hate him you can denie it all you want but he is in the 2nd group of hookers behind Smith. Ballin is in the 3rd

Troll. How many comps has Ennis won again? How many has Ballin? For that matter, how many has Farah? How many has Smith? Smith is clearly the best, Farah is the closest, with Ballin following. And no, I’m not just basing this on who has won comps, but that certainly helps my argument.

LOL, Kasiano was exciting to watch, Barba was outstanding. Blokes like Pritchard and Halatau were in good form all year. Once Moore left Hodkinson was outstanding he was the best player on the field before being injured against Manly.
I'm sorry but if you think watching blokes like Galavaou and Rose and Kite and King is exciting your dilusional

Troll. You seriously make your argument by picking players like Barba and Pritchard (i.e. your exciting players) and compare them to the four least flashy players on Manly’s team as your argument for who’s more exciting to watch? Troll. Oh, and big Georgie has his moments. I remember a spectacular try where he bust the line and sprinted away to score, that was a sight to see.
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lol your an out and out nuffie, you talk of how many titles has ennis win to back ur ballin argument, you bluntly admit farah is a better hooker yet farah is constantly beaten by ennis. it is talked up every year and every year they are around the same spot and then they end up facing off and ennis outplays him COMPLETELY. So keep telling yourself whatever you want but the fact is he is the origin hooker AHEAD of farah and if you can man up and admit farah is better its as good as admitting ennis is better.

next you speak of david williams for wing, he won't be playing much of 2012 due to injury. good one so thats a fail.

pritchard you admit is picked due to what he can do, if you watched him you would realise while he didn't play the out wide fringe runner alot he was still very good for the dogs this year especially in defense. so thanks for admitting that.

love that you accept tolman now and if you want to talk about oldfield and wolfman in 2012 then graham walks in too doesnt he in 2012 :)

as for the barba wouldnt be picked crap most clubs carry a utility these days and barba would be picked for sure if clubs were merged.

as for your dribble on matai and morris im not saying morris is a star, as i said in 09 he was a top 5 centre easily. i don't consider matai a top 5 at all. over the past 3 years morris has shown ALOT more ability then matai, also while u badmouth morris for injury lets not forget the constant penalties, suspensions and injurys matai goes through. further more if you think it doesn't come down to players around him your an idiot. look at inglis at melbourne to bunnies. he has to do alot more to get himself involved. inglis is the best centre in the game and if the quality of halfs effect him it certainly will effect a centre like morris who cant just go infield and run over blokes like inglis can.

again keep trying mate but at the end of the day it doesnt change the fact your coach chose the dogs for less money. if that doesnt tell you that he sees more promise and better facilities and the fact he knows it wont be forced to merge or close broke then thats your dilusional problem, all i know is it means in the near future we have the best coach, with a very good roster that lacks a quality 5/8 and some great kids coming through not to metion we will hopefuly have one of the best eyes for young talent come with him and the club with great training facilities something des himself pointed out he cant wait to get and also a club that is not close or ever going backwards in the bank :D


you talk of how many titles has ennis win to back ur ballin argument

And no, I’m not just basing this on who has won comps

Keep digging that hole deeper and deeper.

if you can man up and admit farah is better its as good as admitting ennis is better.


you you bluntly admit farah is a better hooker yet farah is constantly beaten by ennis.

Like how Ennis beats Farah for Premierships won? Oh wait, Ennis has none, Farah has 1. Like how Ennis beats Farah for runner up finishes in the Dally M’s? Oh wait, Ennis has none, Farah has 2. Like how Ennis beats Farah for more hooker of the year awards? Oh wait, Ennis has 1, Farah has 2. Like how Ennis has beaten Farah for NSW series wins? Oh wait, Ennis has 0, Farah has 0. Like Ennis beat Farah statistically this year? Oh wait, Ennis loses almost all the key stats to Farah with less tries, try assists, field goals, runs, run metres, line breaks, hitups, offloads, errors.

Ennis is beaten in almost every way you can possibly rate the two players ability, bar wearing blue and white glasses and spouting shit. Keep clutching at straws doggiesbraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. :lol:

next you speak of david williams for wing, he won't be playing much of 2012 due to injury. good one so thats a fail.

The injury is expected to keep him out for 6 months. It happened late August, so, doing the math and carrying the one, he’ll be back late February/early March. NRL season starts when? Oh that’s right, late March. Even if it takes longer than expected he’ll still play the majority of the year.

Good one, so that’s a fail.

pritchard you admit is picked due to what he can do, if you watched him you would realise while he didn't play the out wide fringe runner alot he was still very good for the dogs this year especially in defense. so thanks for admitting that.

If by “admit is picked due to what he can do” refers to:

Pritchard is a tricky one because there is a similar, but better, player in the team. If I had a guarantee he would perform at least 75% of his ability every single game, with occasional bouts of 100% form then yes.
then you’re reaching. Keep reaching, it’s funny to see.

if you want to talk about oldfield and wolfman in 2012 then graham walks in too doesnt he

Wolfman is a proven NRL performer, Graham is not so the comparison is stupid. Despite this stupidity on your part, I agree Graham would make the team. You’ll find I never said otherwise. Oh and did I talk up Oldfield?

Oldfield looks good but is relatively untested so I would give Turner the nod as the second winger

Keep reaching, keep digging, keep grasping.

love that you accept tolman now

You should really stop saying this because it makes you look like an idiot due to:

Tolman is a workhorse and nothing special. On the basis of age I would trade Kite and/or Rose for him

I would trade rose and/or kite for tolman

1. Stewart
2. Robertson
3. Matai
4. Lyon
5. Hoppa/Wolfy (either one is better than either of your wingers)
6. Foran
7. DCE (after all, there's a reason your new saviour didn't fight to keep Hodgkinson and it showed)
8. Tolman
9. Ballin (don't kid yourself with Ennis' origin appearances. If Ballin was NSW Ennis wouldn't have gotten a look in)
10. King
11. Watmough
12. Stagg
13. Stewart

14. Williams
15. Pritchard
16. Rose
17. Gulavau

I’ve always said I would take Tolman so LOL@you grasping, reaching, digging your way towards stupidity.

as for the barba wouldnt be picked crap most clubs carry a utility these days and barba would be picked for sure if clubs were merged.

Manly didn’t. Manly won the comp. Argument closed. Carrying a utility player like Barba would be useless. Also Barba a utility? He can play, what? 3 positions? Fullback, winger, 5/8? And he only does half the job at FB and wing because he can’t catch bombs. If the utlitiy player was a Lewis type who is primarily a lock, but can play 2nd row, centre, wing, 5/8, and halfback at a pinch and performs well even if not needed to fill a gap then I would be all for it. It’s the same reason I argue against having Gidley on the bench in rep games. Start or nothing.

i don't consider matai a top 5 at all. over the past 3 years morris has shown ALOT more ability then matai


also while u badmouth morris for injury

Not Morris’ fault if he gets injured but I know I’d prefer the one who plays out the full season

Yes, I was very unreasonable………:roll:

lets not forget the constant penalties, suspensions and injurys matai goes through

Suspensions are annoying, I agree with you there, but only one 2 week this year. 2 weeks is a fair trade for his form. Penalties are an issue when he gives them away but you’ll find he wasn’t a huge culprit on that front his year. Injuries? What injuries? He is rarely out of the team with injuries.

again keep trying mate but at the end of the day it doesnt change the fact your coach chose the dogs for less money

Yes, he went for less money for the challenge. He said as much. But according to doggiesbrahhahahahhahahahaahha the doggiesbrah are in tremendous shape, guaranteed to succeed and Des was the last piece of the puzzle? Where’s the challenge in that? The dogs have been poor and Des is taking on the challenge of turning them into a powerhouse like he did at Manly.

if that doesnt tell you that he sees more promise and better facilities and the fact he knows it wont be forced to merge or close broke then thats your dilusional problem, all i know is it means in the near future we have the best coach, with a very good roster that lacks a quality 5/8 and some great kids coming through not to metion we will hopefuly have one of the best eyes for young talent come with him and the club with great training facilities something des himself pointed out he cant wait to get and also a club that is not close or ever going backwards in the bank

Translation: whinge, hope, blah, derp. Manly two comps in 4 years, dogs made the finals once and won a spoon once>signing a good coach. Success now>possible success in the future.

Keep on grapsing at those blue and white straws, digging that Belmore sized hole, and reaching for arguments that don’t make you sound like an idiot.

p.s. I missed this little gem first time round:

its spelt hodkinson

I didn’t know you had stooped to that level so early on in our convo doggiesbrahahahahahahhahahaha. Resorting to picking on spelling and grammar errors is the last bastion of idiots who don’t have a clue, so I will refrain from pointing out the lack of capitalisation ;-)
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lol so im summary your dilusional, arrogant, and extremely biased. well done. just because manly didnt carry a utility doesnt mean that they wouldn't if they had a ben barba to fit somewhere, he would be on there somewhere. simple as that.

graham and tolman would walk into props so you now admit that there is 2 in the starting 13. you also admit turner would thats 3. you also admit pritchard would get a go thats 4. u claim ennis would make the bench which is a load he would start easily but either way thats 5. you can denie ennis all you want and dribble on about who has what titles or whatever it means absolutely nothing, not one bit of credit. many players have not got titles, many average players have too. shane perry has one so therefor he is so much better then thurston because thurston played off the bench for his at the dogs and hasnt got one since so he must be shit. how geniused is that reasoning. its plain and simple the selectors PICK the best player for the position based on form or reputation and lately its form. every year ennis vs farah is hyped like tyson vs ali! and each year ennis is picked because he constantly outplays farah for those games and there form around those games are often very close to each other. they are two different styled hookers, farah is more of a play making flashy player. ennis organises and runs our team as more of a team player. the point stands ENNIS is the one who is picked constantly. so dribble on that farah is better then both yet somehow isn't picked all you want. all it says is your extremely arrogant and extremely bitter towards ennis. i'm not even saying in my opinion that ennis is better then farah. i think they are both quality hookers. however i think the only other player that can fit into that group 2 of hookers is nathan friend. then ballin is down with the rest of them in the 3rd league and below. like most normal people may i add.

keep claiming im clutching at straws re morris and pritchard and eastwood etc however as i said it speaks for itself. morris top 5 centre easily in 09, 2010 solid, 2011 crap yet still makes the austrlian squad ahead of blokes like jennings etc. hardly shit. if you cant accept that a quality 5/8 would make a huge difference for a centre then its not only clear you don't know football its also clear you've never played football. it's like saying a half doesn't play better with a good pack infront of them. its basic football knowledge, something you clearly lack.

you claim des did it for a challenge with your little dilusional manly fans, most will admit you don't take less money for a change of club for a "challenge" wayne took the "challenge" it was for big money. the difference is manly is a sinking ship its been clear as day for most people for a long time now. as i said, most people.


lol so im summary your dilusional, arrogant, and extremely biased. well done.

Summary? You haven’t said anything yet! :lol: Please show where I am biased, arrogant, or delusional before calling me such.

just because manly didnt carry a utility doesnt mean that they wouldn't if they had a ben barba to fit somewhere, he would be on there somewhere. simple as that.

This is taking too long so I’ll try to keep this shorter. No he wouldn’t, he’s not a better fullback than Stewart, 5/8 than Foran, not a utility, and I’d prefer not to have a defensive liability on the wing. End of.

graham and tolman would walk into props so you now admit that there is 2 in the starting 13.


you u claim ennis would make the bench which is a load he would start easily but either way thats 5.

I said he COULD make the bench, I personally wouldn’t put him there, I personally prefer props and 2nd rowers on the bench.. But he has value coming off the bench, unlike Barba, so I conceded he could make the side. And no, he’s still not better than Ballin in the whole 15 minutes since the last post and he would not start.

you can denie ennis all you want and dribble on about who has what titles or whatever it means absolutely nothing, not one bit of credit. many players have not got titles, many average players have too. shane perry has one so therefor he is so much better then thurston because thurston played off the bench for his at the dogs and hasnt got one since so he must be shit. how geniused is that reasoning.

How geniused is your reasoning? I mentioned Premierships as ONE factor in showing who is better and list numerous other, which you ignore. You are putting a stupid argument, which I never made, in my mouth because you couldn’t respond with anything of value to the rest of the points I made re: Farah. LOL@you.

its plain and simple the selectors PICK the best player for the position based on form or reputation and lately its form.

Yes, that’s their job, but they don’t always do it. NSW selectors haven’t gotten it right every time, more often than not they get it wrong. Case in point (and you’ll love this, I’m sure) they picked King over Tolman, which was the wrong decision. For years EVERYONE has complained about the ineptitude of the selectors and you are using THEM as you’re credible source of who is definitively better? :crazy:

every year ennis vs farah is hyped like tyson vs ali! and each year ennis is picked because he constantly outplays farah for those games and there form around those games are often very close to each other. they are two different styled hookers, farah is more of a play making flashy player. ennis organises and runs our team as more of a team player. the point stands ENNIS is the one who is picked constantly. so dribble on that farah is better then both yet somehow isn't picked all you want.

I didn’t bring Australia into the “Ennis beats Farah, oh wait” shenanigans but seeing as you want to harp on about getting slectred in rep games as deciding who is better (and you haven’t mentioned anything else to show your point): Ennis beats Farah in Australian appearance, oh wait Ennis has 0, Farah has 3. :lol:

all it says is your extremely arrogant and extremely bitter towards ennis.

How????? I am just showing which player is better (key word SHOWING, not just saying as you are).

i'm not even saying in my opinion that ennis is better then farah. i think they are both quality hookers. however i think the only other player that can fit into that group 2 of hookers is nathan friend. then ballin is down with the rest of them in the 3rd league and below. like most normal people may i add.

Run a poll asking who’d they prefer out of the three. You won’t, because you know the result will hurt.

keep claiming im clutching at straws re morris and pritchard and eastwood etc

Never said anything of the sort re: Eastwood. Keep reaching.

however as i said it speaks for itself. morris top 5 centre easily in 09, 2010 solid, 2011 crap yet still makes the austrlian squad ahead of blokes like jennings etc. hardly shit.

Again, why bring up 2009? Is Orford is good NOW because of 2008 success? He won’t play in any important games bar injury because he was like 9th choice or something crazy. Digging, reaching ect

if you cant accept that a quality 5/8 would make a huge difference for a centre then its not only clear you don't know football its also clear you've never played football. it's like saying a half doesn't play better with a good pack infront of them. its basic football knowledge, something you clearly lack.

Sigh. Find where I said that, come back to me. You won&#8217;t because you can&#8217;t because I didn&#8217;t say it. Reaching, grasping, digging&#8230;.You&#8217;re an idiot. What I did say is that I don&#8217;t accept the cop out that &#8220;Oh, no <insert player> is good, he&#8217;s just bad now because his team is bad&#8221;.

you claim des did it for a challenge with your little dilusional manly fans,

Did we? And here I though Des said it himself?

Des Hasler: &#8220;I have elected to take up the challenge of building in a new direction with the Bulldogs from 2013&#8221;.

Challenge? Check. New direction? But, but, but the bulldogs were already in the right direction, weren&#8217;t they? Des was just the final piece in the Premiership puzzle, wasn't he? Idiot. Des getting offered more money to stay at Manly WEAKENS your argument! What an idiot. :lol:

most will admit you don't take less money for a change of club for a "challenge" wayne took the "challenge" it was for big money.

Is Des not on big money? 2nd/3rd highest paid coach in the game (forget if Bellamy is higher) isn&#8217;t small money doggiesbrahahahhahahaha.

the difference is manly is a sinking ship its been clear as day for most people for a long time now. as i said, most people.

I&#8217;ll come back when Manly folds and admit I was wrong in not seeing the demise of Manly today. Will you come back and admit you were wrong if Manly win the comp in 2013 and/or the dogs &#8216;win&#8217; the spoon in 2013?

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