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Discussion re: Parra Future/3P


In theory....

Grothe, Kenny and Price are elected to the footy club board. At the Leagues Club Elections, P3 dont get enough votes to control the leagues club board. Therefore the incumbents on both boards win the vote and decide to extend the contract of DF, even after stong disagreement from the P3 faction.

how will this affect the three p3 board members?
I thought it was a fairly commonly held belief that Denis' contract is extended on a two-yearly basis in November - prior to any AGMs... That is to say that it has already been extended, and I believe the 3P ticket would be aware of this. Therefore any worry about them not serving their terms would be quite unnecessary.

Hence why the focus by everyone except Josh Massoud and a chorus of disenchanted Eels fans/ralliers hasn't really been on Fitzgerald in these elections. It's been on things like the direction the club(s) are heading in, and the bizarre structure of the club(s) with members one-step removed removed from the NRL Board, and communication and accountability.

Sure, the desire for change by ousting the board members who have allowed Fitzgerald not to be doing some of the things mentioned above by B-Tron comes through the 3P ticket quite clearly. But Fitzgerald is an employee who has to work to his Board(s) wishes, whoever is elected while under contract. The footy club election is one part of getting somedifferent people in who might be able to help make the CEO work differently, in a way that better reflects the will of the members.

It's that simple - repeat the formula in April at the Leagues Club elections, if those members want to see a different overall direction for a club that is losing money and bitching and moaning about taxes and bans that every other club seems to have accepted and got on with altering their business plans.

On the Footy Club election front, we have heard from one set of nominees, and they have reached out to find the members through the mail, internet, media and phone. Another set have reached us by mail, with much less detail and communciation so far... Time is ticking.


Post Whore
On the Footy Club election front, we have heard from one set of nominees, and they have reached out to find the members through the mail, internet, media and phone. Another set have reached us by mail, with much less detail and communciation so far... Time is ticking.

The incumbants approach has been nothing short of arrogant.
Either that, or they have been caught on the hop, which, in itself, is arrogant anyway.


Tyler Durden

The incumbants approach has been nothing short of arrogant.
Either that, or they have been caught on the hop, which, in itself, is arrogant anyway.


Or they may have already worked out what their strategy is - they may already have the numbers for Sunday. Or they may know that regardless of what happens on Sunday, the real power now lies with the Leagues club where they will still have control once the dust settles on Sunday night.


Maybe some of the incumbents are happy that there are other candidates for a change, and are looking forward to the chance of stepping down some of their duties around the place, without looking like they wanted out anyway and letting their colleagues down?

I think the efforts put in to communicate with the footy club members from some of them seem to give that impression... Morris? Ricthie? Who are you guys, why have you nominated, and why should we give you a vote?


Post Whore
Or they may have already worked out what their strategy is - they may already have the numbers for Sunday. Or they may know that regardless of what happens on Sunday, the real power now lies with the Leagues club where they will still have control once the dust settles on Sunday night.

No doubt all the power lies with the Leagues Club, as it has done for a few years now.

April, if my memory serves me correctly.



Post Whore
I think the efforts put in to communicate with the footy club members from some of them seem to give that impression... Morris? Ricthie? Who are you guys, why have you nominated, and why should we give you a vote?

Bugger Morris and Ritchie.

I'm still to hear why even Ovo should get my vote.



No doubt all the power lies with the Leagues Club, as it has done for a few years now.

According to some, that means the Football club elections should be ignored of course. That would probably be a similar line when the Leagues club elections come around too.

Parra Future

I have two more questions:

On one hand, you guys have been saying that photo ID should be required when voting at the AGM but on another hand you have been talking about allowing proxy voting.

So, what measures will be taken in regards to proxy voting that will ensure they are given the same scrutiny as in-attendance voting?

Also, with 1-year (immediate) voting rights for members - Isn't there a concern that this will allow "branch stacking" and bring instability to the board?


Hi all,

I've had a hectic day and this is the first chance I have had to get online. Tonight we had another 3P meeting. I have started reading all the posts that I have missed today, so if I seem out of whack, it is because I am going through them one by one. So if you ask me a question around post 400 and something, it could take me a while to get to it. I think this one is around the 270 mark.

Hollywood Jesus,

We want photo ID's on voting day so that it can be proved that people are who they say they are. I'm not implying anything here, but if you had badge 10 for example and knew badge 10 belonged to Tom Smith and your name was Tom Jones, you could walk in showing badge 10, say your Tom Smith and vote unfairly. Again, I am not implying anything, but we want an issue like that iliminated so that it potentially can not occur.

Two, we spoke at length tonight about proxies, because I have seen that question popping up numerous times on here. Here goes. Our stance on that would be that we will not accept proxies either. We will however accept a postal vote which would end up having an earlier cut-off date. This is purely for the out of towners like BrisVegas etc.



Parra Future

To those that think I am working for "my mates" on the board, running cover, again that is for you. But I do not act as their agent on line, like Parra Futures does here for the 3P ticket.


Your killing me. I'll continue to try to work with people even if others think that your words are an attack. I'm a big boy so I'm sure I can continue on. In regards to your comment above, and myself acting like an agent, maybe people didn't read my comments when I first joined this online community. I told everyone outright who I was and I also stated that I was affiliated with 3P and assisting them with all sorts of business related and marketing issues in the background. At no stage have I denied that I am with the 3P team and heavily. As for being an agent, Bob has also been on here and so has Guru. Terry will also come online once his computer has been fixed. Take care mate, I look forward to your next post.


We will however accept a postal vote which would end up having an earlier cut-off date. This is purely for the out of towners like BrisVegas etc.

Thanks for getting back to us Col, that option does sound like a common sense approach

Parra Future

With all this talk about voting, I have one question for Parra Future.

Do you know, Colin, who will be doing the counting and scrutinising of Sundays vote?

Regards, Suity

Im up to post 298 now guys, so I'm getting closer to up-to date. In regards to the above question Suity, scrutineers (Don't know if I spelt that right) will be appointed to watch the count which is done from an outside agency. A lady called Gai runs all the counts. She's been doing it for years. You cant be a scrutineer if you are a nominated person running for a board position. E.G, Ovo, the Doc, Jurd, Price, Kenny, Guru etc will not be able to be scrutineers. However, yourself, myself etc can be as long as we are members and not running for a position. Usually the nominated people running for spots choose who they would like to be their scrutineer to make sure the count is legit.

Parra Future

Long after you are gone, and long after Fitzgerald is gone, we still want a club to follow. Fitzgerald had stated that he can't guarantee that.
That's not what I want to hear from our CEO.


If you were the CEO of the ANZ or CBA or BHP etc and you made the above comment about not guaranteeing being around in 5 years, stock market prices would crash instantly for that organisation, people would flee and the CEO would be heavily scolded or lose his job. No matter what happened, questions should have been asked about THAT comment.

Parra Future

I still haven't been told how a committee tasked with running ONLY our junior competitions can make our first Grade side more succesful?? Am I missing something.

I don't have voting rights anyway, but am just curious about what voters expectations are. The 3P ticket sound very promising, but if elected, how would they attract more sponsors and fill the stadium etc.. if they are only running the junior grades anyway.


Down the track, the goal is to get the 1st Grade side back under the control of the Football Club. Until the Leagues Club Elections, the best we (3P) can do is ask questions of the Leagues Club in regards to First Grade. We have sponsors already lined up who wish to sponser the club. Their only condition is a change of management and new CEO. We can not name the sponsors since they do not want to be known at this time. It is not worth my time or the other guys time to announce who the sponsors would be, just for them to then deny it, then cane us, then not deliver what we already know they will provide once we are elected if the members vote that way. The main things that we can change straight away are fan related areas as many of you are already irate with. I will speak more about this in an upcoming post. I am still reading what I have missed today. Now into the 300's.

Parra Future


do board members get paid?

and if so how much?

I am led to believe it is $10k each per year plus expenses regarding work related tasks. Their is also a lot of money spent each year going to gaming expo's in different countries around the world which sometimes adds up to a significant amount of money. Considering the club lost over $4million bucks in 2007 alone, you would think after attending gaming expos every year and numerous people doing that, that they may actually release there is a cost cutting expense right in front of their noses.

Parra Future

I am led to believe it is $10k each per year plus expenses regarding work related tasks. Their is also a lot of money spent each year going to gaming expo's in different countries around the world which sometimes adds up to a significant amount of money. Considering the club lost over $4million bucks in 2007 alone, you would think after attending gaming expos every year and numerous people doing that, that they may actually release there is a cost cutting expense right in front of their noses.

My apologies, the above is in regards to the LEAGUES CLUB directors. I am not sure regarding the Football club directors.

Parra Future

I'm more concerned with how either team is going to turn a profit.

Talk about winning Premierships all you want - the $7mil grant to the Eels ended up giving the Leagues Club a $4mil loss.

This cannot keep happening and in this current climate "property development" is not going to be the answer.

If whoever ends up with controls the LC board (and we know that 3P want that) keeps running at a loss because of grants, the 3/4 of LC members that don't care about the Eels aren't gonna sit there and take it forever.

So either the FC board (if it controls the NRL side again) need to start making more money so they ask for less of a grant or the LC needs to make more money so that it can cover future grants without an annual loss. Or a bit of both.

THIS is what needs to be addressed more than anything, in my opinion. With all due respect, cram the Premierships. If we win the next 5 but end up going broke because we don't have a sustainable platform for revenue I'm not gonna be happy. Instead, I'll be happy going back to the early 90s in terms of footy achievements if it means we have a sustainable club.

Hollywood Jesus,

There are numerous things. One the additional sponsors which I do realise everyone wants us to name and we wish we good. Sounds like BS but everyone is going to have to trust us. Every body keeps talking about business experience. At the 3P meetings, most weekly meetings that take place, there is probably a mix of 95% business people to 5% Parramatta Legends. There is a massive amount of people involved behind the scenes, many from business related fields, yes, the property developers that everyone talks about, the nominated candidates, a doctor, a restauranteer, a lawyer, a counciller, but I would say that the majority are either business owners or people who are high up in their own companies and who specialise in numerous areas from Finance / HR / Operations / Strategic Marketing & Distribution.

Other areas that we would be looking at Leagues Club wise in a simple term would come down to Purchasing. All current deals would be looked at and re-negotiated. I know this sounds strange, but we do have a bloody good brand. With that brand, we should be utilising it which we are currently not. From the smallest things, e.g the Eftpos terminals used throughout the club, to the printing companies used, to the food companies, to the liquor mobs, to the merchandise to the TV's that they upgrade all the time on the walls. I know where they bought those TV's from and I can tell you, they could have saved a lot of money just there alone.

The use of rooms within the complex is currently attrocious. The hire out rate could be tremendously higher if the right areas were looked into. The facilities that they provide for members are not marketed right.

You guys have said it yourself regarding treatment of fans & Supporters & sponsors. You've got a group who aren't listening and you've got a group who are willing too. Business wise, the club should not be losing the money that it is. The management of the Leagues club is all wrong and could be rectified with the right team in place. The money that is being spent on the football team is not an excuse. I have stated that before in some of my other posts. The main aim and goal of the Leagues Club is to keep the football team on the field. That is why it is a LEAGUES club. Ovo and DF should not be complaining that the NRL team is killing their profits. That is why the club exists. They should start looking at newer revenue ideas.

I'll give them one right now since they haven't decided to do it to date. Go to Wenty Leagues and look at their poker machines and the device that is above them. Members can stick their cards in, win money, pull their card out and go to a new machine with the credit on their card. At Parra Leagues, you push the service button and wait all day for someone to come and write you a ticket, unless it prints one. People then have to queue up before getting their money. They then go to another machine and lose their money. If you were to use the other system, you need less people on the gaming floor. Secondly, people are spending their money faster. Thirdly, there are less people queueing up to get their money back so they can go and spend it again. In this one SIMPLE example, Parramatta has just saved money. Their are numerous ways the club can save money, but they are stale and they would rather blame the football team.

Heres some breaking news. 3P are not going to blame the Football team. We are working at providing the team with more than it currently gets. In regards to the Leagues Club, again as stated before, it is a tool to keep the team on the field. We are aware of that, and are putting in measures to stop the horrid losses that are happening at the club.

At the rally just recently, some fans were asking Ovo questions about what they wanted changed. He asked them if they played the poker machines. The fans weren't asking about the Leagues Club or the poker machines. Alot of fans were left dumbfounded wondering what that question had to do with anything.

I think everyone knows what it had to do with. A stale board that wants it's leagues club to be profitable but are out of touch and don't know how to do it, so they blame the pokie tax, the smoking laws and the football grants.

Parra Future

I would hope on Sunday morning that they might be able to give us some info - surely it'd be ok to explain some stuff then???

Absolutley the case. I just let one idea go a minute ago regarding the poker machines strategy. One of many just to do with the poker machines. I doubt the current board can organise that within the next 6 days.

Parra Future

We aren't going to win a premiership not spending the full cap. It's as simple as that.

Up to post 346 now. Getting closer to where everyone else is. At NO stage, and I stress that, NO stage at all has anyone in our group at any meeting discussed cutting the funding on what is currently spent on the football players. Obviously their are salary caps that we need to work within, but no discussions have revolved around reducing the total of what is being spent. I know the other guys would be in agreeance with this comment so I am happy to make it. It is not necessary, it is not required, it is not needed to save some money, it won't happen. We have enough stuff going for us to increase the revenue without looking at an idea like that. It is not even an idea that you would look at if you got desperate. I believe it would lead to Monumental Disaster on the field.

Parra Future

And how do they propose to do that? The Leagues club members would have to vote for that motion. Can someone tell me how they will do that?

The first thing we are concentrating on the FC board. Second will come the Leagues Club, early next year. We are letting people know in advance what we intend to do with the First Grade side so that if we get elected, it is no surprise to anyone when it then comes up as a motion. If people did not want it back where it should be, they wouldn't get us that far.

We are not going to say that there will not be a GST and then introduce one.

Parra Future

I would really like this question answered please.



Sorry it took me so long to anser the question regarding the scrutineers. I have now in a post within the last 2 hours. I am trying to read everything and get back up to date. I had to deal with my own work environment today and running my own team, followed by attending the 3P meeting, followed by reading about 200 posts from today and answering whatever questions. I think tonight and the rest of the week, I will probably only be able to log on at stupid hours. My apologies.
