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Discussion re: Parra Future/3P


Staff member

Let me tell you something. The gloves are finally off. After days of persistance and alot of sleep depravation, I am finally, finally worn out. Well done. There is a rumour told to a room full of people at 8pm at night. We are in election mode with less than 6 full days to go. You need to get the word out to the people. Your a man of many contacts that can ring someone in the heavens and ask for rain during a drought. Who was I supposed to call at 8pm from the football club to answer that question, and after many years of many disgracefully run farces from the Club, did you honestly think that we were going to take a gamble on our own campaign and on everyones chance to be heard. I admit that you have far more pull with the current board than us, and you probably have all their numbers on your speed dial. If you are that important, now I do believe that you should of done something over all these years to maybe fix something. Hiding behind a computer and pretending that you have pull but nothing happens isn't worth bragging in my books. This site has been a real let down by a few individuals. The rest of the people on here show a bit of class and give people an opportunity to speak without conducting themselves like the great one MITS telling everyone who is right and wrong on planet earth. To show such respect like you have talked about in prior posts, Mr Mark in the Stands, Goodbye.

As you can see from this post. I'm shot. I am going to get some sleep and try to wake up with my happy thoughts so I can continue to think while MITS rabbles on about garbage in the background that the mighty empire is under attack from the nasty "rebels" and the might empire can do no wrong. Do you have a picture of the current board on your doona or a poster of them on your wall?

Nice rant. Done yourself no favours however. Could have been a tad diplomatic whilst in election mode. Your campaign manager would not be impressed. ;-)


IMO Colin was fully entitled to post the rumour in the manner he did. There was enormous potential for confusion and disappointment if this issue was not clarified.

He was not under any obligation to contact the board before raising the issue and as he says there were practical impediments to doing so. In fact I am convinced that many people will have avoided loss of opprtunity to vote as a result of this thread.

I have deliberately avoided taking sides in all of this because I firmly believe that 99% of us or more actually want the same things; and the last thing I want to see happen out of an election process is to result in a divided house.

I am greatly encouraged by the huge public interest; the efforts of the new ticket to embrace the opinions of fans; and optimistic about the fact that more interets should create more energy and momentum in our club.

Col, don't lose heart because of what someone writes on a message board or how they say it. People write things out of ideology, personal loyalty, haste, ignorance; sometimes semantics and generational differences mean things are expressed in a way that offend others. Apart from that, you can't sway everyone's position in any case.

I believe you have achieved a lot in a small time on this board. If I can offer any advice it is not to see people with different positions on the election as the enemy. The enemy is apathy and lack of action. MITS and his mates will take action, but believe in different methods.

For the record, I find Mark's rhetorical style incredibly smug and annoying, and often think he is an apologist for the club and his contacts in it. Then I remind myself he is every bit as big a fan as I am and that he does a lot more for the club than I do.

Good luck and don't lose heart.


Staff member
You should change your forum name to Gronk-in-the-Stands....(GITS)

I am still not convinced you are not the same person.

You have selective reading, my friend. I support no faction and have made that abundantly clear over the past couple of weeks.

Anyway, I can't be a GIT(s) because I haven't had hippy long hair since the 70's.



Accredited Media Releases
Nice rant. Done yourself no favours however. Could have been a tad diplomatic whilst in election mode. Your campaign manager would not be impressed. ;-)

push someone to breaking point and then push them some more... nice work :roll:

Ron Jeremy

Nice rant. Done yourself no favours however. Could have been a tad diplomatic whilst in election mode. Your campaign manager would not be impressed. ;-)

He had every right to have that rant. Tbh like probably the vast majority Marks comments have been annoying, and it really isn't constructive, and tbh he's really making himself look like a fool. It's shame as the majority of the time Mark is a very good poster.

It doesn't take much skill and brains to continuoulsy shoot down someones comments.

Col, just ignore his posts from now on, problem solved.


I think we all need to be civil and respectful in this extremely important time in the clubs history. Yes there are many people this election will have a direct impact on and we all have a lot to win and lose but at the end of the day there is 1 common denominator..... We all want what is best for the club. Please let's not lose sight of that and no matter what the outcome is on Sunday we all need to move on and make this club (OUR CLUB) the best it can be.


First Grade
What and DF never has a rant!! :lol:

Good on you Col, if I could vote I would, but if 3P get in I may finally have my chance.


Staff member
He had every right to have that rant. Tbh like probably the vast majority Marks comments have been annoying, and it really isn't constructive, and tbh he's really making himself look like a fool. It's shame as the majority of the time Mark is a very good poster.

It doesn't take much skill and brains to continuoulsy shoot down someones comments.

Col, just ignore his posts from now on, problem solved.

I wrote that because I think there is a time and place for everything Ron. Personally I think he could have handled it better under the circumstances. I would like to think that a member of the FC Board can handle himself more professionally when required.

Ron Jeremy

Have to agree that Colin did post it as a rumor, MITS has lost the plot.

Exactly, tbh who really gives a sh*t if Colin didn't ring first before posting? really who gives a sh*t? Mark.

Funny huh, Mark will piss and moan and carry on like an old fart at a wedding because Col didn't call the club firstly to ask a question but rather stated it as a rumour on this board, yet you wont hear boo hoo from him when Mr 22 years comes out every month or so with hysterical comments such as not guarenteeing we will be around in 5 years, We should merge, Pokie machine tax and other dribbles of sh*t which make Mike Tyson and Baghdad Bob sound like Barrack Obama and Tony Robbins.

Ron Jeremy

I wrote that because I think there is a time and place for everything Ron. Personally I think he could have handled it better under the circumstances. I would like to think that a member of the FC Board can handle himself more professionally when required.

Look, the bloke has been up all night answering our constructive questions, that in itself shows dedication, but i guess Mark is getting annoyed with all the positive discussion in here so he has to put a damper on it, just like the middle child trying to disrupt his little brothers brisk.

You want professional? what about Mr Haley's coment Fitzy, yeah he sure oozes professionalism, hence why he's beening continuelsy head hunted by the top business' around the country. Is professionalism getting on 2gb and singing a duet? is professionalism countiuesly putting down our game and club? is professionalism not even having the decencey to acknowledge our greats and supporters?

I'm not saying to wrongs make a right, however like a moron bible basher hanging outside your place at 9am Sunday morning sometimes you have make a stance.
Have to agree that Colin did post it as a rumor, MITS has lost the plot.

Exactly, tbh who really gives a sh*t if Colin didn't ring first before posting? really who gives a sh*t? Mark.

Funny huh, Mark will piss and moan and carry on like an old fart at a wedding because Col didn't call the club firstly to ask a question but rather stated it as a rumour on this board, yet you wont hear boo hoo from him when Mr 22 years comes out every month or so with hysterical comments such as not guarenteeing we will be around in 5 years, We should merge, Pokie machine tax and other dribbles of sh*t which make Mike Tyson and Baghdad Bob sound like Barrack Obama and Tony Robbins.

I have no doubts that Col posted it as a rumour. I am more disappointed that he as an agent and part of the team at 3P let a rumour dictate the way they acted in this manner, before clarifying it.

The Post was made at almost 3 am. Is everyone telling me that the election campaign has so much happening that they could not wait 6 hours to confirm the information, and act on it then. Sure no problem make a second plan in the room, its not like adding or subtracting an hour to the time table would take that long to figure out. Then when you know what is happening either post the new information or say nothing.

In the end it makes Col and his ticket look like he is jumping at shadows.

The Colonel

No, but he is (on this Board) the public face of P3.

Grothe, Kenny and Price would still be the public face, on this board and elsewhere. I'm glad that Col has taken the time to answer questions.

I'd just say to Col, best he gets some more sleep before he answers any questions from MITS.