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Disgraceful Shameful NRL Signing

Eels Dude

I remember reading about this bloke maybe last year. Look it was a disgusting thing to do... but he has served his time. He shouldn't be denied the opportunity to lead a normal life and make a career for himself.


of course we could all be really controversial here and bring up the issue about whether the decision to have an abortion or not should be entirely left to the woman?

Not suggesting for a minute that to react like Medcalf did is at all appropriate but it does ask the question as to what right the man has here when he has half the responsibility.
That's bs. Anytime you have sex with any female (human) of reproductive age there is always the possibility of her getting pregnant, even with precuations. Therefore, anytime you have sex you have to understand there is the possibility she could get pregnant, unintentionally or not. If you choose to have sex your making a choice to live with any possible consequences from STD's to pregnancy to crazy chick stabbing you in your sleep.

So if you're willing to have sex with her you have no right to tell her to have an abortion. If she wants to have it and if your 100% against that you have to get over it, suck it up, and take care of the kid for 18 years.

If you're that against the possibility of having a baby you should keep it in your pants until you are.

Eels Dude

some of the moralistic wankers in here are a great example of why people can fall into a life of crime. one f**k up, they get blacklisted by any employer and what else can they do with themselves.

I think that's a very good point. A lot of criminals these day serve their time in prison but once they are released find it impossible to find work due to being blacklisted. Then all of a sudden the only way they they can afford to live and eat is to resort back to a life of crime and then they're forced to do so. Gaol time isn't just about punishment, it's about rehabilitation too.


First Grade
There are crimes and then there are CRIMES. Imo serious assault, rape, murder, pedophilia, etc. No f**king mercy as far as I'm concerned.

Save your sob stories.

Eels Dude

There are crimes and then there are CRIMES. Imo serious assault, rape, murder, pedophilia, etc. No f**king mercy as far as I'm concerned.

Save your sob stories.

You can look at it that way but the court handed out his punishment and that's what you have to consider if you go down that angle. You cannot punish someone over and over for something they once did as a kid as disgusting as to what he did.

The Tank

There are crimes and then there are CRIMES. Imo serious assault, rape, murder, pedophilia, etc. No f**king mercy as far as I'm concerned.

Save your sob stories.

Agree 100%

I don't often care about player's off field troubles (Carney, Benji, Watmough etc) but this is disgraceful.

This scumbag should be rotting in jail.


Post Whore
Look we can all talk about whether this guy gets a second chance etc etc but I can tell you that if he gets anywhere near first grade every woman who follows the NRL will be outraged.


First Grade
f**king joke he is allowed to play.

Good going NRL. Great way to get women involved in the sport...


Completely vulgar situation the NRL is in here.

Ofcourse people deserve a second chance, but I dont believe he deserves a second to play first grade.
Apart from the fact that his committed a horrendous crime, how with he react being in the public spotlight? If he has already committed such an act, then I'd hate to see him under the pressure that first grade rugby league demands.

Finally to those saying that 'it was just silly teenage mistake' have a think about it for a while, his still a person, he has a brain (I am assuming) and he knew what he was doing was wrong. Its attempted murder in my eyes, and theres no way in the world a murderer should be representing a NRL club.


You're comparing apples with oranges. They're f**king terrified in Davao because they can be murdered for anything, even coming forward as a witness to a death squad killing is enough of a crime to be the next target. Illegal vigilante death squads that kill innocent people are not the same as the legal system's death penalty.

The problem with the Davao Death Squads that you idolise is that they're not always 100% correct are they? Some have been killed merely for being a witness to a DDS killing. Some have been killed due to mistaken identity. Others still have been killed because someone paid the DDS to kill them.

The fact that you believe an illegal group of assassins is something that the world should look to as an example makes you an absolute f**king idiot. Absolutely stark raving mad you are.

And a wonderful job it's doing too.

As a matter of fact Davao is a safe place to live no matter what you hear and unless you been there yourself you would know so dont start making comments your reading off the media.

Let's take a quick, unscientific example. The USA has the death penalty, Australia does not. The USA has a much higher crime rate than Australia. Death penalty doing its job?

No, I call it as I see it. And you are a f**king lunatic, as plain as day.

As a matter of fact Davao is a safe place to live no matter what you hear and unless you been there yourself you would know so dont start making comments your reading off the media and havent experienced yourself.

Plus how many people do the US have to Australia and your trying to compare the two countries over some crime rate example.

Anyway I may be a lunatic if I was in control of the people that try to kill a unborn baby and have them given the death penalty but in saying that would get the message across real fast to anyone who does this horrific crime.
I know I may seem a bit overboard with my reasons for this but 1 way to rid of filth is to terminate it for good


Does anyone believe that Greg Bird didn't glass his girlfriend? Wasn't that act potentially fatal too? Why is he still allowed to be a 1st grade NRL player with heaps of fans, and women, watching him on the field every week?

As for those saying rapists get no mercy....we had one high profile player get off rape charges, not once, but twice, when he was one of the stars of the ARL comp. And that was because of his stature in the game, not because of innocence. He continued to play on and still to this day has a hand in running the current game from a back office of one club.


As a matter of fact Davao is a safe place to live no matter what you hear and unless you been there yourself you would know so dont start making comments your reading off the media and havent experienced yourself.

I haven't personally, I'm white and I'd rather like to continue living thanks. No sane Westerner would be caught anywhere near Mindanao.

That said, I have plenty of friends from around the region, and they paint a completely different story to you. Are you or have you or you family ever been on the death squads? Would explain a hell of a lot, I can't see how else you would blindly throw your support behind vigilante groups that carry out summary executions, often on innocent people.

Plus how many people do the US have to Australia and your trying to compare the two countries over some crime rate example.

I knew it was too much to expect you to understand the meaning of per capita, but please do continue making yourself look stupid.

Anyway I may be a lunatic if I was in control of the people that try to kill a unborn baby and have them given the death penalty but in saying that would get the message across real fast to anyone who does this horrific crime.
I know I may seem a bit overboard with my reasons for this but 1 way to rid of filth is to terminate it for good

Careful there... you just made a case for supporting extra-judicial killings of not only people like Metcalf, but also anyone who decides to procure an abortion.

Stark raving.



Good luck to him, He did the wrong thing, has been punished and now is trying to move on with his life.


He didn't choose his sentence. The Warriors didn't choose his sentence. The NRL didn't choose his sentence.

The absurd shortness of his sentence is not the issue here.

It just highlights once again what aan absolute farce our judicial system is.

He should still be inside, regardless of his "immaturity"


It just highlights once again what aan absolute farce our judicial system is.

He should still be inside, regardless of his "immaturity"

"Our" judicial system? The Australian and New Zealand legal systems are not one and the same.

And once again, his sentence is not the issue here, and the fact that he got off very lightly should not cloud judgement on this issue.


And once again, his sentence is not the issue here, and the fact that he got off very lightly should not cloud judgement on this issue.

^ exactly.

If your objection to Metcalf's signing to the Warriors is based upon him "not having been punished sufficiently" then your opinion is irrelevant.

The only valid issue for debate is whether or not the Warriors should have signed him, and whether the NRL should have approved it.