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Disgraceful Shameful NRL Signing


Its a very tricky issue. I'm sure we can all agree on one thing - what Shaun did 7-8 years ago was disgraceful. A month or two before it happened there was a lot of good talk about this fellow, he'd played an NRL trial at age 16 and put on two tries in that trial. He had talent.

I remember when I saw his name surface back playing for the Vulcans. I was far from impressed.

I don't know where I stand TBH. I'll say in the clubs defence they are upholding a strong code of conduct in general. Taulapapa and Faumuina were punted for drinking indescretions. Brett Seymour has come over and behaved extremely well, you'd have to suggest some of the standards they impose and the welfare development through Dean Bell is very positive. I'd say given that that Shaun would have had to have passed very strict standards and tick many boxes in terms of his attitude towards women to get an opportunity.

So, can't argue what he did was abhorrent. It was absolutely disgraceful. However, the question for me is whether he's rehabilitated so that he can act in a normal style in society. Nevertheless, I don't think its a particularly good marketing ploy by the Warriors, corporate social responsibility is huge particularly for sports mobs. What I will say is that Shaun and the Warriors aren't alone, you only need to look through the NBA and NFL to see some absolute boneheads going around and doing well.



WTF? I knew kiwis were stupid but this is a whole new level of genius that I thought was reserved for bogans west of homebush and in Sutherland shire. It seems they have cousins equally stupid in New Zealand.
You're going to make a fine police officer with an attitude like that.

But of course you're not going to be that kind of cop, you're going to be a cop like you see on those realistic TV shows like City Homicide and Rush.


Those on the left of society will always defend the offender's actions and believe in rehabilitation and second chances regardless of how heinous they maybe.

Personally I believe if the right are so strongly against Metcalf being allowed to play rugby league again make sure voice be heard beyond the forum. Contact the media, the NZ Warriors, the sponsors of the NZ Warriors such as Vodafone, the NRL and the NRL's sponsors to put pressure on the Warriors to release him. With enough objection it will happen.

I believe New Zealand has legislation in place called the Clean Slate Act of 2004 which allows criminal offendors to not reveal their criminal record if its beyond 7 years (which I think Shaun's is). I wonder whether this extends to a situation that one shouldn't be discriminated against in terms of equal employment opportunities for offences exceeding this period?

Look, I'm sure the Warriors in their code of conduct guide for recruitment have a lot of 'tick boxes' in line with NRL standards, and, given their leadership over the years in not condoning poor behaviour (see Faumuina/Taulapapa), I'd suggest they go above and beyond in normal circumstances. That's all I can use as a procedural fairness guide to evaluate the decision.


First Grade
For those saying he shouldn't have the 'privilege' of playing in the NRL, would you be just as concerned if he were a brilliant businessman and was accepted into a senior role of Telstra?

If he is good enough, it is up to his employer to decide. If they are happy that his behaviour has dramatically changed, then there is no right for any of us to get involved.


WTF? I knew kiwis were stupid but this is a whole new level of genius that I thought was reserved for bogans west of homebush and in Sutherland shire. It seems they have cousins equally stupid in New Zealand.

Humans are all capable of horrific things given the right circumstances. I'm happy to drop the hate and give people chances case by case. If they blow them, then I'm equally happy to have the rug pulled from under them.

Nothing terribly geniused or stupid in that IMO but I may have to revisit. I mean, if there's one person on this forum that the old 'takes one to know one' adage applies to it's you.
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The warriors will risk losing sponsors and public backlash over this if he starts in first grade some crimes can not be forgiven pedos etc even if they served their time.


The warriors will risk losing sponsors and public backlash over this if he starts in first grade some crimes can not be forgiven pedos etc even if they served their time.

I agree. I haven't heard any negative backlash in NZ over his signing. Most articles are similar to the initial article of this thread. In terms of the sponsors, any CEO worth his salt is going to be managing his key stakeholders closely, particularly his key sponsors. I dare say if there was decent objections to it they wouldn't even consider it.


Anyway, isn't all this just a little bit premature?

I've read a couple of articles that more or less imply that Shaun will sit around for a year at the Warriors, get absolutely no game time at all at NRL because if he did he'd get smashed, maybe ask for a release/be given a release by the Warriors.

And he plays centre? So at present he's behind: Moon/Ropati - yes he's out for the rest of this year but he's first choice centre/Inu/Mannering/Berrigan/Taylor - who can play there/Hohaia - I know people reckon it's his weakest position but he does have experience there/Locke - if last week is anything to go by where he filled in there for a bit. Feel free to add any names of Vulcans/U20s players I've missed out.

He'd be hoping for another two injuries at least to get game time...

But I'm with Iafeta. If he wants to play NRL level then fine if he's up to it but WTF was Frank Endacott doing - and Wayne Scurrah too - signing a deal for him to play in the NRL in Auckland??

Is there any sport that at some time hasn't signed someone with a dodgy criminal past? I seriously doubt it - and I include all sports, male and female, in this.
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Perth Red

Post Whore
How many posters of senior Telstra execs adorn kids bedroom walls or are on the backs of shirts worn by an adoring public? How many investors choose not to buy into Telstra due to the character of an executive?


This is a very interesting thread but I think some people need to look a bit deeper and that might answer some of the questions.

First of all, was he actually a NRL contract player when he commited the crime? This is important because if he wasn't he didn't breach his playing contract by bringing the game into disrepute as he didn't have one. I would be surprised if he was. This was well before Toyota Cup and despite the fact he may have played a trial with the Warriors having no Jersey Flegg or Premier League he was a long away away from playing for the club. Therefore this cannot be compared with Carney and Watmough who have breached their contracts, therefore can be punished by the NRL. The NRL has no right to punish any citizen no matter what their crime.

It also wasn't a rugby league incident so unlike kicking a player in a game or breaching the drug code, the NRL has no power to rule over those incidents.

Secondly it is worth remembering that (fortunately) he didn't actually achieve the result he set out to do. According to the article neither the girl nor the baby had any lasting PHYSICAL effects from the incident (not even going to try and start about the mental effects). As you know if you attempt to murder someone, you get a much lesser sentence than if you do actually murder someone, despite the fact the intent may be the same.

Thirdly, he hasn't just recently had a ban lifted for playing in the NRL. There was nothing to stop him playing in the NRL previously except for the fact that he was banned (not by the NRL) from entering Australia. Obviously the Warriors didn't think it was worth having a player that could only play half the games. (Interesting if this was the other way and an Australian NRL player was banned from entering NZ. Would it be different if there was only one game per season you couldn't play. However I digress). Therefore they can't really come and slap something on him now that they hadn't had for the past 7-8 years.

So all in all the Warriors have put the NRL in a difficult position but as far as I can see the NRL's hands are tied. Metcalf has paid his debt to society in accordance with the laws of the land (regardless of whether you think the punishment was sufficient) so can now lead a normal life. Unlike the example of a peadofile becoming a teacher, it is highly unlikely that Metcalf's new job is going to give him an opportunity to commit the same crime.

Having said all that, I am not sure I would be comfortable supporting a player with that history.


of course we could all be really controversial here and bring up the issue about whether the decision to have an abortion or not should be entirely left to the woman?

Not suggesting for a minute that to react like Medcalf did is at all appropriate but it does ask the question as to what right the man has here when he has half the responsibility.


he made a mistake, served his time and by all reports has turned over a new leaf. why shouldn't rugby league give the kid a second chance?

Because he wasn't even willing to give his unborn child a first chance and because he wasn't willing to give his then girlfriend a chance to be a mother, instead he was happy to try and kill the unborn child and give the poor mother a life sentence, which could easily cause her to be suffering PTSD.


First Grade
It's a bit of a stretch to say "Oh he was a teenager he served his time" we're not talking about the usual teenage bullsh*t, what he did is abhorant and he's nothing more than an animal. What goes through someone's mind to decide to kick another person, deliberately and with force in the hopes of ending a life? It's sick!
Nobody of sound mind would contemplate that.

And what of the victim? Does she not get a say in all this? I can only wonder how the incident has impacted on HER life, and how she'd feel if he was to go on and make a success of himself.

It's well and good to say he shouldn't be punished forever and he has a right to live his life, but what of the rights that he violated? Why should he be allowed to move on?


Staff member
he did it wrong anyway Stormy



Geez, some people really fail to draw the fine line between stupidity and a completely f**ked up situation.

Can't believe some people will still bring up that 'young and stupid' bullsh*t.
No 15 year old in their right mind would kick a pregnant girl down and try to force an abortion, that includes the 'stupid' ones.


Do you realize how mind numbingly stupid that is? That was rhetorical because obviously you don't or you wouldn't have asked it. You accuse those who are siding with the victim of being churchie loving moral crusaders yet you're the one who's pleading for him to have a second chance playing NRL and totally absolving him of his crimes.

Now correct me if I'm wrong but isn't it the churchie loving moral crusaders who are always the first to forgive all sinners of their sins?

So I'll ask you, what time does Hillsong start champ?

I really dont know where to start with you. After reading your previous tough guy post i just assumed you didnt really have a clue. You follow it up with this post and just convinced me.

If you cant see the lines of comparison that Im drawing, then thats too bad because Im not going to explain it for you so you can just disagree...So thanks, but no thanks.

i'll give you a hint though, hillsong is one of the most morally corrupt hypocritically stupid organisations going around, who love getting up on their moral high horse with a clear ignorance of the issues at hand.

There you go, champ.