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Disgraceful Shameful NRL Signing


^ exactly.

If your objection to Metcalf's signing to the Warriors is based upon him "not having been punished sufficiently" then your opinion is irrelevant.

The only valid issue for debate is whether or not the Warriors should have signed him, and whether the NRL should have approved it.

What bullsh*t, it's just yet another element in what is a massive black eye to the game. It's a joke the bloke's been picked up and committing horrific crimes might be okay in your eyes skeepe, but it's f*cking not in mine


Have a look at what the bloke and his deadsh*t mates did, it was unforgivable. You're the one sticking up for the selection and saying he deserves a second chance. Ths wasn't a silly teenage mistake, this was attempted murder (and the 'attempted' part was certainly not through a lack of trying). Yet it's okay for him to potentially play RL at the highest level? F*ck him, he's made his bed and he can lie in it.


Skeepe and other defenders of this prick,

Why do you think this guy does not deserve a 20+ year ban from playing any and all league in Australia (effectively ruling him out of the NRL) for what he did??

We have seen players of the same age he was when committing the offence for violent acts. Several players were handed 20 year bans for kicking a player on the ground a couple years back.

What makes this creature's crime any different and deserving of less punishment?


What bullsh*t, it's just yet another element in what is a massive black eye to the game. It's a joke the bloke's been picked up and committing horrific crimes might be okay in your eyes skeepe, but it's f*cking not in mine

Noone in this entire thread has defended what he did as "ok" or even "forgivable".

Shaun was punished by the judicial system, did his time, and is free to try and achieve whatever he wants with his career.

He's worked his a** off and has gained an NRL contract.

Those are the facts, the rest is simply emotive opinion.

I understand why some (not most, mind you - and this is a majority-rules society) people are angry that he has been given a second chance in professional rugby league, and I can see their point of view.
But I simply don't agree.

FTR I believe the judicial punishment was insufficient, but I wouldn't deny the guy a chance at a career and earning decent money to support his family based on my opinion of what the courts should have done.

I believe people can change, especially over such a long period of time. And while I believe the Warriors are risking a PR nightmare in this signing, I am glad for the guy that he has a shot.


I haven't personally, I'm white and I'd rather like to continue living thanks. No sane Westerner would be caught anywhere near Mindanao.

That said, I have plenty of friends from around the region, and they paint a completely different story to you. Are you or have you or you family ever been on the death squads? Would explain a hell of a lot, I can't see how else you would blindly throw your support behind vigilante groups that carry out summary executions, often on innocent people.

I knew it was too much to expect you to understand the meaning of per capita, but please do continue making yourself look stupid.

Careful there... you just made a case for supporting extra-judicial killings of not only people like Metcalf, but also anyone who decides to procure an abortion.

Stark raving.

Yes I have lived there in Davao and the rest of Mindanao is dangerous except this place which the locals know what really goes on and its not like 1 person tells them something they all believe it,they actually do investigate to see if its truth or not. I as a white man could walk the streets at night by myself with no worries and did that plenty of times as I felt so safe because of the strict punishment they give criminals.outside of this city is dangerous and there been plenty of massacres kidnaps and other terrible crimes but the city of davao is a safe haven and being there in person I believe what I see than what i read on the internet or listen to people that do not live or come from that city.

Now your telling me you meaning per capita:roll: when did you state that?

I make a stand for killing those that try and kill a human being that hasnt even seen the outside world yet and trying to destroy a women with her first child.


Skeepe and other defenders of this prick,

Why do you think this guy does not deserve a 20+ year ban from playing any and all league in Australia (effectively ruling him out of the NRL) for what he did??

We have seen players of the same age he was when committing the offence for violent acts. Several players were handed 20 year bans for kicking a player on the ground a couple years back.

What makes this creature's crime any different and deserving of less punishment?

He doesn't currently deserve any punishment.

The punishment was dished out almost a decade ago.

If, back then, he'd received a life ban, I wouldn't have complained. But he didn't - and that's just how it is.

As for your frustrations, fair enough - the system is full of hypocrisy.

He has obviously changed his ways and gone on with life - by all reports is a decent man these days. So he can do whatever he wants with his life and career in my opinion.


Yes I have lived there in Davao and the rest of Mindanao is dangerous except this place which the locals know what really goes on and its not like 1 person tells them something they all believe it,they actually do investigate to see if its truth or not. I as a white man could walk the streets at night by myself with no worries and did that plenty of times as I felt so safe because of the strict punishment they give criminals.outside of this city is dangerous and there been plenty of massacres kidnaps and other terrible crimes but the city of davao is a safe haven and being there in person I believe what I see than what i read on the internet or listen to people that do not live or come from that city.

Now your telling me you meaning per capita:roll: when did you state that?

I make a stand for killing those that try and kill a human being that hasnt even seen the outside world yet and trying to destroy a women with her first child.

Why don't you go blow up some abortion clinics and kill a few doctors then?

Although, that would open yourself up to the same punishment, since you'd be committing murder yourself - so to avoid being a hypocrite you'd better make it a suicide bombing.


He doesn't currently deserve any punishment.

The punishment was dished out almost a decade ago.

If, back then, he'd received a life ban, I wouldn't have complained. But he didn't - and that's just how it is.

As for your frustrations, fair enough - the system is full of hypocrisy.

He has obviously changed his ways and gone on with life - by all reports is a decent man these days. So he can do whatever he wants with his life and career in my opinion.

He is still more than capable of being punished for it now. The NRL isn't governed by some statute of limitation on when it can and can't hand out bans.

The NRL should decide not to register his contract and stipulate a 20 year ban starting from the date of his offence, consistent with punishments handed down to other violent criminals playing rugby league. Hell we've banned spectators from rugby league for life for far less than what this merkin did.

If he wants to have a crack at 1st grade at 36 then no worries, otherwise he can stick with park footy in NZ.


Skeepe and other defenders of this prick,

Why do you think this guy does not deserve a 20+ year ban from playing any and all league in Australia (effectively ruling him out of the NRL) for what he did??

We have seen players of the same age he was when committing the offence for violent acts. Several players were handed 20 year bans for kicking a player on the ground a couple years back.

What makes this creature's crime any different and deserving of less punishment?

The Penrith & Districts Rugby League took the action against that player (only one of those you linked earlier got a 20 year ban, the others got bans of 5 and 2 years) based on his actions on the football field.

As much as you may not like the distinction, those last two words, football field, make all the difference. His ban was handed out by a judiciary. He is NOT deregistered, he is suspended. There is also a big difference in that. Obviously nobody will sign a guy who can't play for 20 years, but it's a completely different situation to the NRL stepping in and banning someone for what happened off the field.

Oh and he wasn't penalised for just one kick like you're making out. His suspension was due to a vicious and sustained assault on many other players. Kicks, punches, you name it he did it.


Semantics don't matter, the NRL isn't hamstrung by legal technicalities. It is a private organisation which can choose who it wants to allow as it so wishes. The NRL has always loved to take hard line action against violence against women, violence in the stands etc. Now we have a guy who brutally assaulted a woman and they are going to let him play?

Slap a 20 year ban on the prick. He can take out a personal loan and max out some credit cards trying to appeal it if he likes.


Post Whore
^ exactly.

If your objection to Metcalf's signing to the Warriors is based upon him "not having been punished sufficiently" then your opinion is irrelevant.

The only valid issue for debate is whether or not the Warriors should have signed him, and whether the NRL should have approved it.

I don't think it is a good look to have this guy representing the sport, the Warriors or the sponsores.

What he did was abhorrent and no amount of time will change that. I agree his sentance isn't the issue, it is his crime. If anyone thinks that anyone with kids or any woman who hears about his crime will be happy watching him play then they are kidding themselves.

It is a bad look for the sport to have this guy associated with it.


Post Whore
Noone in this entire thread has defended what he did as "ok" or even "forgivable".

Shaun was punished by the judicial system, did his time, and is free to try and achieve whatever he wants with his career.

He's worked his a** off and has gained an NRL contract.

Those are the facts, the rest is simply emotive opinion.

I understand why some (not most, mind you - and this is a majority-rules society) people are angry that he has been given a second chance in professional rugby league, and I can see their point of view.
But I simply don't agree.

FTR I believe the judicial punishment was insufficient, but I wouldn't deny the guy a chance at a career and earning decent money to support his family based on my opinion of what the courts should have done.

I believe people can change, especially over such a long period of time. And while I believe the Warriors are risking a PR nightmare in this signing, I am glad for the guy that he has a shot.

I am not having a shot at you here but if the NRL do take action against this guy and stop him from playing it wouldn't be any different from other organisations that don't employ ex crims eg police, public service, etc etc

Pierced Soul

First Grade
f**k me, given the supporters of this guy we should pick him to be NZ captain then he can the ultmiate poster boy for getting a second chance.

He tried to kill his unborn child - he doesnt deserve a second chance at his career.

If a cop tried to kill his unborn child would we want him later being able to "resume" his career? waht about a doctor?

it's called f**king consequences for your actions, this wasnt a prank, it wasnt pissing on a window and i dont care if he'd been in jail for 10 years, he still shouldnt have been picked up by the warriors after what he's done


First Grade
Plus there's way too many problems with the image this will give the NRL. and it won't just be the usual suspects who feed on our troubles, it will be regular people, women in general will not be happy about this.

Yes it's very unfair the way our game gets treated in the media, in cases like this we're just giving them a clear shot to hammer us. Gallop should step in and stop this.


That's bs. Anytime you have sex with any female (human) of reproductive age there is always the possibility of her getting pregnant, even with precuations. Therefore, anytime you have sex you have to understand there is the possibility she could get pregnant, unintentionally or not.

You haven't had sex have you? Cos you sure as sh*t don't know much about reproducing.


Do you guys think MacDonalds or Coke or Nike will cope this ?

The sponsors will get hammered by women and families... if ends up playing first grade or sent to primary schoold to speak to kids...

How are you going to explain what he did to the school kids. ? or sponsors ?

Do you think NRL needs this bad publicity when dealing for the biggest tv rights ever ?
'young and stupid' 'made a few mistakes in our time', FMD :lol: He didn't go play a prank on a mate that ended in a broken arm or something.

Anyway I do believe in second chances however I'd be pretty pissed off in if his second chance was going to be at the Knights.

Whoever brought up the bank teller comparison, I think they are two completely different things. A bank teller sits behind a desk and has very little to do with promotion of the brand in comparison to a professional sportsman.

I had a big laugh at some of those idiots myself.