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Disgraceful Shameful NRL Signing


Holy sh*t thats heavy. But was in 04, he served his time. Wouldn't let him be with my sister though lol.


It's drawing a long bow to say that a child who commits a single criminal act should have to pay for the rest of their life.
If I did what he did I'd throw myself off the nearest bridge, not put my footy boots on.

Shows the kind of people we have in our game, not just on the field but in the stands too.

Just to put this into some perspective. There have been 16 year old players BANNED FOR LIFE from playing RL for kicking other players on the field. Yet this utter piece of filth can kick the sh*t out of a defenceless and pregnant girl and then play NRL like some kind of hero. And people think this is okay. Shows the society we live in and the kind of people infesting our game. Next time someone says RL is just a game for thugs and bogans I won't even bother trying to argue. How could I?


When people say things like "He/she made a silly mistake.. they were a teenager after all," they generally refer to someone getting blind and committing a minor crime or something like that. I'm not sure what this guy did can really be described as a 'silly teenage mistake'


If I did what he did I'd throw myself off the nearest bridge, not put my footy boots on.

Shows the kind of people we have in our game, not just on the field but in the stands too.

Yep, one person is representative of the entire game world-wide.

Just to put this into some perspective. There have been 16 year old players BANNED FOR LIFE from playing RL for kicking other players on the field. Yet this utter piece of filth can kick the sh*t out of a defenceless and pregnant girl and then play NRL like some kind of hero. And people think this is okay. Shows the society we live in and the kind of people infesting our game. Next time someone says RL is just a game for thugs and bogans I won't even bother trying to argue. How could I?

Who is saying he's some sort of hero? Nobody. Making sh*t up doesn't help your argument.

He served the time he was required to serve. At the end of the day, whether we think the time served was sufficient enough, he did it. He'll live with the knowledge of what he did for the rest of his life, and I don't doubt that there are time when he hates himself.

None of that should preclude him from playing.


Yeh because that would be a great thing to society. One f**k up as a 16 year old and you kill yourself.

Who's to say he won't spend all his time off the field doing charity work. Maybe playing rugby league is the best way for him to be out the in the community helping people.

You really are a f**kwit ECT.


Banning him for life would be a bit harsh....people who have committed worse crimes than he did have been given a second chance at life. You need to find some compassion in your life, ECT. He did his time, and I am sure he will live with regrets for the rest of his life.

I wonder if he will take over the 'kicking' duties from Maloney.


Those who say he's "served his debt to society".... would you have any problems with him dating your sister/daughter?

The guy is a scumbag. Teenagers f**k up, sure. But they do it by drinking too much and making an ass of themselves, or in bad cases getting into a bar fight or 2 or drink driving. Surrounding your girlfriend and kicking her stomach in with a bunch of mates is not a normally teen f**k up.

Its f**king disgusting and should see him banned from the NRL for life.


Those who say he's "served his debt to society".... would you have any problems with him dating your sister/daughter?

The guy is a scumbag. Teenagers f**k up, sure. But they do it by drinking too much and making an ass of themselves, or in bad cases getting into a bar fight or 2 or drink driving. Surrounding your girlfriend and kicking her stomach in with a bunch of mates is not a normally teen f**k up.

Its f**king disgusting and should see him banned from the NRL for life.

So you're ok with drink driving, an act that can potentially kill?



Those who say he's "served his debt to society".... would you have any problems with him dating your sister/daughter?

The guy is a scumbag. Teenagers f**k up, sure. But they do it by drinking too much and making an ass of themselves, or in bad cases getting into a bar fight or 2 or drink driving. Surrounding your girlfriend and kicking her stomach in with a bunch of mates is not a normally teen f**k up.

Its f**king disgusting and should see him banned from the NRL for life.
Where are the bars you drink at if you have seen 16 year olds in there fighting? Some 16 year olds I know have done much worse things than you have stipulated, even going so far as killing someone. I personally know a guy, grew up with him, who killed someone when he was a teen, and drunk. He did his time, still regrets his actions, and today is a happily married man working as a mechanic, dad to 3 beautiful kids, and a very popular guy in his community.

Oh, and yes....I would not have a problem with my daughter dating him, as long as he proved he is not the same stupid teen he was 6 or 8 years ago.


Who said that??

I said that kicking the sh*t out of a girl with intent to kill is far worse than drink driving. Do you disagree?

Dr Crane

Live Update Team
So you're ok with drink driving, an act that can potentially kill?


exactly. what metcalf did, and drink driving are one and the same (not as such, but for the sake of argument) - "attempted murder".


Served his time ?

So are you okay with signing pedo's, rapist and killers if they served their time.

Secondly 18 months jail ? is that serving time ?

If you were the girls farther will you forgvie him and hire him in your company or let him play for your footy team ?

All time low for NRL Club... the bar set lower and lower....

Dr Crane

Live Update Team
I'm sure people who drink-drive aren't attempting to murder...

yeah, that's why i put it in the quotation marks. it's a small stretch, but if you knowingly drive drunk, knowing the risks and increased chances of killing someone, it's not the biggest stretch to say it's attempting to harm someone.

still a stretch, but it's less geniused than some of the arguments floating around in here.


For starters....most pedos would be too old to play footy, maybe Eels might be interested in signing them, but not many other teams.

Rapists have played the game, and still do. And still are part of running football clubs.

I didn't know the Warriors boss is the dad of the girl involved?

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