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Disgraceful Shameful NRL Signing


Im Disgraceful because I want a man that kicked a pregnant girl in the guts given the death penalty?
Death less crimes which the tax that pays for these things can be used for schools hospitals and for people that work hard and live in peace.
is this such a bad idea or do you prefer to keep on paying for the evil part of society?
Just Like Davao in the philippinnes they get rid of the criminals by death and its the only way to make people think twice of what they are about to do.

There is nothing to suggest that the death penalty does anything to decrease crime rates. And this is hardly a crime that the death penalty would be used for in any case.

The illegal Davao death squads are another matter entirely and do not operate within the law. You're essentially calling for vigilantes to go around killing people. And yes that DOES make you f**king disgraceful. As does wishing a broken neck on a fellow human being.
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First Grade
Im Disgraceful because I want a man that kicked a pregnant girl in the guts given the death penalty?
Death less crimes which the tax that pays for these things can be used for schools hospitals and for people that work hard and live in peace.
is this such a bad idea or do you prefer to keep on paying for the evil part of society?

It actually costs more to put people to death due to the legal proceedings, etc.

Just Like Davao in the philippinnes they get rid of the criminals by death and its the only way to make people think twice of what they are about to do.

Doesn't make people think twice, that's why countries with the Death Penalty have higher crime rates. No one commits crime with the intention of getting caught.


The NRL is not an ordinary job...

Its high profile proffesional sport !!!

Tv right are coming in do you think sponsors will be okay with this ?

If NRL start signing people of this calibre sponsors will bail !!!


Staff member
'young and stupid' 'made a few mistakes in our time', FMD :lol: He didn't go play a prank on a mate that ended in a broken arm or something.

Anyway I do believe in second chances however I'd be pretty pissed off in if his second chance was going to be at the Knights.

Whoever brought up the bank teller comparison, I think they are two completely different things. A bank teller sits behind a desk and has very little to do with promotion of the brand in comparison to a professional sportsman.


There is nothing to suggest that the death penalty does anything to decrease crime rates. And this is hardly a crime that the death penalty would be used for in any case.

The illegal Davao death squads are another matter entirely and do not operate within the law. You're essentially calling for vigilantes to go around killing people. And yes that DOES make you f**king disgraceful.
Well, one thing the death penalty DOES do with a complete 100% success rate is preventing the individual from doing geniused stuff again:)

Not that I support it in it's entirety though.


First Grade
I want to be as outraged as the rest and grab my pitch-fork but he was very young, obviously stupid and now seems genuinely embarressed and remorseful of his actions.

Jason Maher

Obviously kicking the sh*t of a pregnant teenage girl doesn't compare to a ref missing a blatant forward pass in skeepe's list of disgraceful offences...


There is nothing to suggest that the death penalty does anything to decrease crime rates. And this is hardly a crime that the death penalty would be used for in any case.

The illegal Davao death squads are another matter entirely and do not operate within the law. You're essentially calling for vigilantes to go around killing people. And yes that DOES make you f**king disgraceful.

it does decrease the crime rate as it is proven in that city, its all about keeping evil people in society that I disagree on and that is why the death penalty is the only way to Try and slow these acts down.
Vigilantes are not such a bad idea if they are 100 percent correct that person committed something that deserves death or dealing with drugs that causes high crime rates as well.
Unfortunately the system across most of the world is too soft and the only way to peace is to eliminate the criminals apart from theives as they not hurting people physically.
I understand you do have problems yourself and always name call me but be honest that never worries me so just throw more names at me if it makes you feel happy.:D


I don't know about you, but when I was 15 I didn't have a completely different standard of morality than I do now. You've got to be absolutely f*cking insane to do what he did. You'd have to be crazy to want someone like that representing your club.

'Paying your debt to society' only goes so far in my opinion. They don't allow 'ex' pedophiles to teach kindergarten kids, regardless of how many years they've spent in prison 'paying their debt'. Whether he likes it or not, he's in a role-model position now. People know what he's done. Makes me sick to the stomach.


Loving the argument that he wasn't aware of the consequences of his actions when the consequences of his actions were in fact the driving factor for his actions. Just another wheeled out line like state sanctioned murder and debt to society that have no real application or meaning but are corner stones for defending the moral degradation of society.


It actually costs more to put people to death due to the legal proceedings, etc.

Doesn't make people think twice, that's why countries with the Death Penalty have higher crime rates. No one commits crime with the intention of getting caught.

Dont go through the legal proceedings just terminate when caught may cost one bullet or a bit of rope.
ofcourse no one wants to get caught and crime rates are high thats why they have the penalty of loss of life to try and counter this.

Dragon Dave

The bloke has done something that will shame him for the rest of his life - and so it should. He will be heckled and abused for what he did his whole life - and so he should.

In saying that, he is a football player, and after 7 years I think a second chance at doing his job is acceptable.


I support a club that has given a few blokes a "second chance", so in one way it would be pretty hypocritical of me to say this is wrong whilst cheering on guys who have the same opportunity that this guy is being given.

Glad it isn't my club giving this guy the second chance though. Stupid mistakes don't usually have such intent as kicking the sh*t out of a girl to cause a miscarriage. Unbelievable he only got 5 months in prison - however that is not the fault of the guy, nor the Warriors, nor the NRL.

He's entitled to his second chance. Amazed that the Warriors gave it to him though...


it does decrease the crime rate as it is proven in that city, its all about keeping evil people in society that I disagree on and that is why the death penalty is the only way to Try and slow these acts down.

You're comparing apples with oranges. They're f**king terrified in Davao because they can be murdered for anything, even coming forward as a witness to a death squad killing is enough of a crime to be the next target. Illegal vigilante death squads that kill innocent people are not the same as the legal system's death penalty.

Vigilantes are not such a bad idea if they are 100 percent correct that person committed something that deserves death or dealing with drugs that causes high crime rates as well.

The problem with the Davao Death Squads that you idolise is that they're not always 100% correct are they? Some have been killed merely for being a witness to a DDS killing. Some have been killed due to mistaken identity. Others still have been killed because someone paid the DDS to kill them.

The fact that you believe an illegal group of assassins is something that the world should look to as an example makes you an absolute f**king idiot. Absolutely stark raving mad you are.

Unfortunately the system across most of the world is too soft and the only way to peace is to eliminate the criminals apart from theives as they not hurting people physically.

And a wonderful job it's doing too.

Let's take a quick, unscientific example. The USA has the death penalty, Australia does not. The USA has a much higher crime rate than Australia. Death penalty doing its job?

I understand you do have problems yourself and always name call me but be honest that never worries me so just throw more names at me if it makes you feel happy.:D

No, I call it as I see it. And you are a f**king lunatic, as plain as day.


First Grade
it does decrease the crime rate as it is proven in that city, its all about keeping evil people in society that I disagree on and that is why the death penalty is the only way to Try and slow these acts down.

Not true. Every independent study shows that it does nothing! In fact in some instances, increases crime rates!

Vigilantes are not such a bad idea if they are 100 percent correct that person committed something that deserves death or dealing with drugs that causes high crime rates as well.
Unfortunately the system across most of the world is too soft and the only way to peace is to eliminate the criminals apart from theives as they not hurting people physically.

So the burdon of proof for these vigilantes? Funny that court system is 100% convinced and still incorrectly convict people. Funny that you think vigilantes would be much better at it.[/QUOTE]

Jason Maher

I shouldn't pick on skeepey. Sports fans in general (myself included) tend to carry on like an offence against their team by a ref or opponent is an act worthy of Al Qaeda, even if it happened 10 years ago (or 100 years ago, for that matter). And that's not taking into account those football fans in Europe and South America who beat up and sometimes even kill opposition fans for the crime of supporting the wrong team. I often ask myself why I take my sport so bloody seriously, but the question is quickly forgotten once the whistle blows.

Anyway, back to discussion of the piece of sh*t Metcalfe.


I look at it like this, he killed an unborn child and that is what has somewhat saved his arse.
OK, now picture him laying his boot into a 3 month old child......................................... not pretty at all eh?, and not too far removed from what he actually did, the only difference is one drew breath and the other did not.