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Drunk Eels have too much, Smith has enough

Stagger eel

Staff member
Morenito said:
Farkin Hell

What Di*ckheads!

Smith is heading in the same direction as a certain M Witt by the sounds of things... A few games in first grade, people say his the halfback on the future, we extend his contract and his head gets HUGGGGE!!

Mate!!! don't insult Michael Witt, to the best of my knowlege he didn't bloody well turn up or was late to training because he'd been on the turps.

at the moment....Bring on Witty!!!..I'm sure he wouldn't let us down on and off the field as much as the other blokes have..


"I had a lengthy discussion with Nathan Hindmarsh. I don't intend to drop out of the lives of these guys. I'll still have contact with a lot of them," Smith said. "I'm very sad. I have dedicated all of my life and energy to Parramatta for 10 years. I've loved every minute of the time. I've made a lot of friendships and I've got a lot of respect for the players."

It is just speculating, but you don't say that unless the reverse is partly true. He obviously respects some, but I have a feeling some of that respect is gone.

Mark Riddell came to this club full of desire to win. He lost loads of woeght, and played with great commitment. SInce his injury in the off season, he has lost the plot. As for Tim, I genuinly thought it was just execution that was letting him down, but he was really trying to rectify his game at training. Guess not.

Well done Tim, Brian Smith helped make you and this is the way you repay him.


Firstly thanks NIGC. If Andrew Johns sticks around for another season or two it wouldn't surprise me if Brian broke his premiership drought. He can get them to the finals, Johns can take it the rest of the way.

I'm so disappointed in Tim Smith right now. I don't know how he thinks that late nights on the town are going to help recover lost form or make him into the top half back we want him to be and I'm sure he'd like to be.
The club needs to suspend both Riddell and Tim Smith for at least 2 weeks, they need to know that behaviour isn't on.
We've got players busting their asses on the field to turn this season around while those two clowns think it's party time.


Eelectrica said:
I'm so disappointed in Tim Smith right now. I don't know how he thinks that late nights on the town are going to help recover lost form or make him into the top half back we want him to be and I'm sure he'd like to be.
The club needs to suspend both Riddell and Tim Smith for at least 2 weeks, they need to know that behaviour isn't on.
We've got players busting their asses on the field to turn this season around while those two clowns think it's party time.

I've been a vocal supporter of Timmy this year, defending his place in the team and saying his will get back to his best, but this obviously indicates an attitude problem that, really, should have been picked up on and dealt with a lot earlier.

I would agree with the call, reluctantly, to drop him for a few weeks. Give either Jeremy or Blake a shot - at this point it is worth trying anything. Tim needs well and truly to come back down to earth and realised nothing is to be taken for granted.

Piggy's involvement is possibly even more upsetting. To think only a couple of weeks ago I read an article in BL where he was saying he wanted to step up an assume a leadership role at the club... and now this - late nights on the piss with the club's young and impressionable halfback under your wing.

Couple this with the misdemeanour by Eric last week and it paints a sorry picture I used to proudly tout as disciplined and well-behaved.



There seems to have been several drunken issues this year, not just from the 2 players mentioned above.
Perhaps they are not coping very well under pressure and are making STUPID decisions?
The senior guys need to step in and tell them where they stand though, this rubbish will not be tolerated, at least they haven't gone on a drink driving rampage or trashed any club premises!


Staff member
Sounds to me like Timmy is feeling the pressure as well and this is his way of dealing with it rather than facing up to it.

Different people react in different ways. Now that it has come to this, we may be able to settle down on get on with the rest of the season.


Brian Smith is also the type of person to forgive the indescretions of the boys though, so it is not about 'how they pay him back'.
As they are only human they should be slapped/dropped whatever for this week and then we should get on with the season.
You don't hold grudges against people for errors when it has only harmed themselves.
The NSW team showed they didn't hold a grudge..........


They have not just let down themselves.

They have undermined the team's performance this year. they have let down their fans, their employers, their sponsors, and their coach. He has just resigned potentially costing himself around $200,000.00 and an enormous amount of professional dignity.

Riddell should be sacked immediately. Smith may be entitled to a second chance. Not necessarily.

forward pass

No doubt this was the final straw for Brian.

He has been working his butt off to get the side back to where they should be, and all the players are interested in is getting on the turps.

Drop them both - their attitude is terrible and it shows in the way they are playing !!!


Brian Smith didn't quit because of this incident.

He said himself in interviews that he woke up yesterday morning and knew the time had come, what the media are saying is that when these 2 turned up drunk it threw him over the top, he still would have quit.

I agree the boys should be punished, but we cannot point fingers at one incident and say that was the cause of it


We have been losing a series of close games. In every game we have been in a position to win, but under the acid test have just come up short.

We have been speculating in these forums what the reason for this have been: fitness, confidence, coaching issues. The vast majority have squarely blamed Brian Smith.

I personally have repeatedly defended Tim Smith.

To now find out that at least two of the most important players in the club, two of the men we have been seeking that next level of performance and leadership from, have been so selfish and unprofessional, is absolutely gut-wrenching.

Especially when the coach by stepping down has effectively taken the full consequences of us losing.

If people think a fresh coach and a smack over the wrists for these two will paper over all our problems I fear they will be in for a nasty surprise.

Sydney Swans last year credited their success to their "No d#*&head" policy in recruitment.

We clearly have at least two in our current squad...


I agree they both need to be brought back down to earth with a god-almighty thud, but they don't need to be sacked.
Relegated to Ressies - yes
Fined - yes
Punished - yes
Sent to rehabilitation even? - go for it

But to sack a player for this is not the go, especially when (to our knowledge) this is the first event of such a nature.

What they do outside in clubs etc is their own business, but when they are feeling the effects at training or disrupt training becuase of it, it is too much.

Tim is young and very impressionable, Riddell needs to pull his head in. Yes Tim is responsible for his own actions, and he needs to learn to have a mind of his own and say 'no', but my guess is he is feeling pressure big time and is not coping.
Riddell should just know better by now, he has been through all of this before


Post Whore
dumb thing to do

timmy is young, he should learn from this mistake - at least he had the commitment to frickin turn up even if he was hungover

riddell on the other hand should have bloody learnt from the past .... he should cop a grilling over this

but its hard to get the total sh*ts at them for it - 2006 is hardly turning out to be a fun season - can't blame em for getting on the piss - don't we all do it



I think by "sacked" people mean dropped to Prems - at least that was my take on the issue.


Stagger eel

Staff member
strider said:
dumb thing to do

timmy is young, he should learn from this mistake - at least he had the commitment to frickin turn up even if he was hungover

riddell on the other hand should have bloody learnt from the past .... he should cop a grilling over this

but its hard to get the total sh*ts at them for it - 2006 is hardly turning out to be a fun season - can't blame em for getting on the piss - don't we all do it

actually, there are conflicting reports that suggest that Pig actually turned up, not that it really matters..