well in a word yes.....i am staking my claim against Brian Smith and putting most of the responsibility and blame on his shoulders, rather than the players
of course not everyone gets along and players are going to be unhappy about what position they are playing, being on the bench insead of starting, being in PL instead of NRL, how much game time they get, their role in the team, unhappy with other players - and some are going to have bigger ego's than others.....i'm not ignorant enough to think otherwise - and by the way i have played Rugby League and seen most of that go on first hand
however, ultimately - Brian Smith is paid reportedly close to $400 - 450 k per year to manage all of this in his position as head coach of the club.....he doesn't just pick them team every week you know?????
BS is ultimately in charge of player recruitment and retention, coaching and player management and i'm sorry to say it,m but our club has had the most acromonious player/coach fallouts of any club in the NRL over the past 8 years - otherwise known as BS's tenure at the club
i am simply calling it like i see it ok.........simple as that......sorry if i say it in such a way sometimes that others take it as me saying i'm right and everyone else can go and get stuffed (hey maybe i'm Reg Reagan) - but that's not it.......i just feel very strongly about and am not afraid to show it