If BA survives Id suggest he may not continue to be the hire and fire guy amongst those involved in team preparation. Recruitment and contract negotiation has definitely improved since those functions became committee determined.
I recall when MON was hired, The Bern made it very clear anything to do with the footy team preparation and coaching was BAs domain and that BA would report directly to him and not MON. Spider senses suggested a BA power play. I think that control has been somewhat diluted and it wont be surprising to see further dilution. I read something recently where the board had said that BA and MON need to work more closely together. I think it was an
@Avenger contribution? BA also had his last contract price reduced apparently.
Id love to know if Johns, Carr and Elkin were BAs ideas. Im guessing they wernt but what would I know.
Interesting times. Heres hoping he crushes all the talk with some fantastic footy. Lets go boys.