Hindy is entitled to his opinion. That's the problem when you go into the media, you HAVE to talk about the game and you have to be critical.
The fact is that he probably would have had the exact same opinion if he was still playing and this happened.
Either he is dumb and has bought into the News Ltd led tsunami of trial by media or he is spineless. I get that News Ltd probably provide him with a very nice post career pay packet, but he could have said something that both sides with his club and errs on the side of caution regarding the media hyperbole.
When I read Hindy's bio I changed my opinion on him. He had a defeatist attitude. Mentally he lost the GF a week before he played the Storm. That's why he left the game a loser and that's why everyone openly shit stirs him about it.
Agree. He is the Charlie Brown of the NRL. Heart of gold, but gives in easy and lets people walk all over him. Suffers in silence.
Hindy didn't say anything wrong imo. He was just saying that if the NRL believe we should lose points this season for what we've done. They will end up looking really stupid if we still make the semi finals. Which is absolutely true. Fans from other clubs would be rightly aggrieved if they missed out or got knocked out at our expense after the NRL decided we were not on a level playing field this year (which is the only reason they should deduct points from this campaign)
Hindmarsh has never been a team player
This is how the media now works they know a lot of people think the news they report is true 100% so they have now turned rumors in to fact.Go ask anybody on the street, yes I am exaggerating a touch, but joe public already believes we are guilty, on a Melbourne storm level.
Why? Because they read it in the paper. My own Father in Law said the following words after I dismissed the article he quoted as bulls**t:
"They couldn't print it if it wasn't true".
That's how the general public thinks folks, and the media knows it.
As for Hindmarsh not sticking up for us, he knows where his bread is buttered I guess. He's made his choice, and it obviously wasn't to stick up for his club that gave him his career. Fine.
Exactly.Exactly. Basically he is saying that if there is a penalty it should be 4 points max. That way this saga can finally end.
On Hindy, he would have to toe the company line which is News' team cheated more then any team ever has or ever will and got punished massively, so if you cheat you have to get punished like his team does and if you don't News will make the public all think the NRL is soft and favors Sydney teams.
Because the media now makes rumors and turns them into fact.
Hindmarsh has never been a team player
Never saw the interview but reading the comments here makes me think that Hindy may know a little more about this than many of us are making out or maybe I'm just being a little too suspicious... Who knows?
Regardless it is very disappointing, for once it would be nice if had someone in the media that's got our backs just once..