Interesting all the barbs being thrown both here and over at nospam46. I noticed one of my posts from nospam46 even made it here but the people who read it don't seem to have much of a sense of humour.
As a candidate, a member who did actually put my hand up for election and bothered to come on here (as well as Tony Bongo) I'd rather speak for myself so there is no confusion.
If EGJ is non-financial well that would be a very sad day for me as a member. More bad headlines and bad publicity.
Despite what some here might think from what I could see most of the candidates actually got along. We spent the day together in the heat and chatted about issues effecting the club, exchanged business cards etc. When the results came out I wished the 3P guys congratulations and good luck. It's not WW3 despite what some overly- enthusiastic 'how to vote' helpers and some bloggers would like to imagine.
As for this issue, if EGJ is found to be non-financial (surely something that should only take 2 seconds to check??) then there has to be a another election. The entire election process will have been tainted as EGJ was used heavily in promotion and member communication. He polled extremely highly (3rd highest I think) and it is very easy to assume his 3P running mates gained advantage from having him on their team. To suggest the easy solution is to give his spot to Mario Libertini is overly simplifying the situation.
But the bottom line for me is I'm just really disappointed as a member. Surely we can run a football club election without something as basic as this going wrong?
I hope EGJ is proven to be financial but how can it possibly take this long to answer that simple question? You either are or you are not. Simple question.