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f**k Off Extra Time

Do you like having extra time in the NRL?

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Hate it. Wouldn't mind non golden point extra time as there's something appealing about players going at it when they're absolutely dead on their feet, it's when the best excel.
But having any points scored meaning an end to the game isn't the way it should be, too many variables that can cause the difference between 2pts and nothing. Having nothing to show for 80+mins of effort isn't how it should be.


golden point does not seem fair, because league is an 80 minute game and if after 80 minutes scores a level it does not seem fair that one team has absolutley nothing to show for it

Mr Saab

brooksy19 said:
Hate it.

5 mins each way.

What other sport in the world uses this ridiculous method of determining a winner after a tied score at regulation time.

Follow NFL much? I dont think so


Iafeta said:
That's drawing a very long bow, and you are so misinterpreting ozbash's comments its not funny.

A draw is a fair result in normal r1-r25 competition. In fact, I'm sure I see a column for it in the NRL table. That's because there's no need to split the two teams, because they can live to fight another day and it's a turbo drive for the top 8 spots.

In the finals, of course you need a separator. That's how the thing works. Both team can't advance. It isn't like professional wrestling where in a tournament you book in a mandatory draw to get both men through for another week of scripted action.

I agree with a comment above, caught the eye of the focus of this perfectly. It's Americanisation. Quite frankly, our game p!sses all over their games before we circumvent the wheel to be more like the dawgs up north.

Well if you need a separator then its not a result, im gonna say you need a separator in normal matches. No difference.


When its all said and done, does it make a significant difference, does anybody have a ladder that would be in place if all drawn games were left as a draw for this season?

I dont like it, and the draw can enhance the finals race as the odd point takes for and against out of the equation sometimes meaning more teams are involved in the race. For an example, take a look at the current AFL ladder.

However, if they made it golden grapple tackle in extra time, put me down as an aye!!!



dun like any sort of extra time in regular season games. For me a if scores a tied after 80 mins in a regular fixture, the match should be declared a draw.

I don't like having golden-point either, to decide games other than regular season games anyway. Preferred extra-time tbh as i think it adds to the spectacle better as you aren't blown away with drop-goal-a-thons


It's not that bad itself, a draw, a ET win, or ET draw, it's all still footy. Although the ragged FG-a-thon ones don't add much.

The worst thing about it was the pointlessness of introducing it in the first place. It has you wondering what the next cockamamie idea is going to be next.

Dr Crane

Live Update Team
*Paul* said:
It's not that bad itself, a draw, a ET win, or ET draw, it's all still footy. Although the ragged FG-a-thon ones don't add much.

But to be fair, 20-all games become ragged field goal-a-thons with 10 to go anyway.


First Grade
Danish said:
Playing for a "bonus" point would be a good idea.

i.e each team gets 1 point at the end of 80 mins. The team that wins in golden point gets the full 2.

Now that is an idea!!!!

El Diablo

Post Whore
then every match would have to be worth 3 points

80 minute win = 3 points

win in o/t = 2 points

draw in 80 or o/t = 1 point


brooksy19 said:
What other sport in the world uses this ridiculous method of determining a winner after a tied score at regulation time.


f**k it off.

Don't know what NFL you have been watching...............

I like the 1 point each for a draw, winner in 10 mins extra time gets the bonus 1.

The Tank

Danish said:
Playing for a "bonus" point would be a good idea.

i.e each team gets 1 point at the end of 80 mins. The team that wins in golden point gets the full 2.

Yup, that'd make GP better.

I love GP - any game can be crappy but seem exciting thanks to extra time.


Molly said:
When its all said and done, does it make a significant difference, does anybody have a ladder that would be in place if all drawn games were left as a draw for this season?

Tigers have played what 4 Golden Point games for 1 win this year.


Hate it, if we have to have it though, why take a break at all? just continue the game as is with no need to kick off and no new interchanges. More likely to see a few trys then which is much more fitting for the winning team, then winning a glorified field goal shootout.

Also makes it more interesting tactics wise, use that last interchange now, or hold off and put a fresh man on in GP if it eventuates.


Dr Crane said:
But to be fair, 20-all games become ragged field goal-a-thons with 10 to go anyway.

Not really, at least in regular time the game doesn't end when a field goal is kicked and the other team still has the opportunity to kick one themselves.


I believe that the Golden Point should be scrapped during the regular season games and kept for any Representative and Finals Series games.

Everyone should be taught that a draw is better than a loss.


What I would like to see is two 5 minute periods where the team that scores the most tries wins. I would also try to ensure that tries are scored by only allowing 11 on the field for the first 5 minutes and 9 for the second 5 minutes.
So you would end up with a score like: Sharks 26(3)-26(2) Eels, meaning they played out a 26 all draw and after an extra ten minutes the Sharks had scored 3 extra tries to the Eels 2. Forget conversions penalties and drop goals. Only tries would count.

Additionally we should allocate 4 points for a win, 3 for an extra time win, 2 for a draw and 1 for an extra time loss.

And those people who don't like the idea of two teams being equal to each other and think that draws are boring should watch a replay of the Roosters v Warriors match.


Slackboy72 said:
What I would like to see is two 5 minute periods where the team that scores the most tries wins. I would also try to ensure that tries are scored by only allowing 11 on the field for the first 5 minutes and 9 for the second 5 minutes.
So you would end up with a score like: Sharks 26(3)-26(2) Eels, meaning they played out a 26 all draw and after an extra ten minutes the Sharks had scored 3 extra tries to the Eels 2. Forget conversions penalties and drop goals. Only tries would count.

Additionally we should allocate 4 points for a win, 3 for an extra time win, 2 for a draw and 1 for an extra time loss.

And those people who don't like the idea of two teams being equal to each other and think that draws are boring should watch a replay of the Roosters v Warriors match.

im sorry but that is an absolutley ridiculus and convulted idea....i dont like GP because if a two teams are even at the end and they go to GP too much is chance. Who wins the toss? Do they want to kick or recieve? If they recieve do they have an extra-ordinary set and get within field-goal range? They win the game but how much of this goes different all on the toss of a coin, like if the other team won the toss, how different does it go? This wouldnt matter except for the fact that it GP doesnt allow the opposite team to hit back, its game over when they were even with the other team and lost possibly on a 50/50 coin flip. For this reason, the high level of luck involved, I believe its not good. Look at the Warriors, they had steve price stripped with in penalty goal range and unluckily for them the officials missed it, or when the roosters were blatantly offside a few times right near the posts and, again luckily for the roosters, the officials "missed" it.

My vote is make it a draw, why not, draws can be as good as a win/loss is. Either that or make it extra time and not GP.

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