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F.O Kemp Society inc


Lets not forget, 2 of his 3 tries have been on the left flank, and the one when he was playing right winger was from a broken field error from the opposition in the middle of the park. He's yet to score a constructive try down the right flank.


Kemp's a legit finisher. We got to see that last season when tries were laid on for him on a platter. But he has the uncanny ability to create a try for himself too...it's just he never got enough ball.

I was really hopeful he would star and we would have two dangerous wingers in himself and Vatuvei with first-class delivery from Jones.

Not to be.


Hopefully, many will start to lay off Kemp seeing he has not been involved in the appalling displays from the Warriors for a few weeks now.

Locke is getting superstar status quick-Are we going to blame this new young winger for the Warriors lack of scoring now as well?
IMO you cannot blame the finishers when nothing is started in the first place.


Staff member
Hopefully, many will start to lay off Kemp seeing he has not been involved in the appalling displays from the Warriors for a few weeks now.

Nah mate- according to Ozbash, him and Fien are 'the reason for the season', despite not really participating in the collapse


According to the Sunday News, Kemp is in demand from the Bulldogs

Replacement for El masri who will retire. Watch, the Dogs will get him and with Kimmorley, Ennis and Roberts calling the shots he'll be back to his try scoring best and completely expose the Warriors inept negative style of play.

Broncos fan!

NO! Rack of doggies!! If the broncos don't make a play at Kemp I will be so disappointed. He did say he would love to play for Brissy again after his stint in NZ..


According to the Sunday News, Kemp is in demand from the Bulldogs

Didn't we sign Kemp for 2 years? I hate, hate, HATE with a passion when the club releases players mid term. It's a cover up for poor recruitment strategies and a poor progression plan. Wayne Scurrah said one of the things he wanted to stop at the club was the players leaving mid contract, before he had come the likes of Jones, Fa'afili, Mellars, Tookey, Toopi, Meli, Betham had all gone within their contractual periods... it just sets a very bad precedent for attracting players when you show a blatant disregard for contractual obligations. Seemed to me the management was getting it right, and now we find that Witt, Rovelli, Foran have all been scuppered, each without even PLAYING FIRST GRADE this year (unbelievable, you contract them for a year, don't even play them and then shaft them?!!!!!!!!!)%(T%)*T@(%T*@%(^*@)T@), and there's this article that claims Kemp won't see the end of his contract out? People will flame me for the player-hate I have for Lillyman, its not just that he's a poor player, a never was and a never will be, but its also because now we find ourselves in a position where Leeson Ah Mau is being let go (sure they couldn't meet terms with him but how much money is Lillyman getting that could have been used??%(%%), then you have Stacey Jones and one of my first comments was well I hope that Stacey doesn't get in the way of Liam Foran who when he signed the contract said he expected to be in first grade and it conferred a very confident young man who truly believed in his abilities to drive the team around. Stacey as an assistant coach was great, but to me its like getting Tony Iro and Dean Bell into the centres for 2010.

Thankfully, we have those couple of chestnuts from management to ease our minds:-

Wigan halfback Tim Smith was another on the Warriors' radar but is also looking unlikely because they are not confident of his form, meaning Stacey Jones remains the key experienced halfback in the Warriors' line-up
"We have been comfortable with how Stacey has been playing. We have got to find someone to beat him and no one is doing that at this stage but we also have to be mindful that he might not want to play [next season] and opt to retire.
There is a chance the Warriors won't recruit anyone in any position for 2010.

Hallaluejah! No one wants to come here. Could it be that players don't want to go to a club across the ditch away from their families when there's a precedence of player dissatisfaction and management cutting contracts? Could it be that perhaps the club need to look at its aimless recruitment policies and also how it manages the players it has? How on earth any club can openly come out and say they're happy with how Stacey is going is beyond me. Could it be that players are sceptical about going to a club as a young bloke when the Warriors will probably just pull a 40 year old out of retirement to play in his position for nostalgia sakes?

Frankly, Grant Rovelli and Michael Witt were better halves, and even I, yes, even I, am starting to think the treatment of Witt, while not necessarily a top performer, is pretty rancid. This club is going to be paying overs out its rear to get good players here for a long long time, and frankly I begin to wonder whether Mick Watson was really that bad.


Staff member
Have to agree with your sentiments Iafeta. However the way Leeson played yesterday was a disgrace. If thats the way he is going to carry on cut him now.

Our success rate from this years signings is pathetic.

I wonder how much the axing of Witt and Fien is having on the morale of the players, particularly Fien. Players know who is putting in and who isn't. Fien always struck me as a team man, always put in. To be treated like this is a disgrace. I think under Bennett he will really show what he is capable of.


Yeah, agreed. He was fairly poor yesterday. Although he was playing more of a second row position and he looked to be favouring the injury, he seemed to be trying to show off more than go straight ahead for his team, which is not usually his go.

I agree on the morale side of it. Not only direct morale as in they lost their mate, but resentment and a lack of trust and perceived dishonesty from management in not honouring their contracts.

Fien will go great for Bennett, Bennett has an eye for making players play direct and earn the opportunities to go wide with real success. He's so far ahead of the other coaches going around its unbelievable. You only have to look at how well organised and structured Nathan was in performing his role for the Kiwis at the end of the World Cup to see that he was receiving a lot of direction strategically from someone in the squad, whereas at the Warriors our halves are haphazardous and disorganised.


Didn't we sign Kemp for 2 years? I hate, hate, HATE with a passion when the club releases players mid term. It's a cover up for poor recruitment strategies and a poor progression plan. Wayne Scurrah said one of the things he wanted to stop at the club was the players leaving mid contract, before he had come the likes of Jones, Fa'afili, Mellars, Tookey, Toopi, Meli, Betham had all gone within their contractual periods... it just sets a very bad precedent for attracting players when you show a blatant disregard for contractual obligations. Seemed to me the management was getting it right, and now we find that Witt, Rovelli, Foran have all been scuppered, each without even PLAYING FIRST GRADE this year (unbelievable, you contract them for a year, don't even play them and then shaft them?!!!!!!!!!)%(T%)*T@(%T*@%(^*@)T@), and there's this article that claims Kemp won't see the end of his contract out? People will flame me for the player-hate I have for Lillyman, its not just that he's a poor player, a never was and a never will be, but its also because now we find ourselves in a position where Leeson Ah Mau is being let go (sure they couldn't meet terms with him but how much money is Lillyman getting that could have been used??%(%%), then you have Stacey Jones and one of my first comments was well I hope that Stacey doesn't get in the way of Liam Foran who when he signed the contract said he expected to be in first grade and it conferred a very confident young man who truly believed in his abilities to drive the team around. Stacey as an assistant coach was great, but to me its like getting Tony Iro and Dean Bell into the centres for 2010.

Thankfully, we have those couple of chestnuts from management to ease our minds:-


Hallaluejah! No one wants to come here. Could it be that players don't want to go to a club across the ditch away from their families when there's a precedence of player dissatisfaction and management cutting contracts? Could it be that perhaps the club need to look at its aimless recruitment policies and also how it manages the players it has? How on earth any club can openly come out and say they're happy with how Stacey is going is beyond me. Could it be that players are sceptical about going to a club as a young bloke when the Warriors will probably just pull a 40 year old out of retirement to play in his position for nostalgia sakes?

Frankly, Grant Rovelli and Michael Witt were better halves, and even I, yes, even I, am starting to think the treatment of Witt, while not necessarily a top performer, is pretty rancid. This club is going to be paying overs out its rear to get good players here for a long long time, and frankly I begin to wonder whether Mick Watson was really that bad.

Totally agree, and whats so amusing is the fact they've let Fein Witt go without a better option, but won't think of dropping Jones on the grounds no other option is there! Astoundingly bad double standard! I'm not knocking (or praising) any mentioned player here; just merely laughing at the ridiculous thinking behind some of the decisions. It's simply woeful.


With a lot of bussinesses in these 'dark' times there is usually crisis type meetings which involve key stakeholders i.e. - CEOs, Senior Management etc. In the Warriors case I'd imagine it could be the likes of Watson, Hart, Scurrah, Cleary, Ackland, Mann, Price perhaps a Vodafone representative etc.

You'd want to lock yourself in a room for a day and come up with solutions as to what is currently going wrong at the Warriors and at the same time what is going right i.e.

Going wrong - 1st grade on field performance, new signings to club

Going Right - Toyota Cup starting to come right after a rocky start, community 'feel' to club

Almost a SWOT analysis. After these findings you need solutions with an eye to the future. I'm sure the club has done this but given the recent results it is time to re-set goals for this year and beyond.


SWOT analysis is pivotal to any business strategy. Which to me makes a couple of the purchases made last year laughable. I can't imagine for the life of me that we'd be disappointed with the backrowers currently at the club, bar Swann, and more importantly wouldn't feel secure with the backrowers coming through, particularly remembering that analysis would have been done with Sonny still around. I wonder coaching wise whether a hard head like Kevin Campion would have in the defensive sting and ground wrestling at the club. Given Kevin went back to Queensland and presumably doesn't want to be part of the club, I wonder whether a guy like Ruben Wiki with all his experience wouldn't be a useful off field mentor addition, particularly in the grind of defence. Even when his form waned as his physicality died down he was still good in defence. That's the type of role I also see Stacey Jones enjoying, as a mentor to halves, not as an impediment within the roster to career progression.

I have to pause for a moment in my criticism and wonder how much of an impact Sonny has had on them. Not only as a player, but he had attacking flair and a lot of promise, but also just in and around the club. I just wonder how hard it is for some of the guys, and if it is having an impact subconsciously then I can't be critical as I can't blame them for those emotions. That loss could have sent the club one of two ways, unfortunately I'm presuming its had a detrimental impact to the emotions of some of the players.

Obviously there's more to it than that, ... I guess for me I just am amazed at how hard this season has blown against the expectations perhaps unrealistically we had for the club.
I don't think players have been shafted by management. They have been told that they won't be part of the club's future, but the existing contracts have been honoured as far as I'm aware. The club is actually trying to do these players a favour, by letting them know early and giving them plenty of time to sort out their future.

However, this direct approach is backfiring it seems, and also players can find their form, improve their game and then the club can look like a bunch of fools. IMO the club should just stop telling unwanted players early that they're not part of the plans. Instead, just leave it up to the players themselves to approach the club for a new contract when they think it's time to negotiate. And then the club can just simply offer as much as they think the player's worth. Everyone is worth something, even if just for cheap injury cover.


Looks like Foran is now registered with the Roosters and will probably get a few games soon with Anasta out. Should be very interesting to watch.

We missed out on Finch, now Smith is unlikely (Because of form? WTF?) although the article did have some positives. The club are more likely to be picky with Australians (bit too late for that attitude) and they still have high hopes for Johnson and John, and are looking to develop more juniors through to first grade (just not like Ah Mau apparently).

They've signed Lousi to the top side next season and are also keen on Elijah Taylor and Bill Tupou. However, before anyone gets too excited, they were also keen on O'Regan, Tai'i and Poching last year and those guys can't seem to get a look in despite our crappy form.


Does anyone know the terms of Brown's contract? He's listed as one of the clubs players off contract so I'm assuming it was only a one year deal. He's working hard for a new contractm and I'd be very disappointed if we lost him while being forced to endure Lillyman for another season.


I don't think players have been shafted by management. They have been told that they won't be part of the club's future, but the existing contracts have been honoured as far as I'm aware. The club is actually trying to do these players a favour, by letting them know early and giving them plenty of time to sort out their future.

However, this direct approach is backfiring it seems, and also players can find their form, improve their game and then the club can look like a bunch of fools. IMO the club should just stop telling unwanted players early that they're not part of the plans. Instead, just leave it up to the players themselves to approach the club for a new contract when they think it's time to negotiate. And then the club can just simply offer as much as they think the player's worth. Everyone is worth something, even if just for cheap injury cover.

Whats happening is the club is signing players who aren't worth extensively long contracts either on their talent at differing stages of their careers to 3 year deals, and then going woe-was-me, 1/2 a year into the deal this isn't working out as hoped and telling them they can stuff off elsewhere. The Warriors went out and signed Stacey Jones and from there Rovelli, Fien and Witt have all been shafted. Scurrah was adamant this type of player contracting was to cease perhaps of the tension and the disruption in culture it created. If Kemp goes its the perfect example of poor player management - you have a great talent who succeeds on the end of a backline who know how to use the ball, he comes where, we give him no ball and then we go woe-was-me, what do we do with him now... aha! I know, lets NOT honour his contract. Its unscrupulous, unethical, and tunnel visioned.

The thing is indirectly it kills your chances going forward. When players look at Auckland not only do they see it as a distance to their families but they also see it as a place where a contract is just a piece of paper. They therefore demand overs to come to the joint.
Not sure what you mean when you say the club is not honouring player contracts. I may have missed some stuff. When the club tells Michael Witt and Nathan Fien that they are not part of the club`s future, that doesn`t mean their contracts will not be honoured. It just means they won't be offered a new one, and also possibly that they will not play in first grade for the remainder of their current contract. That's the reason why then the players ask the club to release them. Perfectly fair, just a bit naive approach by the club.

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