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FnF on hold for Royal Wedding

Wedding or Footy

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

God-King Dean

The only good thing about this is there's gonna be monarchist who are gonna be pissed off about this.

It's baffling to me how someone could want a queen. F**king idiots *cough* Moffo *cough*

The Engineers Room

First Grade
Our system is great the way it is and I think if we tamper with it we won't like the result. So that is why I would never vote for a republic.


Also regarding just waiting for old people to die to get a republic passed, it's not that simple. A lot of people gen Y and younger aren't as solidly behind a republic as you'd think. Just tell a teenage girl that staying a monarchy means having William and Kate as our King and Queen one day and they'll instantly turn into life long monarchists.

I've heard actual conversations go something like this:
"So, like, if we become a republic will William and Kate, like, be our King and Queen one day?"
"Eww, f**k that then, I, like, don't even want a republic now"

You didn't try and talk to the Gen Y'ers did you?

What other type of view were you expecting from a generation that got some exam marks just for turning up and multiple shots at tests?
Borderline f**king morons, a disproportionate percentage of them anyway.


Who the f**k do you talk to bm? Im 21 and live in the shire, so everyone knows how many dumb blondes are here, yet no one says like in that context.


No excuses with 3 channels and the other networks showing it. They've never heard of overkill. If a Knights game is on that night I'll be writing them an abusive letter. Better still if the footy isn't on I'll dust off Debbie Does Dallas and Deep Throat


You didn't try and talk to the Gen Y'ers did you?

What other type of view were you expecting from a generation that got some exam marks just for turning up and multiple shots at tests?
Borderline f**king morons, a disproportionate percentage of them anyway.
BunniesMan IS gen y! And despite being part of the same generation as lot of geniuss, as long as BunniesMan is gen y, gen y will forever be known as "the greatest generation".


You didn't try and talk to the Gen Y'ers did you?

What other type of view were you expecting from a generation that got some exam marks just for turning up and multiple shots at tests?
Borderline f**king morons, a disproportionate percentage of them anyway.

Of course, everyone younger than you is a moron :roll:


BunniesMan IS gen y! And despite being part of the same generation as lot of geniuss, as long as BunniesMan is gen y, gen y will forever be known as "the greatest generation".

Gen Y is defined as being born between 1976 and 1995 depending on which literature you subscribe to.
Personally, I am just about convinced that a large percentage of people who are currently between 14 and 20 are f**king morons.


Of course, everyone younger than you is a moron :roll:

By virtue of an 80's birthdate I am part of "Gen Y", I am also not saying stupidity is age dependant, but f**k me you have to admit that the younger parts of Gen Y are over represented in the "stupidity" categories such as stupid clothing, stupid deaths etc.

When is the last time you tried to have a conversation with a few of the younger ones kungl?
You may as well chat to a f**king brick.

I always knew drugs were bad, but some of these brain dead f**kwits have proven it.


On the subject of a republic does anyone even really care anymore?
Its not like court appeals can go the privy council in jolly ole england or wherever the f**k it is anymore anyway.
A governor general hasn't done f**k all other than cut ribbons since the 70's, one even managed to get the sack.
No one sings god save the queen anymore, unless its a piss up karaoke night and its the sex pistols version.

I know a few novels were written on the subject (given this subject is boring as bat sh*t you can imagine how they sold) but its been a dead duck since the f**king 1990's.
Its like getting a f**king piercing through the end of your knob, yeah you know its there, but no other merkin can see it unless you want to get done for indecent exposure and its effectiveness is questionable.
Kind of like becoming a republic, it'd be a change, but who'd give a sh*t in the long run, it is hardly the thing that changes our day to day lives.

Ditto this f**king wedding, the results of some footy matches will have a direct correlation to my mood on that weekend, the wedding...................... not so much.


By virtue of an 80's birthdate I am part of "Gen Y", I am also not saying stupidity is age dependant, but f**k me you have to admit that the younger parts of Gen Y are over represented in the "stupidity" categories such as stupid clothing, stupid deaths etc.

When is the last time you tried to have a conversation with a few of the younger ones kungl?
You may as well chat to a f**king brick.

I always knew drugs were bad, but some of these brain dead f**kwits have proven it.

Meh, teenagers usually seem like f**king idiots to everyone but themselves. Like any other generation, most will grow out of it and become vaguely useful members of society. I doubt it was any different 30 years ago, based on stories my dad's told me about his younger days

1 Eyed TEZZA

On the subject of a republic does anyone even really care anymore?
Its not like court appeals can go the privy council in jolly ole england or wherever the f**k it is anymore anyway.
A governor general hasn't done f**k all other than cut ribbons since the 70's, one even managed to get the sack.
No one sings god save the queen anymore, unless its a piss up karaoke night and its the sex pistols version.

I know a few novels were written on the subject (given this subject is boring as bat sh*t you can imagine how they sold) but its been a dead duck since the f**king 1990's.
Its like getting a f**king piercing through the end of your knob, yeah you know its there, but no other merkin can see it unless you want to get done for indecent exposure and its effectiveness is questionable.
Kind of like becoming a republic, it'd be a change, but who'd give a sh*t in the long run, it is hardly the thing that changes our day to day lives.

Ditto this f**king wedding, the results of some footy matches will have a direct correlation to my mood on that weekend, the wedding...................... not so much.

You reference sex and genitals a lot.


Meh, teenagers usually seem like f**king idiots to everyone but themselves. Like any other generation, most will grow out of it and become vaguely useful members of society. I doubt it was any different 30 years ago, based on stories my dad's told me about his younger days
I'm 20, so I'm not a teenager anymore, but today's teenagers are my people, and I was a teenager 4 months ago and I can honestly say we are the greatest generation ever. We're younger so we're better looking...checkmate.


Yes we do. Actually, probably need to wait another five - seven years until some of those old fogies kick the bucket and there are more young voters. I'm still 50/50 on it. Have to sit down and do some more reading.

I can help you out. How about we have an Aussie as our head of state, someone chosen on merit, not birthright.


What's the point of another referendum. It's just a waste of money. Noone will agree on a republican model before the referendum, and people won't vote for a republic in a referendum until they know what they're voting for, me included.

The question is a lot more complicated than just "monarchy or republic". Some people are very strongly against an elected president, some people are very strongly against a selected president. Until that is figured out no point in having a referendum.

And besides, one of our major party leaders is a monarchist, and the other has said no referendum until the Queen dies at least. So even if we figure out what we want it might not happen for another 20 years.

It won't surprise me if 2030 rolls around we're still the Queen's loyal subjects...

As I understand it, the first question the people will vote on is -do we want to get rid of the monarchy and become a republic. To that I say yes.

The next question deals with the model of electing a president. Whichever model wins that vote is fine by me.
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On the subject of a republic does anyone even really care anymore?
Its not like court appeals can go the privy council in jolly ole england or wherever the f**k it is anymore anyway.
A governor general hasn't done f**k all other than cut ribbons since the 70's, one even managed to get the sack.
No one sings god save the queen anymore, unless its a piss up karaoke night and its the sex pistols version.

I know a few novels were written on the subject (given this subject is boring as bat sh*t you can imagine how they sold) but its been a dead duck since the f**king 1990's.
Its like getting a f**king piercing through the end of your knob, yeah you know its there, but no other merkin can see it unless you want to get done for indecent exposure and its effectiveness is questionable.
Kind of like becoming a republic, it'd be a change, but who'd give a sh*t in the long run, it is hardly the thing that changes our day to day lives.

Ditto this f**king wedding, the results of some footy matches will have a direct correlation to my mood on that weekend, the wedding...................... not so much.

Just the barmy army at the cricket. That's enough for me to want a republic.

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