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Money wasn't the only factor. He was unhappy at the club.

Tana Umaga would have also been a huge influence, as I've stated.

Why do you think there was all these meetings?

oh right. the meetings he didn't show up to?


Because if I owned a business, I'd sign a guy on a contract that wasn't performing as well as everyone else.


Whats the alternative??

Clubs resign guys that are in poor form?? Gee what a super way to make a club succesfull.

And how about we have players at a club who aren't happy, play like crap and waste the club and fans' time and money.


Your boss is a bitch to you.

If you got offered 3 times what you are earning plus other benefits, to do an easier job on the French riviera. Would you?

not if I couldn't get out of my contract.

which is the whole point. right?


And how about we have players at a club who aren't happy, play like crap and waste the club and fans' time and money.

... then you talk it out with your boss. You don't just not show up for work like SBW has failed to do.

God how is this so hard to understand?

Johns Magic

[furrycat];4444360 said:
I dont see how its anyone elses fault but the man himself for walkign away on the deal. No beef with him leaving for his reasons, but you don't just flee the contract without talking it over and at least trying to get a release from the deal at the club. Its wrong, morally, and ethically.

The reasons why SBW left are probably Rl and Bulldogs related.

But he is the one who did it in the wrong way.

Yep agreed.

The bolded part was my main point.

Johns Magic

[furrycat];4444380 said:
... then you talk it out with your boss. You don't just not show up for work like SBW has failed to do.

God how is this so hard to understand?

I think he had talked about that with the club.

The talk of him wanting to leave had been going on for months before he actually got on the plane.


[furrycat];4444348 said:
You are missing the point. These guys are not just your average run of the mill blue collar workers. These guys are in the spotlight and are, like it or not, role models to so many young kids out there who want to be just like them in terms of their lives and professional abilities. These guys know they are in the spotlight and are expected to behave accordingly.

And again, you don't comprehend a contract. The contract is not just with the club, its with the NRL. He breaches one code, he breaches both. Otherwise, if you just sack him and not de-register him for a year, what does it prove?

I tell you what it will do... Players who want out of their deals will intentionally breach the code so they get sacked, and can sign a new deal the next day. Didn't think of that did we?

All clubs are sub-branches of the NRL giant. If i was sacked from Branch A of Corporation X, I wouldn't be allowed to work in Branch B of that same corporation would I?

You aren't a professional rugby league player, or even in the spotlight. These guys are and need to learn how to behave if they are going to be in the public's eye.

oh my god - pull your head out guys!

so his life is over - his career, all he has trained for since he was a little kid. he would have been signed as a teenager, not learnt any other life skills, wrapped in cotton wool - told how good he is.

yes he cocked up.

but does he deserve his career to be over? his ability to work in his own country near his family and friends?

forget about contracts, or 'image', or 'the kids look up to him' - this is a young bloke that has no job, no career prospects, no other skills and no choice but to leave the country.

gutless and heartless decision...


I think he had talked about that with the club.

The talk of him wanting to leave had been going on for months before he actually got on the plane.

From what the club has said, and what SBW has been saying, they were never discussing him wanting to LEAVE the club. He was talking about problems at the club, and wanting more money.

But, even if it was talked about, you still cannot just walk out on a contract.


omg I didn't expect that to be an actual kiss.

eastsrule you are kidding yourself if you think that when you leave a corporation the size of the nrl, are on $400k a year and have 4 years left then it's just all ok. fair game guys! good work!

imagine any job with equivalent salary - a CEO of a listed aussie company. they would NEVER accept this kind of sh*t.

I would expect legal action. and sbw should have too.

you can't pack ur kit u, tie it to a pole and run off for a better life with no consequences. he obviously doesn't realise that.


[furrycat];4444322 said:
Mate- have you ever worked a job in your life?

YOu sign a contract and there are plenty of businesses who have a "code of conduct", just like the NRL clubs do. Your contract stipulates that you may have your contract terminated if it is deemed you breach this code.

Carney has been charged by the law before. He broke the code of conduct of the club on more than one occasion. You seriously cannot be defending him and saying the club screwed him over by sacking him. He had his chance...

Its in their contracts (just like busineses) that if you dont adhere to business codes and policies, you will be sacked.

you've caught me out. I've never worked in my life, never had a job, no idea what the workforce is like.... :roll:


oh my god - pull your head out guys!

so his life is over - his career, all he has trained for since he was a little kid. he would have been signed as a teenager, not learnt any other life skills, wrapped in cotton wool - told how good he is.

yes he cocked up.

but does he deserve his career to be over? his ability to work in his own country near his family and friends?

forget about contracts, or 'image', or 'the kids look up to him' - this is a young bloke that has no job, no career prospects, no other skills and no choice but to leave the country.

gutless and heartless decision...

He isn't de-registered for life...

And you know what you are getting into before you start playing. He knew doing sh*t like that could have him in this position.

His career is not over... you're being melodramatic :roll: Dane Tilse? Terrence Seu Seu? Many others who were sacked (and most de-registered) are still around...


stop kidding yourself.

once you leave australia, the courts have little jurisdiction over you.

And this is where you are wrong. We have many legal treaties with France; extradition treaties etc... If he is deemed to be in breach and injunction put in place, then the international supreme court will uphold it.

If I murdered someone here, I can't just flee to France and say its ok they wont get me...

If an injunction is put on SBW, and he plays for Toulon, he has then broken the law and it is a whole different ball game.

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