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Can some one please tell me EXACTLY how the bulldogs had done Sonny wrong?

Your boss suggesting in passing that you may be hanging with the wrong crowd is somehow reason enough to leave a workplace?
They weren't winning enough games?
Weren't they paying him as agreed?
Weren't they promoting him as a star player?

Please I'm at a loss at what exactly the bulldogs did wrong here (BTW the bulldogs are one of the teams I dislike the most).

He seemed upset that he was employed by a business. Not sure about you but most people I know work for a business. I don't expect that my company would carry me for any extended period if my performance was below par for any reason (I acknowledge serious injuries etc are usually covered by insurance both at work and in League) so why would Sonny expect that clubs should have a duty to do this?

These guys, who are only in their early 20's, are earning a number of times the amount of money that I am earning, even after I have earned 3 uni degrees and had over 15 years experience in a high earning industry!!! Reality check please!

Look I don't begrudge players going after more money but please don't go on about how badly they are being treated! If Sonny really felt strongly about this why not stay and take the game on publically. People would sit up an listen if a star player was saying something was really wrong in the game.

Sorry Sonny, running away is simply not ballsy, whatever you may claim.


omg I didn't expect that to be an actual kiss.

eastsrule you are kidding yourself if you think that when you leave a corporation the size of the nrl, are on $400k a year and have 4 years left then it's just all ok. fair game guys! good work!

imagine any job with equivalent salary - a CEO of a listed aussie company. they would NEVER accept this kind of sh*t.

I would expect legal action. and sbw should have too.

you can't pack ur kit u, tie it to a pole and run off for a better life with no consequences. he obviously doesn't realise that.

In your example.

A CEO would hand in a letter of resignation to the board. They will have a negotiated notice period of anything from 2 weeks to 3 months.

This is done to allow the company to find a replacement without suffering any disadvantage.

Rugby League players and all sports-people are in a unique position where they don't have "notice periods". Some have negotiated clauses, but these are in extreme circumstances (eg Gasnier not being paid by third-parties).

The reason this isn't such a big deal to me is that I follow American Football and Soccer, where this kind of thing is normal. It is the modern sports scene and Rugby League seems to be permanently stuck in the transition between chook raffles down at the Leagues club to becoming an efficient game.


In your example.

A CEO would hand in a letter of resignation to the board. They will have a negotiated notice period of anything from 2 weeks to 3 months.

This is done to allow the company to find a replacement without suffering any disadvantage.

Rugby League players and all sports-people are in a unique position where they don't have "notice periods". Some have negotiated clauses, but these are in extreme circumstances (eg Gasnier not being paid by third-parties).

The reason this isn't such a big deal to me is that I follow American Football and Soccer, where this kind of thing is normal. It is the modern sports scene and Rugby League seems to be permanently stuck in the transition between chook raffles down at the Leagues club to becoming an efficient game.

You are still forgetting that he is in a 5 year contract... letter or not, he can't just walk away without the contract being resolved.


[furrycat];4444413 said:
And this is where you are wrong. We have many legal treaties with France; extradition treaties etc... If he is deemed to be in breach and injunction put in place, then the international supreme court will uphold it.

If I murdered someone here, I can't just flee to France and say its ok they wont get me...

If an injunction is put on SBW, and he plays for Toulon, he has then broken the law and it is a whole different ball game.

Murder is a crime. At the moment, this thing with Sonny-Bill is a civil case.

For an extradition to take place, it would need the complete co-operation of the French legal system which is not entirely likely.


[furrycat];4444427 said:
You are still forgetting that he is in a 5 year contract... letter or not, he can't just walk away without the contract being resolved.

CEO's will usually sign fixed term contract as well with KPI's etc.

Your saying that if Folkes didn't like SBW and made him play NSW Cup for the rest of the contract. It is ok?


Murder is a crime. At the moment, this thing with Sonny-Bill is a civil case.

For an extradition to take place, it would need the complete co-operation of the French legal system which is not entirely likely.

And we have that co-operation with the French legal system and most of the EU.

And it is a crime if Sonny Bill Williams goes against a court injunction, in which case, it is no longer a civil matter. Courts have plenty of jurisdiction.

Seriously dude, if the lawyers thought there would be no chance of getting him in France, why would they spend so much money on it... they know more about it than you.


Can some one please tell me EXACTLY how the bulldogs had done Sonny wrong?

Your boss suggesting in passing that you may be hanging with the wrong crowd is somehow reason enough to leave a workplace?
They weren't winning enough games?
Weren't they paying him as agreed?
Weren't they promoting him as a star player?

Please I'm at a loss at what exactly the bulldogs did wrong here (BTW the bulldogs are one of the teams I dislike the most).

He seemed upset that he was employed by a business. Not sure about you but most people I know work for a business. I don't expect that my company would carry me for any extended period if my performance was below par for any reason (I acknowledge serious injuries etc are usually covered by insurance both at work and in League) so why would Sonny expect that clubs should have a duty to do this?

These guys, who are only in their early 20's, are earning a number of times the amount of money that I am earning, even after I have earned 3 uni degrees and had over 15 years experience in a high earning industry!!! Reality check please!

Look I don't begrudge players going after more money but please don't go on about how badly they are being treated! If Sonny really felt strongly about this why not stay and take the game on publically. People would sit up an listen if a star player was saying something was really wrong in the game.

Sorry Sonny, running away is simply not ballsy, whatever you may claim.

How about the Bulldogs forcing him to admit he had a drinking problem?

Using his name and image to attract sponsorship. Which he gets no amount of money out of.


CEO's will usually sign fixed term contract as well with KPI's etc.

Your saying that if Folkes didn't like SBW and made him play NSW Cup for the rest of the contract. It is ok?

Did i miss the part that SBW was going to play NSW cup?

SBW had no get out clause, and didn't talk to anyone about trying to get out.


[furrycat];4444416 said:
You dont know what a contract is.

hmmm... let me see...
are you a lawyer?

none of us has seen the contract SBW signed. your comments are emotion based and lack an understanding of legal situations.

contracts can be ruled invalid for a variety of reasons, and simply saying 'you signed a contract, therefore you have to honour it' are so laughable my stomach hurts.

If, as SBW's solicitor states, they decide to argue the 'restraint of trade' angle and are successful, the contract he signed would be ruled invalid. There are many other rules to establish validity of contracts, and let me tell you - any contract can be tested for validity.

please don't make such a comment about my legal understanding as you have no idea what that understanding is...


[furrycat];4444435 said:
And we have that co-operation with the French legal system and most of the EU.

And it is a crime if Sonny Bill Williams goes against a court injunction, in which case, it is no longer a civil matter. Courts have plenty of jurisdiction.

Seriously dude, if the lawyers thought there would be no chance of getting him in France, why would they spend so much money on it... they know more about it than you.

Of course they know more than me.

The NRL acted extremely quickly. Maybe they jumped the gun?

Do you think a millionaire Frenchman, and a smart (albeit sleazy) operator in Khoder Nasser wouldn't have had lawyers examine it?


[furrycat];4444439 said:
Did i miss the part that SBW was going to play NSW cup?

SBW had no get out clause, and didn't talk to anyone about trying to get out.

He talked to the Bulldogs club about being unhappy. You'd have to be stupid not to assume that he would leave if the status quo remained or got worse?

What did the Bulldogs do to make SBW feel more comfortable? We don't know.


hmmm... let me see...
are you a lawyer?

none of us has seen the contract SBW signed. your comments are emotion based and lack an understanding of legal situations.

contracts can be ruled invalid for a variety of reasons, and simply saying 'you signed a contract, therefore you have to honour it' are so laughable my stomach hurts.

If, as SBW's solicitor states, they decide to argue the 'restraint of trade' angle and are successful, the contract he signed would be ruled invalid. There are many other rules to establish validity of contracts, and let me tell you - any contract can be tested for validity.

please don't make such a comment about my legal understanding as you have no idea what that understanding is...

:lol: You obviously have none...

Restraint of Trade can only be deemed if it is proven the restraint is unreasonable and lowers the standard of living... SBW is on $400k+...

Please, you are talking out of your arse here and are saying the most BASIC thing about the legalities of contracts. And put it simply, you don't know my background so I don't need your little law lecture.

Put it simply, his contract has not been made invalid has it? No. So can he just walk away? No.

Get it deemed invalid, then walk away. Thats how it works


He talked to the Bulldogs club about being unhappy. You'd have to be stupid not to assume that he would leave if the status quo remained or got worse?

What did the Bulldogs do to make SBW feel more comfortable? We don't know.

Unhappy with money.

Find me somewhere where SBW has said "I want to get out of this club"

God-King Dean

do you know what? sometimes my boss is a bitch to me.

I suck it up. like everyone else in the world except sonny bill.

She doesn't love you sass. Leave !

Go to another company where I'm sure they'll pay you more & just love you to bits ?


[furrycat];4444455 said:
Unhappy with money.

Find me somewhere where SBW has said "I want to get out of this club"

How do you know that (or something similar) was not said in any meetings?

I don't think he or the Bulldogs would have advertised it if it were the case.


bahahah dean.

In your example.

A CEO would hand in a letter of resignation to the board. They will have a negotiated notice period of anything from 2 weeks to 3 months.

This is done to allow the company to find a replacement without suffering any disadvantage.

Rugby League players and all sports-people are in a unique position where they don't have "notice periods". Some have negotiated clauses, but these are in extreme circumstances (eg Gasnier not being paid by third-parties).

The reason this isn't such a big deal to me is that I follow American Football and Soccer, where this kind of thing is normal. It is the modern sports scene and Rugby League seems to be permanently stuck in the transition between chook raffles down at the Leagues club to becoming an efficient game.

the quality and nature of their contract terms and notice periods aren't the point. the point is if they honour them. if a CEO ran off in the middle of the night instead of adhering to his legal obligations there would be an uproar and you know it.


but does he deserve his career to be over? his ability to work in his own country near his family and friends?
If he makes the choices he made, then yes.

As the man himselve said "let's not be naive here..." and "you don't think I thought all this through" :lol:
this is a young bloke that has no job, no career prospects, no other skills and no choice but to leave the country.

gutless and heartless decision...
Um, he made the choice to leave. It was his gutless and heartless decision.

And just in case you are talking about Carney and not SBW, then again, he made his choices and actions in breach of his contract, and now faces teh consequences (of being out of work). It's that simple.

On the one hand you refute the point that (presumably) SBW would be nothing without league, and would have had a career etc instead. But they you try and use that same argument you've challenged to show why (presumably) Carney should be entitled not to have been de-registered from NRL for 12 months? Surely he can have/start another career too? :crazy:

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