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Four year deal for Boyd at knights


I just wish he'd hurry the f**k up and make a decision, whatever it is.

It's starting to bug me. I don't think he's a mercenary at all, I just think he's bloody indecisive and annoying and a bit of a prima dona. Have a think about it, make a decision, sign a contract, and let every club in the NRL get on with their recruitment plans.

Silent Knight

First Grade
"But Daaaaaaddddd I won the Clive Churchill medal last year."

"I don't want to hear it Darius, now go to your room!"

"But Daaaaaadddddyyyyyyy!"



Surely there is enough room for Serc, Otori, Knightmare and myself too

Lets put the idea infront of Tinks. We'll bill it as a good way to boost crowd numbers :lol:

Unfortunately for me I moved to Canberra at the start of this year for a job. But if you want to make a round trip through Canberra from Brisbane en route to Newcastle that'd be pretty win haha

Also, rumors on fox sports were talking to Clint newton as well as buderus now. Make of that what you will. Haha they referred to him as a favorite son. I had many lols.


Newton is more of a bastard child who ran away from home to join a criminal orgsnisation than a favourite son
I doubt Darius wants to play here. Especially given he is waiting for an offer from the club who didn't rate him four years ago in Brisbane. He was perhaps banking on Benny heading North of the border and not up the F3.


I doubt Darius wants to play here. Especially given he is waiting for an offer from the club who didn't rate him four years ago in Brisbane. He was perhaps banking on Benny heading North of the border and not up the F3.

Sadly the fact he hasn't already signed with us means he is at pains not to. His total dedication to Bennett should've meant a quick process. The moving to the coast for Nan theory held water for a while, but since he just let that slide I think it's becoming clear he has very little affection for the city of Newcastle and is basically wishing Wayne hadn't signed with us.

It makes me wonder if it's even worth having an unhappy Darius at the club. What do we do when it's halfway through his contract and he looks annoyed and completely disinterested and his teammates don't even like him because he doesn't have a nice word to say about the place and is flying up north every chance he gets.

What do you guys think?
As if he'd be unhappy K-Man, he's comming to the hottest club on the market with his dad for FFS, ofcourse he's gonna look into other offers he'd be a dickhead not too!


Sadly the fact he hasn't already signed with us means he is at pains not to. His total dedication to Bennett should've meant a quick process. The moving to the coast for Nan theory held water for a while, but since he just let that slide I think it's becoming clear he has very little affection for the city of Newcastle and is basically wishing Wayne hadn't signed with us.

It makes me wonder if it's even worth having an unhappy Darius at the club. What do we do when it's halfway through his contract and he looks annoyed and completely disinterested and his teammates don't even like him because he doesn't have a nice word to say about the place and is flying up north every chance he gets.

What do you guys think?
i completely agree with you, and have thought from the beginning that it is a strange fit for a multitude of reasons. that doesn't mean i don't think he will come here, but something tells me he would have preferred Wayne go to about 10 or 11 other clubs before ours, even with the revolution well under way.
Why sign anywhere straight away when your as good as Darius ofcourse you want to get maximum value feel free to say Baron was right when he is with us on a 4 year deal!


Snowden: "Yo Nate, good things going down at Newy. Come join us. Let's win 4 premierships and laugh our way to early retirement.:

Myles: "Yo, sound great. Hey Darius come join us. We'll have the QLD backline playing for Newy soon."

Boyd: "Done. I love you dad."

Newcastle Supporters: "Yay!"


As if he'd be unhappy K-Man, he's comming to the hottest club on the market with his dad for FFS, ofcourse he's gonna look into other offers he'd be a dickhead not too!

Do you really get the feeling the decision has taken this long (and it has been a lot more drawn out than many contract negotiations are) because of financial reasons and looking for the best deal he can get? I don't.

From what I've seen it seems like the clubs have laid their cards on the table and said "Darius, we want you, this is what we can offer" and his mind has been all over the place for weeks trying to work out what to do.

If he was sold on the Knights boom that you spoke of he would've joined it by now. (That doesn't mean I'm saying he absolutely will not sign with us, it just means if he was totally caught up in it being the hottest club on the market with his favourite man in the world leading the revolution, then he woul'dve jumped on board already).

The Titans certainly think he has waited longer than necessary. All will be revealed I guess, I've got no inside info so I'm just speculating. But after weeks of headlines about how is a foregrone conclusion to sign with the Knights, every day that passes with him not actually doing it makes me think that deep down he's hoping to avoid it if possible.

Joker's Wild

lol sorry mate

Guess we're gonna have to set up a "Knights fans of SEQ" club so we can keep track of who will be boarding Tinkler Airlines


Is there some kind of rebel alliance against the evil imperial broncos empire up there or something?

Silent Knight

First Grade
A short time ago in a galaxy just around the corner...

Silent Knight dwells in his cave out in the barren wastelands of Brisbane waiting until the time is right to strike against the Imperial Broncos Empire. His plan is to wear a Jedi Blues jumper on the planet of Queen St Mall during Imperial Origin week. Thus our brave champion will deliver a decisive blow against the Maroontroopers and thwart their efforts to inflict more suffering and oppression on the poor planetarians of New South Wales...


As Silent Knight approches the queen st mall he realises their shields are up.
