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From an Eels fan to you raiders fans, Good luck !


Green River Eel, if it's any consolation, please know that I shot a friendly wave in your direction as we passed you on the ladder.


LOL i know, we were a fekking disgrace tonight, again, but no excuses from BA in the presser, we will be back, manly next week, we should towel them up by 50 lol :roll:, you just settle the fek down raiders fans or it will all end inb tears for you, we will still kick your asses in Darwin :D

If there is any team that cant seem to get a roll on its the Eels, I thought they may have a decent team this year but they prove again when up against better opposition they fail and no matter how many coaches come and go in the club they just purely suck.
We will maybe make the 8 but i doubt it very much as we should of carved up the knights with all the mistakes they made and missing play makers.
I can see the Eels getting beaten by atleast 40 against manly and then we may here it again like nearly every other year that a coach from Parra may lose his job.
Stuart made a wise decision to leave but really wish it wasn't the raiders he went too as i would of preferred Sheens back if he wanted to continue coaching any day of the week


If there is any team that cant seem to get a roll on its the Eels, I thought they may have a decent team this year but they prove again when up against better opposition they fail and no matter how many coaches come and go in the club they just purely suck.
We will maybe make the 8 but i doubt it very much as we should of carved up the knights with all the mistakes they made and missing play makers.
I can see the Eels getting beaten by atleast 40 against manly and then we may here it again like nearly every other year that a coach from Parra may lose his job.
Stuart made a wise decision to leave but really wish it wasn't the raiders he went too as i would of preferred Sheens back if he wanted to continue coaching any day of the week

Dazraider the only lift you will get this yr is visiting fishwick!
and or Stgeorge leagues recent trophy cabinet, key word


Dazraider the only lift you will get this yr is visiting fishwick!
and or Stgeorge leagues recent trophy cabinet, key word

I dont understand what your getting at.
Is it you think
Eels will have a close game against the Eagle?
Is It you think that that Parra Will finally stop sacking or coaches leaving the club and will have a long lasting coach if they fail again?
Do you rate Stuart highly as a coach since he only had success with a roosters team that was already made of stars from previous coaches?
Please explain what you mean as I'm baffled to what your really going on about here



If there is any team that cant seem to get a roll on its the Eels, I thought they may have a decent team this year but they prove again when up against better opposition they fail and no matter how many coaches come and go in the club they just purely suck.
We will maybe make the 8 but i doubt it very much as we should of carved up the knights with all the mistakes they made and missing play makers.
I can see the Eels getting beaten by atleast 40 against manly and then we may here it again like nearly every other year that a coach from Parra may lose his job.
Stuart made a wise decision to leave but really wish it wasn't the raiders he went too as i would of preferred Sheens back if he wanted to continue coaching any day of the week

You would prefer Sheens after seeing how he has failed to adapt to the modern game?

Jesus what a nincompoop.

Green River Eel

If there is any team that cant seem to get a roll on its the Eels, I thought they may have a decent team this year but they prove again when up against better opposition they fail and no matter how many coaches come and go in the club they just purely suck.
We will maybe make the 8 but i doubt it very much as we should of carved up the knights with all the mistakes they made and missing play makers.
I can see the Eels getting beaten by atleast 40 against manly and then we may here it again like nearly every other year that a coach from Parra may lose his job.
Stuart made a wise decision to leave but really wish it wasn't the raiders he went too as i would of preferred Sheens back if he wanted to continue coaching any day of the week

Is that right Daz, looks like your eating your words here on a few accounts.
The proofs in the pudding, BA has nearly as many wins in 5 rounds as Ricky got all year, and there is improvment in all the young blokes, unlike when RS was here when there was no improvement at all, just look at our attitude, playing for 80 minutes in all but 1 game, we should be 4/5, completely robbed v manly.
The eels are on the way up, RS leaving was the best thing that ever happened to us.


Arthur can thank Ricky for the clean-out.

Telling players that are off contract that they will not be re-signed is not a cleanout. Anyone can do that. The only players that he cleaned out that were on contract was Reni Maitua and Cheyse Blair. What he effectively did was demoralise our squad to the point that they couldn't wait to see the back of him. Stuart is a pig headed individual and a terrible coach. Nobody in the League world has stolen a living more than him.

Wizard Sleeve

Has Ricky told Raiders fans to expect more losses yet ? What about how proud he is even though they lost lol . The guys in the wrong job , he'd be the best real estate agent the world has seen .


It's just so sad what two wooden spoons in a row does to people.

So blind with butt hurt and embarrassment that they cannot accept that the 2014 Eels are the team that Ricky built.

Such bitterness at being the joke of the NRL for sooooo long.

It's ok, fellas.

Ricky put you on the right track.

Green River Eel

It's just so sad what two wooden spoons in a row does to people.

So blind with butt hurt and embarrassment that they cannot accept that the 2014 Eels are the team that Ricky built.

Such bitterness at being the joke of the NRL for sooooo long.

It's ok, fellas.

Ricky put you on the right track.

Ricky built nothing, he couldnt even get basic skills out of the boys, he talked the talk, lied to the fans, he was a hypocrite with very little courage.
In a years time you wont be being so smug when you start to realise he is a fraud in every regard.
He will have the players against him soon and will dig the raiders into a big hole.
Every week he will come out with excuses, he will even start talking your team down soon and telling you you dont have the team to compete and the refs are against you, dont worry, it will happen.

BA has lifted this team, RS dragged us down, when RS came i was happy, i rated him as a man and a coach, then any smart judge started to see his excuses and deflections, then the lies and weak character, when he walked out everybody could see how spineless he was, he has destroyed every club he has been coach of, the raiders will be no different, his poor coaching is already visible.

I started this blog and was very respectful to the raiders and their fans, then i started to cop it, well well well, look whats happening on the park, as i said lets see how this pans out during the year.
The raiders fans will hate rickies guts in 1-2 years, then he will hide behind his daughter and say theres better facilities for her in England lol, lets watch how quick he leaves canberra.

Does anybody notice how good the same guys are going for us that were under RS, they have actually improved under BA, handling, error rates, confidence, 3 things that were a disgrace under RS, our whole team is light years ahead this year.

This isnt about the raiders, i like them, always have, this is about RS.


First Grade
My second team are the Eels. So glad they are playing well. They are such a fun team to cheer this year based on their style of play.

Meanwhile...raiders... Our attack is dreadful.

Wighton is a gun but I think we need to bring in Cornish. how about Brenko Lee is he still available?


Ricky built nothing, he couldnt even get basic skills out of the boys, he talked the talk, lied to the fans, he was a hypocrite with very little courage.
In a years time you wont be being so smug when you start to realise he is a fraud in every regard.
He will have the players against him soon and will dig the raiders into a big hole.
Every week he will come out with excuses, he will even start talking your team down soon and telling you you dont have the team to compete and the refs are against you, dont worry, it will happen.

BA has lifted this team, RS dragged us down, when RS came i was happy, i rated him as a man and a coach, then any smart judge started to see his excuses and deflections, then the lies and weak character, when he walked out everybody could see how spineless he was, he has destroyed every club he has been coach of, the raiders will be no different, his poor coaching is already visible.

I started this blog and was very respectful to the raiders and their fans, then i started to cop it, well well well, look whats happening on the park, as i said lets see how this pans out during the year.
The raiders fans will hate rickies guts in 1-2 years, then he will hide behind his daughter and say theres better facilities for her in England lol, lets watch how quick he leaves canberra.

Does anybody notice how good the same guys are going for us that were under RS, they have actually improved under BA, handling, error rates, confidence, 3 things that were a disgrace under RS, our whole team is light years ahead this year.

This isnt about the raiders, i like them, always have, this is about RS.
You seem upset that the team that Ricky built is going good.


First Grade
Thing is, most Parra fans like the Raiders, watching the presser with Pricky is déjà vu

It was the usual " it's not me, it's everything else" , such a complete and utter tosser.

Just hope he doesn't dilute all the confidence from your good young players, watch this space

Wizard Sleeve

It's just so sad what two wooden spoons in a row does to people.

So blind with butt hurt and embarrassment that they cannot accept that the 2014 Eels are the team that Ricky built.

Such bitterness at being the joke of the NRL for sooooo long.

It's ok, fellas.

Ricky put you on the right track.

Familiarise yourself with the feeling my friend . Ricky couldn't even win the un lose-able World Cup with arguably the best rugby league team ever assembled . And what's he do when he lost ? You guessed it , abuse the referee in the foyer .

I'll bet you you never hear Ricky take any responsibility as a team/coach for one single loss .

Green River Eel

It's just so sad what two wooden spoons in a row does to people.

So blind with butt hurt and embarrassment that they cannot accept that the 2014 Eels are the team that Ricky built.

Such bitterness at being the joke of the NRL for sooooo long.

It's ok, fellas.

Ricky put you on the right track.

I'll tell you how you judge a good coach, if the players improve under him, you have a good coach, NOT ONE player improved under Ricky, not one, they actually went backwards, the stats proved that, the same thing is happening with the raiders now.

Ricky only signed 3 players in this new team, Norman and Peats, he didnt want Peats, Nolan talked him into it, we signed peats as a last gap choice, Nolan also was the one that got Norman, they were mates from the broncs.

So RS signed no body apart from mossop, who has a bung shoulder and is out for half of the year, great signing lol.

RS got rid of a few players that would have had the boot anyway..

RS didnt build anything at our club, he put us back years, the proof is in the pudding, not one player improved under him, it was a disgrace, most games we had 10 dropped balls and errors to match, basic skills went backwards at light speed, look at us last night 2 ERRORS FOR THE WHOLE GAME, the proofs in the pudding RS was a joke, and it looks like the raiders are as clueless in attack now as we were last year, has anybody improved under RS ?

Just wait until the end of the year to answer that.


Anyway at least this threads got some conversation going in the raiders forum here, it was looking a bit quiet.

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