It may have something to do with the fact there are 9 Sydney NRL teams. How many Soccer or union teams will it affect Mr Van Halen??
Thanks for bringing that up. I had not forgotten that. Its just the realities of the nrl clubs that there are so many. Its hampering not in their numbers as such, but how they approach growth - it would make any business timid to feel as though they come to alike another club, given their fragile bottom line. But they must make that jump, somehow, at some time.
^ That is not a failing of the concept or the world, that is a failing of the club who allowed its image/differentiation to be whittled down to a nub so that it was not effective. They need to take ownership of that. Didn't see Souths get wollowed in pride to a detrimental point once they came back. They sucked it up when Rusty got in there and starting kicking goals.
^ Identity is a fan concern mainly - it does not apply at club level so much in how we are talking about it here: as I explained earlier, much of a teams identity is in who plays for it, who they represent (doesn't have to be tied to a location)
So it becomes a question of transitions. And thats the period the NRL is in, game-wide.
Its not that there's a conspiracy theory or some kind of big-wall limitation hitting NRL teams (wherever they are), the scheme of things is to elevate them all up the water spout, and the surviving or thriving or dying will come in the mushroom cloud at the top.
< Why? Because the NRL has to keep moving, mate!
Do NRL fans see it as a problem there's so many NRL teams in sydney? And if so, or if not even, how do they all exist in the modern realities. Does the comp want to be one where it needs to fund the bottom two teams in the city like the AFL has done for years. Nothing is saying the nrl will eventually have to do that anyway though; what sort of landscape should the comp strive for though.
This post here is not about the clubs though - this is about the fans. Their faith, and their commitment levels. And people who may want to come on board.
The failing does not come in making this jump now hinged upon these set of parameters. The failing will only come in the next landscape - and hinge on those sets of parameters (the time of reckoning is down the line), if they were to fail.
I find it striking that not a single club has been willing to come out and say they would move if such a stadium became available. They need to be seen to be getting on with it.
^ And by getting on with it - thats why I have stated that this new stadia (should it come to pass) is a great opportunity to the clubs and indeed all rectangle sports in the city.
Yet here we stand - with people (hard core supporters, at that, probably) getting heads in the sand and being heavily resistant.
The point of me bringing that up in the first place when I said that was to highlight the change in attitudes. Does it matter if there are 2 soccer clubs and 1 union team, but 9 nrl teams? I dont think it does that much in terms of growing. Maybe in terms of surviving, but that does not factor now.
No deal has been done of the stadium with the govt, and no deal has been done with the clubs and stadium. Whats to say it won't be a gradual process, much like with ANZ stadium.
But the proof is in the pouding - they will have to.
In direct response to your post - I'd say, why do their numbers have to be an excuse for them? What will happen if they don't step up?
Ive found recently when it comes to stadia that the largest joke has been the tigers committing to liechardt oval They just commited with no public plans on what they are doing next. Is it a communication problem or is it a vision problem? They have websites with news, ect, but just where do they outline the club's journey. It should be in big bold letters at the tops of their page "We want to be excellent; we will be doing this, this and this. "
They should be writing on their page "we will be seeking a new stadium"
( I see that as a missed marketing opportunity. "Last year we'll be at leichardt oval."
They should leverage it)
Is it any wonder there is confusion and uncertainty around these NRL clubs - they don't even seem to know where they are going themselves, and they don't even seem to want to tell their fans even if they DID know!
But beware the day when one of them comes out and says (perhaps a bit like the liechardt oval thing) that it makes more sense to stay at their dilapidated ground because the sums dont add up or something. For that would be the first club to knock on the head. Because having 9 teams gives you an abundance of choice. Whats 1 team really among 9. In the new landscape losing an elite presence from an area does not have to spell its death the norths situation presents when study is done, and Juniors are evenly distributed in terms of funding location and geographical support (benefits realised over time).
^Regarding norths situation. People move in and out of territories all the time. In future terms I am mostly refering to, but it still has present day implications.
This is why I said what I did - because as a fan thats the kind of certainty they need [in sydney]. To commit to ever increasing levels of support. WHY? Yes, why! That is the question. Why does it matter for sydney teams and their fans.
Its an added situation to deal with these numerous teams, but it should not be an excuse.
It may be best not to ask me though, its probably best to ask Shane Richardson and Dave Smith. After all the stick those two have taken, the public (section of) and the papers will be forced to admit one day something entirely different to the negativity. A recent sydney morning herald report highlighted as such in regards to the report Richardson is compiling, though the smh has never been negative toward league that made its narrative false.
So, i say to you, maybe dont question at an angle what I wrote, but see the wider picture, and that these stadia are crucial to the future of the sport. Perhaps the answer you will accept, which is not false by any means, is that we have to concern ourselves with this, and they do not. Where do you want to be in 10 years. I think for a long time the wrong questions have been asked. (But I mean your question was very good, Brutus)