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Gasnier Dumped from Blues squad


First Grade
Hulka said:
Wing to 4, Kidley to the bench.

It would be total bullsh*t if Devere got in with K.Gidley being the 18th man and all
I feel the same, however I do look abit bias by saying it... I just don't get why they would bring in Kurt in the first place, then not use him :?


So Mini didn't loose his phone or as they are now saying it was lost after this call was made????


He shoulda stuck to his original plan and ran, run away... and not come back.
Piss off now gaz.

I wonder if saints will play him this weekend....theyd be under big pressure too.
They should drop him.


First Grade
Gasnier is the scapegoat here, he wasn't the only one who did it, there were 3 other guys, we already know one was mini and another mason.

Mini gave him his phone told him which girl to ring and Gaz was stupid enough to do it. Mini is just as much to blame for it as Gaz, he should be stood down aswell.

And Gaz should have every right to play tomorow, afterall the media is blowing this whole thing way out of proportion, the dogs players get fined (we don't even know who they are) and are allowed to play SOO and normal footy *edit*, poor gaz makes a phone call and gets dropped from origin right away. Its disgraceful.

And exactly what Ray Hadley said, Gaz didn't do it all by himself and Mini should be spoken to and be dropped aswel.
Devere in!
What the hell is Gidlet doing there if he cant get in
Is it a plan by Goosters to bump up his price alah Brian Smith with John Morris?
Think about it Y'all.
Michael Hill has warned them to back off already.


True. De Vere did play for Australia and was unlucky to not get selected.

He was in the Australian team because of his goal kicking. Fitzgibbon was injured. He's playing for NSW. Had Fitzgibbon (or another goal kicker) been in the Australian side, Devere wouldn't have been; Lewis would have been.
Red V has some good points there
The whole 4 should be dropped as they would have been in it up to their necks.
Gasnier got caught but he was the point man
Would they all have gone along with the plan if it hadnt come unstuck?.
Someone stole his phone-PPPFFFFTTTT!
I let him have my phone cause he said he was game enough to do it more likely!

Once Dead

Red V said:
Gasnier is the scapegoat here, he wasn't the only one who did it, there were 3 other guys, we already know one was mini and another mason. Mini gave him his phone told him which girl to ring and Gaz was stupid enough to do it. Mini is just as much to blame for it as Gaz, he should be stood down aswell.

And Gaz should have every right to play tomorow, afterall the media is blowing this whole thing way out of proportion, the dogs players get fined (we don't even know who they are) and are allowed to play SOO and normal footy after *edit*, poor gaz makes a phone call and gets dropped from origin right away. Its disgraceful.

And exactly what Ray Hadley said, Gaz didn't do it all by himself and Mini should be spoken to and be dropped aswel.

What joke...if i tell you to jump off the Harbour Bridge, do you do it? These idiots are responsible for the things they do - regardless of who told them to do it - fame does not absolve you of responsibility....the axe falls on Gasnier's head and deservedly so, he was the one that did it
The NSW officials are idiots for not imposing an alcohol ban or at the very least.. A curfew.. But being a qlder i dont care, it just gives a small indication that the players think qld will be a walkover...

Devere coming in is an absolute f**king joke.. What if the knights didnt have a bye this week? That would mean kidley wouldnt play for us, he wasnt going to play origin to start with cause he was 18th man, but when the opportunity comes for a spot they select someone else.. If we didnt haev the bye that crap decision could of costed the knights 2 points.. There was absolutely no point at all in having kidley as 18th man if they had no f**king intentions of playing him.. God it would suck to go for NSW with a bunch of f**king morons running the show.


My god. I believe this is getting blown out of proportion. Ok, so he made a stupid phone call, does that equate to a loss of a job? By that reckoning, that means that if I go out and voluntarily give my phone number to a man, and he (or one of his friends) calls me and it is not to my liking, I can ring up his employer and they can take it from there???????

What the hell has it got to do with anyone else apart from the inviduals involved? He made ONE call, it was not like he was harrassing her. And she voluntarily handed her number over.

Gee, the media sure do have their priorities in order. There's a war in Iraq, but the front page news over here is that some footy player called some woman. :x
Someone somewhere has really got it in for rugby league.. I wish they would just die... If this incident had of happened last year you wouldnt of heard of it in a million years and even if it did come out into the open all that would be asked for would be an apology at the most..


i don't go for Saints, and i like Mark Gasnier. There are 2 things that really shit me about this, the first being the female obviously gave her number to the boys in the 1st place. The second being, despite the fact i like him, is how friggin thick is this bloke???? Hes not on his own, no arguments, but geez, they were warned to behave, they were told "if they blink it will be on the back and front page".

I have no doubt there are some girls out there looking for some money etc, but i also have no doubt, that the game i love is full of the thickest blokes Christ ever put breath into. For Gods sake boys, will you please grow up and start being responsible.


Fair dinkum, some of you blokes must love soap operas. Look, it was dumb mistake but he wasnt alone.
He should be made to apologise to the girl and maybe be fined half his match fee... and after that, lets just get on with the footy.
To drop him from rep footy is an overeaction and feeds the media.


Staff member
He's a scapegoat, IMO.

A combination of the C*nterbury saga & a slow news day has crucified Gaz.

Ben S.


First Grade
I can understand why people are worried given everything that has happened. And it isn't good behaviour, but now the guy has not only been suspended from SOO, he is on indefinate suspension from his club... all because of one drunken phone call....

If this was AFL the media there would not beat this up like they do for rugby league in Sydney.

John Gibbs said exactly the same thing on radio tonight... so don't all come down on me at once!


I'd like to know if any of his critics have ever made a mistake. Lucky bastards... so many perfect people in the world.