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Gaz is coming home


Can people stop blaming Gasnier for Morris leaving!

It been mentioned a million times on Jubilee Ave from people "in the know" within the club that the Gasnier negotiation had no effect on Josh leaving. The club decided to stick with Cooper at left centre and Josh then decided to move for an opportunity at the dogs.

Dave Q

I wasn't referring to Cooper. I was calling you middle-aged and washed up. You dope. LOL!

You lost the argument and now you resort to abuse (and laugh at your own purile jokes).

And by the way Mr Scribble, there is no such word as "backend"


You are my word-bitch Willow, just admit it and move on with your otherwise dull and tawdry existence!

"Godfather of LU" ha ha ...did you write that?! lol.

Dragon Dave

The decision will be ultimately up to Wayne, and I'm happy to go along with this. God it still feels good to be able to trust your coach and his decisions.

Dave Q

My word bitch scribbler has skulked away.

I bet hes planning another point-form logical attack, usually entailing a degree of personal abuse to hide from the weakness and fragility of his own argument.

I dont really care that he uses words that dont exist. If nobody tried new words the language would not develop and we would be speaking and writing in shakespearen.

Willow..the robin hood of the english language!


Dave Q

FFS steve!

either flush or put the lid down!

And just who the hell is Steve?

Would that be your "special friend" Grogvomit?

I suppose this "Steve" is the one who does that "little special somthing" for you after a dragons away win at WIN stadium?

While you sing the national anthemn.




Current Actvity on Forum: being rude and obnoxious ( ie business as usual).
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Bath's Babes

And just who the hell is Steve?

Would that be your "special friend" Grogvomit?

I suppose this "Steve" is the one who does that "little special somthing" for you after a dragons away win at WIN stadium?

While you sing the national anthemn.

Current activity on forum: Having no life (business as usual)


It seems we have gone a bit off track here. Yeah Coops is a great centre and will be for a few years yet. On the other hand JMoz is a lot younger than Coops and is quietly learning the tricks of the trade at the bulldogs. In two years time when Coops is (not coming to the end of his career, but closing in on) looking for a nice big pay cheque to finish out his career, JMoz will have matured into an excellent centre and ready to return to the club he loves. He has already suggested that he would love to be in the red and white again. Why would you throw money at an older centre when you could be signing a centre at the peak of his career and alot younger. Doust and Bennett are not stupid. Coops will end up in the uk super league and finish out his career on 600,000 a season at Wigan or Bradford.

Now back on topic. Gaz coming back. He would be a great addition to an already awesome backline. He would add the flare and razzle dazzle(the shimmy, shimmy, whoosh as Gus would put it) that was missing in 2009. Wendell still possessed some of that this year but Gaz would top it off. He is being wasted playing on the wing at the pink panthenon or where ever he is. Come back Gaz, you made ya money from yawninon, n ow come play for us on an insentive based contract. We can dream. Most people on here are all for the return of King Gaz...This is good but not at any cost...

Dave Q

Current activity on forum: Having no life (business as usual)

Yes, gregstar doenst have a life either, so well-noted.

He needs his little toe to be trodden on as well. A bit more pressure applied.

And neither of them have come back to face the music.

And I hope Gaz, who abandoned his club in its hour of need, for filthy lucre, never plays in the red and white again.


First Grade
Come on Mr bully-boy cyber hero, put your internet dukes up!!

Look..weirdo dude.

Before you accuse me of stalking....again..(cue Twilight Zone music):roll:

What starts out as reasonable conversation with you always ends in tears.
Yet again your dribble has become annoying.
You're like the kid at school with no friends and no-one wants to play with you. We try and try again but the end result is the same.
Starts as friendly banter and you end up being the goose that we all know and don't love.
Take the tip Queer !!!
If one of us went into the Russell Forum, talked garbage, we would expect to get flamed....why don't you get it??
Go away...don't come here ...plain and simple...just like you!
Run away...go and stalk the next NRL player due in court in your lunch hour!!

Dave Q

Look..weirdo dude.

Before you accuse me of stalking....again..(cue Twilight Zone music):roll:

What starts out as reasonable conversation with you always ends in tears.
Yet again your dribble has become annoying.
You're like the kid at school with no friends and no-one wants to play with you. We try and try again but the end result is the same.
Starts as friendly banter and you end up being the goose that we all know and don't love.
Take the tip Queer !!!
If one of us went into the Russell Forum, talked garbage, we would expect to get flamed....why don't you get it??
Go away...don't come here ...plain and simple...just like you!
Run away...go and stalk the next NRL player due in court in your lunch hour!!

The big boys have gone home to lick their wounds so...

Thank god that the original geniused sprog of hate has arrived.

How the hell are you -my little inbred, co*k smoking, scrote-kissing cyber staking bully-boy?

Killed any children or tortured any animals lately?

Youre a forum-molesting ETS supporter.
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First Grade
See...always ends in tears....

Quick bite...lol

So sad. I thought Gregstar had your dumpster moved away from a computer....

Run Back to the Gay Pride Of the League site....or wherever it is...

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