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El Duque

I don't have a f**king mike on this c--t of a machine so don't f**king worry.

On the edit thing I mentioned it to ninemsn ages ago and they had some lame reply
This thread deserves the hits mate. One of my favourites anywhere on the net. Learnt a load of stuff from reading this whole thread.
It's the kind of thread that probably will never fade away completely. Probably.
Smart guy the one that started it. Well done mate :)

El Duque

How do you get rid of unticked boxes from startup?

I know if you type regediit in run you can delete stuff but you can't seem to delete duplicates that aren't ticked or other ones that aren't ticked.


Assistant Moderator
She is beautiful...

You make a great used car salesman Kier ;)
How much?


I'm pretty sure we won't have a problem selling - just the other day some guy flagged us down to ask if we wanted to sell......and another guy walking past the house asked too.........neither offered quite enough though........


Assistant Moderator
Well good luck mate. :)
Doing a bit of car hunting at the moment myself but its more of asecond familyjobfor safety and comfort.... naturally involvingthefinance company.
I'm tempted to just go and and get a beaut ute like yours but I reckon it wouldn't be fully appreciated.


do it willow, put an old couch on the back.. the kids would love it..
Does a manufacturers new carwarranty become void if you install an aftermarket exhaust system to a newly purchased car?
Does it make a difference if it's installed after or before the catalytic converter?
I've heard either way from DIY's but I'm looking for a credible answer.
Any mechanics or car saleman on the forum that can help?
Thanks .
Dont quote me but a mate was going to do the same thing 2 years ago to a Lancer & Mitsubishi told him it would. In a nutshell he was told he could replace the tip & that was about all. Your best bet is to just ring your local dealer & ask. Make sure though if they say it's ok you take their name, car salesmen have beenknow to tell a porkie or 2 in the past... :D


Assistant Moderator
I'd get in writing mate.
No offence to used car salesman but even their mothers wouldn't trust what they say.
I did exhaust work to two previous cars.
One was early last year on a2001 Subaru WRX Impreza which is my current ride,and the other was a 1996 HSV Holden Senator. Both systems were installed by LiverpoolExhaust.
I checked with the two seperatedealerships on both times before I did the undercarridge work. They both told me if the work was done after the catalytic converter (which basically means the muffler and extension pipe and tip), then the warranty would not be effected. They said work done before the cat (cat, headers, muffleretc)effects emission levels set by the factorywhich meetAustralian standards. They both said exactly the same things, so I'm thinking there may be some standard rule that applies across the board. I'm guessing though.
Of course this was a Subaru and Holden. I don't know what model you're refering to so if you decide to do so, check with your manufacturer.
Tip: I checked with the dealership owner on both occasions and got it in writing from the Manager. Take note.



We all know how americans get into space -via their space shuttles- but how do the russian cosmonaughtsget into space? Do they have a re-usable system like the americans? I don't think I've ever heard anything about it before.


Assistant Moderator
I'm pretty sure this is mostly right...

The Soyuz-TMA spacecraftis a manned space vehicle or capsule andis able to getthe Cosmonauts there and back. After docking with the Space Station, the capsule remains like a sort of 'life-boat' for the station crew... although it wasnt always the case. My understanding is that the Soyuz spacecraft used to link up with the space station and the crew of the capsule swap with the crew of the station, leaving thenew station crew stranded until the next transport arrives.

Although, the Russians did once developed their own space shuttles (as has the European Space Agency), they often work with NASA. Its not unusual for a NASA Space Shuttle to actually link up with a Russian Space Station nowadays instead of utilising the Soyuz spacecraft, leaving the 'life-boat' docked.


Thanks Willow, when Isaw that a couple of the astonauts in the Columbia were not americans it got me thinking about other countries in space and I realised I knew nothing of the Russians, I can't even remember seeing a picture.