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God shall not be mocked

Who believes in God?

  • Yes

    Votes: 59 64.1%
  • No

    Votes: 33 35.9%

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  • Poll closed .


First Grade
I wrote earlier that I was reading a book with the theme that Jesus' crucifixion was staged by the Romans to unite the Christians and then use this to control them.

In the Quran it says:

[4:157] And for claiming that they killed the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, the messenger of GOD. In fact, they never killed him, they never crucified him - they were made to think that they did. All factions who are disputing in this matter are full of doubt concerning this issue. They possess no knowledge; they only conjecture. For certain, they never killed him.

Now, it could be misinterpreted but anyone can shed some light on this?

I guess when it comes to the Quran and Bible, it comes down to personal judgement which is why I hope I never say that I am right, I'm always open but my thoughts on this.

Firstly if anyone said Jesus and Muhummed were myths, I'd say historical evidence suggests otherwise but won't go into that now. Secondly, look at the lives of both Muhammed and Jesus, how they lived, what they taught and which one do you think represents God? That I guess comes down to your own personal judgement, which is why I can understand people asking whats right?

In regards to the crucifixion, many studies have been done to suggest that no-way would Jesus survive, the beatings he recieved before hand and the water spilling out of his side was evidence he had died. That in itself isn't proof of anykind i know but when you look at how the apostles reacted afterwards. Jesus taught many times he would rise from the dead and even after the crucifixion the apostles didn't believe he would rise, they had their doubt. Thomas said that unless I put my fingers in the holes of his hand, in his side I will not believe. This is one of Jesus closest friends denying the very thing Jesus taught. Now as the bible claims he appeared to them and Jesus told Thomas not to doubt but believe and to touch the wounds. No we go from Thomas denying Jesus to Thomas believing Jesus and ultimately being put to death for his faith. From that what I think is that Thomas must have actually have seen this otherwise I can't comprehend him dying for wat he knew was a lie. He obviously went from unbeleiving, which in turn he would not have been killed, into a believer and ultimately got killed along with 11 other apostles. I don't know too many people who would willingly die for what they knew was a lie, it would have been alot easier for them to deny their faith and live.

Also records from Jospehus a jewish historian and the Mishna which is an account of court rulings also speak of the Crucifixion of Jesus.

Sorry for the rant again and I stress I am not saying I am right, just my own thoughts.

Sorry mate, didn't realise you replied, my bad.

You and I know both know you don't need a Bible to tell us what is right or wrong. My question is very simple, if there is no God, who defines right and wrong? I am happy for this argument to say there is no God, who then defines what is right and what is wrong. Are there moral absolutes or not?

Apologies Snooch . . . "right" or "wrong" may very well be relative only to the human experience, and any other living creature with a conscience (or perhaps even pain perception) that we impact upon.

And speaking in these terms, generally humans know the differences between the two.

I believe there is a form of autism, where those afflicted can not recognise the feelings and emotions of others, and what impact their own actions has upon these. This is probably the exception.

Knowing the difference between the two, and actually respecting what is "right" and acting in its best interests I think are two very different things.

Self-interest in many, will trump "right" and "wrong" arguments in majority occasions.

Other people may rationalise what they initially feel is "wrong", into something acceptable, to appease their own conscience.

I do not think anyone is above doing this in varying degrees.

But I honestly believe, that most humans know enough "right" from "wrong" to function co-operatively within society.

Whether they chose to act upon these notions, is an entirely different matter altogether.


First Grade
Apologies Snooch . . . "right" or "wrong" may very well be relative only to the human experience, and any other living creature with a conscience (or perhaps even pain perception) that we impact upon.

And speaking in these terms, generally humans know the differences between the two.

I believe there is a form of autism, where those afflicted can not recognise the feelings and emotions of others, and what impact their own actions has upon these. This is probably the exception.

Knowing the difference between the two, and actually respecting what is "right" and acting in its best interests I think are two very different things.

Self-interest in many, will trump "right" and "wrong" arguments in majority occasions.

Other people may rationalise what they initially feel is "wrong", into something acceptable, to appease their own conscience.

I do not think anyone is above doing this in varying degrees.

But I honestly believe, that most humans know enough "right" from "wrong" to function co-operatively within society.

Whether they chose to act upon these notions, is an entirely different matter altogether.

Well said, and I can promise you that you and I will probably agree 99% of the time what is right and what is wrong. Your morals and my morals will no doubt be the same.


84 Baby

A perfect example of religion corrupting common sense morals.
Thus why I don't believe religion should be allowed. Even if there really is a god, religion is now the domain of the corrupt and corruptible. If anything can be taken from the Bible is that if everyone stopped believing in him that would be the perfect time for him to actually show himself. In essence to actually prove your beliefs would be to actually stop believing in them. That would be a true martyr, someone willing to receive the wrath of god for renouncing him, but renouncing him in the hope that it would bring god forth so that everyone else could then see god. Perhaps 2000 years after that day we can have this conversation again.
It was used by christians to identify one another when they were being persecuted. They would draw it in the sand.

The word ICTHUS means fish in ancient greek language and is an acrostic.
I - Jesus
C - Christ
TH - God's
U - Son
S - Saviour


You see, Jesus was the Avatar for the Age of Pisces (which we now live in). He took the symbol of the fish from the astrological symbol for Pisces.

We see other references to the astrological Ages/symbols when the Israelites got in trouble for worshipping the Bull and the Ram after Moses came down from Mt. Sinai. The Bull and the Ram represent Taurus and Aries, the two Ages prior to Pisces.

We're soon to enter the Age of Aquarius. With Aquarius symbolising knowledge and enlightenment, and with the coming of Aquarius signalling the passing of Pisces, perhaps Christianity is on its way out...


When you bend your knees the hem comes up above your ankle line. Plus, the robes give plenty of free movement for the lower half of the body which is good for double kick.


First Grade

You see, Jesus was the Avatar for the Age of Pisces (which we now live in). He took the symbol of the fish from the astrological symbol for Pisces.

We see other references to the astrological Ages/symbols when the Israelites got in trouble for worshipping the Bull and the Ram after Moses came down from Mt. Sinai. The Bull and the Ram represent Taurus and Aries, the two Ages prior to Pisces.

We're soon to enter the Age of Aquarius. With Aquarius symbolising knowledge and enlightenment, and with the coming of Aquarius signalling the passing of Pisces, perhaps Christianity is on its way out...

The fish is not an uncommon thing and as a symbol was used in pre-Xian times as well.... it would be unwise, in my opinion, to say that it is only a Xian symbol and that your explanation may have some merit.
History points to it being used in the way I outlined and that is how it's used by Xians today.

Casper The Ghost

First Grade
Mission statement from the website:

Hope Rwanda is a faith-based, non-profit organisation that exists to restore hope and justice to the people of Rwanda. We unite individuals, churches, governments, NGOs, education, trade, healthcare and business professionals to offer practical solutions to a country devastated by war, genocide and poverty. By developing local relationships, we empower people to bring reconciliation and restore hope and dignity.

Very evil. :roll:

Freedom or Compliance?

Our leaders love to tell us how lucky we are in the Western World because we are FREE, but are we free or are we just compliant? If freedom is being able to do what you want, when you want, taking responsibility to do no harm to others and the earth, does that sound like the lives we live? Are you free to spend your days however you please? Are you free to spend the day in the garden with your children growing food for the family? Are you free to raise your children however you choose with no interference from third parties? Are you free to even own a dog without interference from third parties that demand you microchip and register your dog? Are you free to do whatever you like on "your" land? Are you free to choose whether to obey all the rules and regulations of the system you live under?

We are given the illusion of freedom and choice because we have choices within the system in that we are allowed to choose where to live, what job to take etc but we do NOT have the freedom to choose whether we want to live under this system or not. If you doubt this, try telling the powers that be that you no longer wish to pay their illegal taxes, you no longer wish to follow their endless rules and regulations and that you do not accept their authority over you. See how long it is before the heavies start turning up on your doorstep, making your life very uncomfortable indeed.

We are not free; we comply with the system in order not to be harassed by the representatives of the system. We have documented incontrovertible evidence of this fact here:

The system of the "free" Western World Civilisation of Commerce is creeping insidiously into every nook and cranny of the Earth, its dark realities disguised by media spin and material goods. Countries where Establishment engineered fighting and de-stabilisation have caused chaos and genocide are "saved" by Establishment "peace keeping" forces until "Democracy" can be established, often with Establishment religious bodies raising lots of money for rebuilding, etc. This all seems very rosy until you realise that with the "democracy" come all the rules, regulations, rituals, conditions, commercialism, materialism and dog-eat-dog amorality of the Western World Civilisation of Commerce. The chains of compliance come wrapped in shiny packaging.
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Casper The Ghost

First Grade
If you can''t get your brain around these facts of logic you are truly lost and possibly beyond help

The True Language Of MANS Tongue

Before the introduction of
esoteric and occultic sacred geometry/geometry, mathematics and all read and write alphabet languages, the satanic tools used to create ALL con-structs (structures of the CON) of the Western World Civilisation Of Commerce, we (MAN) spoke the language of the natural world, of creation and were able to communicate with all life forms, inanimate or not, using the true sounds and expressions of all our senses (sight, sound, touch, taste, feel, smell/scent) that make up the consciousness of MAN. The true language of MANS expression and communication is through body gestures, sounds, art and craft, intuition, perception and sensory images projected through feelings and thoughts (i.e. telepathy and teleportation of the body of MAN).

Anywhere MAN journeyed he/she was able to communicate with others of MAN (tribes, villages, communities) using the true language of MANS tongu
e, something which is impossible with the read and write alphabet languages we presently use. The villagers would recognise the journeying MAN as their brother and sister just as the journeying MAN recognised them as his/her brothers and sisters. Everything created and cared for between them was shared. In the real world of MAN there are no strangers.

Thinking and feeling ONLY occurs in the here and now

The natural world is MAN and MAN is the natural world because we (MAN) think and feel it at all times in the here and now and we are the only ones who can think and feel MAN (The Nature Of MAN) here and now. Every thought and feeling ever felt, thought and acted on by MAN is felt, thought and acted upon in the here and now. Everything of nature happens only in the here and now; the sun only shines in the here and now, the wind only blows in the here and now, the plants only grow in the here and now and we only sleep and breathe in the here and now. Nowhere else do these things occur!

When we talk about the natural world we are talking about the Nature Of MAN because the natural world cannot exist without MAN to think and feel it. That thinking and feeling is the information that makes up the consciousness of MAN and, through the unlimited sensors of our brain tapping into that consciousness, we are connected to every other life form of creation. This is why we have eyes to see, ears to hear, hands to touch, noses to smell, mouths to taste and feelings to comprehend and to connect with everything. Our senses of creation are receptors to the information (consciousness) of creation of all life-forms, inanimate or not, which help us to bring into focus the consciousness of the information of the life form we are observing and contemplating.

Our thinking and feeling create the images that we focus on and put our energy/power of creation into, just as a film projector focuses on the image on the film passing in front of it and projects it into the cinema of life, from which it bounces back. This is how we create our dreams, using the brain projecting the images onto the canvas of life where they bounce back at us. Just as we blow air into a balloon so that it can take the shape it was designed to be, so we put our energy/power of creation into our dreams to give them life by expanding them.

All this is occurring in the here and now as it has for our ancestors and will for our descendants. Creation (life) exists because our ancestors (of MAN) felt and thought this information here and now, passed it on to their descendants (of MAN) who felt and thought this information here and now. We (of MAN) are in the here and now thinking and feeling this information and acting on it by passing on this information to our children (of MAN) in the here and now as well. The here and now presence of MANS life (creation - the information/consciousness of MAN) is unbroken because the information (consciousness) of MANS life has not yet been completely forgotten about HERE AND NOW.

Creation requires MAN to think and feel the information of creation (life) to energise life otherwise the life of MANS nature will no longer exist

Something to ponder........ Without MAN thinking, feeling and acting on the information of creation (life/reality) here and now there would be no creation. If we removed MAN out of the equation, rubbed MAN off the blackboard so that no MAN existed here and now to think and feel life anymore, who would there be to think, feel and act on the information of creation (life)? Remember, you the reader can't answer the question because everything you can think of, feel and act upon is coming from you, MAN!!! So again we ask the question...... If we removed MAN out of the equation, rubbed MAN off the blackboard so that no MAN existed here and now to think and feel life anymore, who would there be to think, feel and act (expand) on the information of creation (life)?

All of MANS brains are intricately connected with all of MANS brains

The consciousness (information of all of creation - life - reality) of all of MAN that ever was and ever will be is our consciousness here and now. Consciousness always exists in the here and now and is always available to us here and now. The consciousness of MAN is without beginning or end, is linked to every MAN that was, is and ever will be and that consciousne
ss (the collective consciousness of MAN) is GOD. Every MAN is thinking and feeling that information of GOD (MAN) in the eternal here and now. Every dream has a creator and the consciousness of MAN is the creator (GOD) of MAN.

If, as children, we were left alone by our brainwashed/braindirtied families, educators, etc, and allowed to be in nature to observe and interact with the life forms we found there, we would learn how to connect with consciousness so that all the information we ever needed was available for us to learn from and expand whenever we needed it. When we observed a flower, we would get information about the flower directly from the flower rather than relying on someone or something else to tell us about the flower. This information we receive from reality tells us everything about who we really are and what we are really part of. Getting the information directly from the nature of MAN helps us to remember who we really are and what our purpose is.

The Nature Of MAN

Everything of creation including what we are told are stars, planets, asteroids and every aspect of nature & earth is MANS body because we think and feel it, our body, and we act in this body
which is the dream that is The Nature Of MAN. The body of MAN is the body of GOD and the body of life (creation/reality) is the body of MAN which is the body of GOD. Everything of consciousness is life sustainable, does not need our belief and does not need outside maintenance. We do not need to memorise it because it exists regardless of what we are focusing on and putting our energy into. A tree deep in the forest exists whether we see it or not, think of it or not and believe in it or not. There is no memorisation required with consciousness - it is always there, in the here and now, for us to tap into if we choose to.

There is always a MAN thinking and feeling the nature (consciousness/information) of MAN and this energy/power of creation created by MAN energises and expands the collective consciousness of life (the nature of MAN). The dream of this creation will never fade away while MAN does not completely forget about it.

The consciousness of life does not escape us and is not apart from us. For example, we do not need to jump 10 feet across the room to grab our next breath of air - wherever we are (taking full responsibility for our lives), the next breath is right there when we need it in the here and now.
There is nowhere we can go where there is no consciousness. All we can do is forget consciousness by focusing on information that has nothing to do with consciousness and makes us slaves because it is not life sustainable and requires us to memorise it and keep putting our energy/power of creation into the memories (images) of this information to prop them up and keep them going.
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